And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....*

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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Normally also the animals are always a bit skittish and when a car is coming closer they take a look and galloping away at least we could spot a group of kudus and a couple of impalas


and lots of European rollers once again searching for breakfast


and also a rufous-naped lark could be seen as well


and whilst travelling along we enjoyed more breathtaking bush views



and more sparrows searching for something yummy on the ground. We so far did not see these birds often when in the park although common but finally we could also get a picture of them.


More general game was not to be seen at least on this part of the road but another rufous-naped lark sang us a song


and the views were simply good for our soul.


Far too soon we reached the S100 as this road is also part of the Mananga trail until we can get officially off road again on the S41 shortly behind the Gudzani dam. So whilst turning into the S100 we had once again the road nearly all to ourselves as most of the cars meanwhile were elsewhere at this time of the day. We soon had to stop for a swaison francolin mom crossing with her two chicks the road not to forget to complain heavily about their disturbance.



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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As we normally do not drive the S100 without also checking out all the smaller loops leading closer to the riverbed of the Sweni we today had luck in spotting a red-collared barbet peeping out of a hole in one of the trees extending nearly into the river.


The rest of the road was quiet but in the last loop where we had the honour in spending last year nearly a whole morning with a lion couple we now had the honour in spotting a large group of giraffes in the riverbed


some of them were drinking whilst others were on the lookout and due to the many of them the drinking giraffe had its private look-out into all directions.



We simply stopped the car and enjoyed to be nearly part of their group and whilst we standing there also a herd of impalas walked by also in order to take a drink from the river.


Today was all the day a lovely day partly with more clouds than blue sky but the temperature was in fact bearable and also the animals obviously loved it that way.


After nearly the whole group of giraffes finally disappeared out of sight we also carried on and paid Gudzani dam a visit but before we reached the dam these two ladies wanted to take a closer look.


to be continued...


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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We had another lovely break at Gudzani and noticed the many and noisy hippos in the water


before we finally could drive off road again and we met many of the ever present carmine bee eaters


and a bit farer away a colourful crested barbet.


On the trail we had to drive through a small area with a lot of smaller rocks and after checking out a couple of movements on the rocks we noticed a lot of different species of lizards



which for sure were hiding whilst we drove closer but whilst switching the engine off and waiting they came out again and continued their sunbath on the hot rocks.



In the beginning that part of the trail is extreme overgrown with bushes and trees and the vegetation is very thick but we once again could spot more carmine bee eaters and we (or better to say Timon) simply had to photograph nearly each carmine bee eater in the park


and only a bit further down the smaller ones of that specie – the little bee eaters could be admired as well.


As they do not come across that often as maybe the carmines or European ones we were again happy to discover them again on that trail as we could photograph them to our hearts content without being pushed by other cars


and gladly the gorgeous looking cute and colourful fluff balls always returned to nearly the same branch after they caught some creepy crawlers.




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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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I simply cannot get enough from all these different colours


after we admired them for a long time they disappeared and we carried on only to stop for more resting waterbucks


and a lone impala ram who was surrounded by masses of flies


and the flies joined us and around the next corner we even found out why – a large herd of buffaloes was blocking the road


and most of them were resting at least at that time of the day it was allowed to take to midday nap.


At first sight we stopped and photographed from where we stood but after a while we dared to come closer



and they made willingly room, whilst standing up only to lay down again behind our car and now we once again were surrounded by buffaloes who stared at us with their impressive faces


and we accepted the invitation and started to take buffalo portraits from nearly each member of the herd.


Soon we were fascinated by their different faces and horns that we again forgot the time and fired away.


Nearly all of them had quite impressive horns even the cows and there were as well lots of little ones running around their legs and some old boys as well.


to be continued....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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We also had luck as no other persons obviously did the Mananga trail on that day so we still had the trail all to ourselves and nobody wanted to pass. It was only us and the meowing grey pack.


They even allowed themselves a closer look and came closer and we could photograph them in full glory with their sometimes astonishing faces.



“Did you see my Mom?” For sure we tried to capture some pictures of the little calves but that was nearly impossible as either mom was hiding them very well or the other members of the herd.




What a fantastic experience to be so long a member of their herd but finally we had to leave whereas all the buffaloes still stayed as relaxed as they were and did not move any further and we had luck in finding another specie of the bee eaters on that trail – The European ones – I simply love the variety of birds in Kruger in summer.



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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More of the ever present waterbucks came across as well and then we already stood in front of the turn off into the S90 and the Mananga trail experience was already over. We might had started the trail once again but we would not have made it in time to drive the whole trail twice so we slowly made our way back into the direction of camp



but also the S90 is good for some game watching stops and first we spotted a pair of steenboks – Funny is that at exactly the same spot we nearly saw already often this pair at least we think it is the same pair.



Due to the time of the day the rest of the S90 was unfortunately extreme quiet even the birds kept away but we had luck in spotting a burchall’s coucal as always these birds do nearly always hide in thick bushes


and even a juvenile could be captured whilst peeping out of the bush.


On the H1-4 already close to camp we noticed the unmistakably call of ground hornbills but the noise came from high above and we spotted a large group in a tree – “Is there anybody home?”


Between the group we also could identify a juvenile which is always a great pleasure to watch.


With the steadily getting louder "mpf mpf" sound som of them started to check the bark of the tree in which they stayed and one piece of bark after the other fell to the ground.


Whilst watching them we also spotted another European roller with a just caught kill.


to be continued...


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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We in fact spent a lot of time under that tree and meanwhile all of the ground hornbills flew down to the ground and started to forage


and they removed themselves further into the bush until nearly all of them could no longer be seen.


We made our way back to camp slowly and had to stop for an orange thing in a bush – In fact do not know what this might could be?


In the vicinity of the camp there is always a lot of general game to be found and this year it was time to take some more of the already hundreds of impala shots


together with their ever present hitchhikers complaining heavily about something.



Time for a well needed scratch


and we discovered also a very well hidden warthog


and finally Timon captured again tender moments between mom and her little one and this turned out to be one of my favourite shots we took this year.


We also came across a troop of baboons, carmine bee eaters and European rollers.


I cannot explain where we lost time but when we finally returned to camp it was already 16.30 o’clock and I had the idea of if space might be available that we can do a night drive tonight – I immediately checked with the reception also in order to report that we are safely back from the Mananga trail and to get back our deposit and what to say we had luck there was still space on the night drive and so I booked us in as I already so much wanted to participate at a night drive when staying at Satara – I do not need to do this each trip but from time to time I have to be out in the dark in the bush with all the night sounds and smells.

As our braai would have to be a bit hectic we even decided to have dinner at the new restaurant and we must say that it was more than yummy – We both had two different salads and they were wonderful and rich and tasted fantastic. Funny was that since our very first visit to the restaurant at Satara in 2004 we always had been served by the same waiter and each year he remembered us and so it was again a great and loud reunion.

A bit time was still left to relax afterwards on our verandah and it was then already pitch dark when we were about to board our game drive vehicle and we had a very knowledgeable guide named Maxwell and first we drove onto the H1-4 into northerly direction where we right met a large herd of elephants all feeding with great appetite


followed by a group of still resting hyaenas



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

and one of the many scrub hares we saw.


Must say we struggled a bit in taking pictures as either the position where we were seated was not that ideal or either the camera settings where not correct and then there was always one person handling the spotlight in front of us but for us it was already clear that this was not a photographic excursion but more to find out what is out in the bush by night. The steenbokkies looked funny as they were resting on the ground and due to their long ears they looked on first sight a bit like rabbits.

The elephant herds occurred plentiful and then we turned into the S90 where we spotted out first African wild cat but unfortunately could not capture same and then we went off road


where we spotted a couple of time an African marsh owls another lifer for us – Either it were three different individuals or we spotted three times a different one. At least we could tick another never seen bird again and on top it was another new owl.


A rhino bull crossed the small trail and we got at least his bum to see


and we had to drive even more off the road as this night jar was not willing under no circumstances to clear the road.



Suddendly we stood on an airstrip in the bush (interesting what is all hiding behind the bushes and high grass which you can see from the road!) and here was obviously rush hour as we spotted another African wild cat, a genet, a wildebeest and a very relaxed jackal.


We then turned back to the tar road and we already thought the drive was over but gladly we drove until the crossing and there we met again the lions we already saw the day before obviously the female had chosen a male and he was now following her permanently.


It was also another game drive vehicle at this sighting which left the camp a bit earlier than us and therefore it was a lot of spotlights shining into the bush illuminating the beautiful couple but for us it was not easy to get decent shots as we always had a spotlight right under our noses.


The lions were at least a wonderful completion of this exciting night drive experience



and with two more female lions following the honeymoon couple we drove back to camp,


thanked the guide for his enthusiasm and fell immediately into deep sleep as soon as we reached our bungalow.

to be continued....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

Tuesday, 24. February 2015 – Satara

Roads we paid a visit today: H1-4 – S90 – S41 – H6 – H1-3 – H7 – S100

Today was already our last full day in Satara at least not in the park but to leave Satara makes me always extreme sad – I do not know why but that is a fact – But sadness had to be postponed as we still had a whole day in that area ahead of us and so we wanted to start driving the S90 which becomes more and more our most favourite road in that area.

It was cloudy and the visibility was not that good and so we left camp with gate opening time nearly in complete darkness and only when we already travelled a couple of kilometres on the S90 it got a bit brighter and a breathtaking sunrise could be admired



right in the same moment an elephant herd arrived and so we simply had to stop for our last Satara sunrise at least for that trip and had to sigh.


Moreover we arrived there just at the right time as only seconds later the sun was already covered by clouds and that magical moment was over


but the elephants came closer instead.


One even had a floppy ear



and we could enjoy more wonderful moments with them especially when you always hear their low rumble from time to time – That is elephant magic for me.


Further down the road the zebras were already in full swing – They were already very playful



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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and naughty at that time of the day


and where there are zebras wildebeests are not far.


A large elephant bull walked also by


and he even came closer


and closer but gladly he was one of the gentle ones.


“I am smelling you!”


We even had luck in spotting some ostriches as they were at least not a common sighting this year


and I already started to miss them as that area is normally a good ground to spot them.


More zebra and wildebeest herds all mixed up could be spotted in the distance and another lovely sighting we had was this giraffe mom and her little one


unfortunately the ran away from us as the sound of the car must have frightened them – “Please wait mom your legs are larger than mine!”



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