BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR *

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Bushveld Jock
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BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR *

Post by Bushveld Jock »

Part 1 Travel Tales from Forest to Beach to Bush July 2013
Part 2 BJ's TT from Bush to Beach - Mkhuze to Cape Vidal July 2013

Part 3
Imfolozi - Mpila Camp

After a short trip from St Lucia we arrive at the Nyalazi gate to enter Imfolozi game reserve. We were informed that warthog in the garden at reception was not a statue, but a real warthog taking a nap. Info on the fuel available was also given, namely if you drive a diesel car stay at Hluhluwe and petrol vehicles go to Imfolozi. ^0^ =O: =O: As you already know we drive a diesel car and had to go in the wrong direction of staying at a camp where there is only petrol available. Wonder if it is still a problem.

We booked in before 12 pm and after unpacking our stuff in one of the tented accommodation we took an afternoon drive. No cats that late, but we had plenty rhino sightings.




And just a feather friend before you think we only saw rhinos

Last edited by Bushveld Jock on Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:59 am, edited 4 times in total.

Kgalagadi: Dec 2015
KNP Maroela, Shingwedzi & Pretoriuskop: March 2016
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Re: BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR

Post by Bushveld Jock »

Imfolozi Game Reserve: Mpila camp Day 2

It was still dark at "gate" opening time and giving us enough time to get all our gear for the morning drive while it was getting slightly lighter. Near the first split we took a left turn stopping first at Mpafa Hide. It a short walk to the hide, but still long enough to be caught with out any protection when facing elephant or lion with the car or hide not close enough to retreat to. We were lucky not to have this encounter and followed the road further toward Cengani gate. Shortly after the hide we saw more animals like zebra, giraffe and impala. I am sure this must be a good area for cheetah as well but saw no cats, but guess what a family of rhino. They were very startled when they saw us and stormed across the road. You can see from the tail they did not appreciate our presence.



After the rhino's we had our 2nd elephant sighting but no good pics to show. Our next stop was the hide along Ngotsha loop. We were a bit disappoint with the lack of water, but at least saw some animals coming in to drink from the small pond.


As we were approaching the lookout over the Black Imfolozi (no 17) we saw our first traffic jam of 4 cars. That means one thing LIONS!!!!


While all of us concentrated on the males the females walked passed our backs and jumped into the river to cross to the sand bank. The guy that heard the splash were standing outside his vehicle and did not think he will see a lion suddenly appearing out of the bush. He also came from the hide and did not know about the lions. At first we wanted to stop at the look-out as well but were so eager to see cats that we missed this opportunity.


After the excitement of the lions we drove off to Sontuli Picnic spot and saw this guy crossing our path not too far from the lions.


More sightings on the way back to the camp.





Later that evening we had a few small visitors to our braai, but no hyaena or bush pigs. Wonder what BC is putting on the fire to all those hungry visitors at Mpila.


Kgalagadi: Dec 2015
KNP Maroela, Shingwedzi & Pretoriuskop: March 2016
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Re: BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR

Post by Bushveld Jock »

Hi Toko, Pumba, Mel, and Lisbeth,

Imfolozi is one of the best parks to spot rhino, but you can also be lucky and see all of the Big 5, cheetah and wild dogs in one day. The rhino sighting in the morning mist was very special. It was a very quiet morning with cool mist around the valleys and as we were searching for cheetah we suddenly came across this group of rhino. Usually rhinos are very peaceful, but the one rhino turned around and ran towards us. The photo may not show it, but it was one of the longest horns I've seen before. The black rhino's were a bit shy and we only saw white rhino.


As you must have notice elephant and buffalo dung are close to the path way near Mpafa. We found it a bit quiet but next time I'll back that extra pair of undies just in case I bump into any of the mega fauna.

Bhejane hide has the same possibility to be just as great as Masinga hide in Mkhuze for photographers. I am sure if there is more water you will see more buffalo and wildebeest coming to drink followed by lions.

It is definitely a different story to braai in one of KZN parks. Love those missing gates and no waiting time for the gate to open.


Hope you enjoy the next episode. ;-)

Kgalagadi: Dec 2015
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Re: BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR

Post by Bushveld Jock »

Mpila Camp: Day 3

Today we drove out to Sontuli loop. The is one of the best drive I can recommend whenever you visit Imfolozi. Our first sighting was no other than a rhino, followed by wilde bees.



View of the Black Imfolozi:



Lion calling after the females that left him on its own.



No game drive without spotting birds or rhino is possible.



Kgalagadi: Dec 2015
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Re: BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR

Post by Bushveld Jock »

Sontuli loop continuous:

O0 for all the great comments on the first part. The next episode took place after we left the lion on the one side of Sontuli loop. When we started this loop an impala came rushing by very unexpectedly out of the forest right in front of our car. We looked around if any predator was following as we could not understand that our car could have frightened this antelope in a flight for life mission. After seeing no follwers we continued where we saw the lion and drove back again. Not sure what happened there after, but when we back track the loop and got close to the start of the loop a huge traffic jam was on the entrance side.

While we were busy watching lions a pack of wild dogs killed an impala you can say near 10 - 15 minutes after we passed that spot. They still had plenty of meat left to eat, but were already threatened by a couple of hyeanas looking out to score. In a way we missed a once in a life time witnessing of how wild dogs kill there prey, but I am glad we got into the scene 5 - 10 minutes later.

We had a good position at the sighting, but it started to rain and the long grass made it difficult to get great pics.




A hyaena stormed in and ran off with the spine right into our direction of our car with a biting wild dog on its ankle.


Well at least one dog kept the leg.


The fight continues...


And some must just wait until the dogs will be finished of a gap to grab the left overs.


During this episode a jeep jocky started screaming we need to move away, but with cars double parked in front of us we could not get out. Poor Moshi was still in bed and even though we wanted to move on and go and fetch him at camp we could not get out. BC will know how narrow that road is, but somehow Jeep Jockey pushed through and got to the sighting and we could leave as well.
So its not only in Kruger you get told to move, but I must say not so many cars compared to some of the traffic jams I've seen.

Imfolozi TBC

Kgalagadi: Dec 2015
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Re: BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR

Post by Bushveld Jock »

Bushcraft wrote:Wow, awesome sighting O\/ O\/ O\/ ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

It’s a narrow road so I can imagine the chaos. 0*\ You should have given that JJ a toffee 0'

We just ignore her because she was last in the queue with us in the opposite direction facing them with one car behind, about 50 meters from the turn-off after the bridge at No 15. To move on we had to get passed two lines of cars parked in front of us on the left and right of the narrow track so that they could all see the action.

Just imagine while you are watching you here a loud whistle and then a high pitch voice screaming. Quite intimidating, but I was not prepare to reverse around Sontuli loop. :evil: :evil: Best of all SO moved to the left front passenger seat with me in the back seats. No driver. -O- . We showed her driver bailed out. ^0^ ^0^ =O: =O: =O:

When we got back in the afternoon the doggies were down at the bridge sleeping after they had a drink. We were a bit late and just looked at them for a few sec from the bridge. SO's words were "I told you they will get thirsty and come down to drink. 0=

Kgalagadi: Dec 2015
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Re: BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR

Post by Bushveld Jock »

Bush Brat wrote:What a great sighting...doggies and hyenas all in one!! O\/ O\/

Bush Brat,

There are several packs in the area and your chances are good to spot wild dogs. While we stayed there teams from EWT were tracking dogs close to Mpila camp and in the far north-west corner of the park. They run a volunteer program so that the public can join them on tracking trips. Bit expensive, but something worthwhile to do after you finish school. ... nes-ewt-15

Kgalagadi: Dec 2015
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Re: BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR

Post by Pumbaa »

Awesome sighting and pictures of the fighting hyaenas and wild dogs O/\ O/\ O/\


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Re: BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR

Post by Bushveld Jock »

Pumbaa, Duke, Flutterby, Mel, nan, Toko, BB and Heksie,

This was my 2nd time than I saw wild dogs in the wild and were really thrilled that they stayed at the same place so long. My 1st sighting was only 5 minutes long. As I've said before it was the best that the poor impala was already eaten with bones and spine left when we got there. Can not imagine how it must have been to see the whole kill from start and best not to witness. :-( Hope we will have the same luck again next time. O\/ O\/ O\/

Kgalagadi: Dec 2015
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Re: BJ's TT from Beach to Bush - Imfolozi GR

Post by Bushveld Jock »

Mpila camp: Day 3 continues

After the wild dog sighting we went back to camp for brunch. We went back to the kill still finding the doggies to show Moshi what he missed out. The rest of the day was spent at Bhejane hide and a drive to Mpafa hide. The sightings were very good along this way, but by now the cat and dogs were sleeping. :O^



Red Pumbas


Pumbas doing what they like the best at Bhejane hide







Mpila camp: Day 4

Our early morning route took us to the north western corner of the park. We skipped Mpafa hide and drove to Ngotsha loop in the hope to see elephant again or cheetah, but no luck. First sightings of the day was rhino and giraffe.



Instead of the 4x4 route we headed straight towards Bhejane hide. Along the road we found the EWT tracking vehicle and stopped for a chat. They were in very close range of a wild dog pack, but no road were leading towards them. It was only a few seconds after they disappeared in our rear-view mirror that we saw this lady walking up the road. No wonder the doggies did not want to come out and play. O**


Kgalagadi: Dec 2015
KNP Maroela, Shingwedzi & Pretoriuskop: March 2016
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