Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

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Re: Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

Post by Richprins »

Katja wrote: Sun May 27, 2012 12:24 pm Saturday 30th July we left Biyamiti and were on our way to Skukuza where we would spend the next two nights. It is really difficult to get out of the gate at opening time, especially with the kids. Johanna never wanted to leave the warm bed and I believe Denise would have loved to sleep a bit longer too. Therefore it wasn’t bad that we nearly made it a 6.15 each morning.

The sunrise was breathtaking and lots of pics were taken.


Again one of the first animals was a Commun Duiker.


They are so shy and it vanished into the bush all too soon. Johanna loved those little antelopes and often was frustrated when she wasn’t fast enough to take a pic. We are not only looking for the Big 5, so there was lots of interest, such as this lovely plant.


We saw Hornbills, Grey Louries (which were to fast again to take a bird in flight pic ), Steenboks and a Wooly-necked Stork preening himself and asorbing the first warm rays of sunshine.


It was a typical morning in KNP, with Giraffes crossing the road, birds singing like being in a competitiion. I couldn’t think of being at a better place. A lone Kudu bull showed us his beauty, he looked really impressive with his huge horns and the Pearl-spotted Owlet looked like she had a terrible night. Moreover some Slender Mongooses decided to give us a show instead of rushing across a road.




I told my family a lot about the Biyamiti Weir, that some mites took pics of crocs and heron and that it must be an awesome place. So on we went to this special place. On our way another Steenbok watched us curiously. A funny sighting as at the beginning she looked like she had no ears.


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Re: Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

Post by Richprins »

Kruger Sightings
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2h2 hours ago

10 Wild dogs on the move
Biyamiti private access, 1km from Biyamiti camp
Tinged by Riaan Nysschens

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15h15 hours ago

Male leopard right next to the road
"Gave us 20 minutes of amazing photos then moved off into the bush."
S139, close to Biyamiti Bushveld Camp
Near Malelane
Vis 5/5
Tinged by Riaan - Embrace Africa Safaris

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Re: Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

Post by Richprins »

From a 2014 Pumbaa story:

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Pumbaa wrote: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:48 pm
Whilst we were lingering at the weir only two cars wanted to pass and gladly for us drove on quickly without paying notice to the plenty of birds. Finally we turned into the S139 the private but also very thick and overgrown hilly road leading to Biyamiti and we in fact did not expect to see anything but gladly we were once again surprised positively! Only after listening to the permanent rustle of leaves and cracking of branches we could identify a herd of elephants out of which only this fellow could be seen clearly all the other members stayed invisible but definitely could not be missed although we only spotted an ear or part of the grey skin.


After we also had luck in discovering another rhino and a group of ground hornbills Timon once again triumphantly stopped in front of a thick trunk and started to click away and leaving me in the back seat puzzled what he was photographing that extensively – Finally I spotted another very well camouflaged European nightjar sleeping or better to say tried to sleep in part of the trunk.


Gladly for us that this is a private road and the whole time until we reached finally Biyamiti camp itself the road was ours with no other cars in sight so we had lots of time to capture the sleepy nightjar.


As already said we were positively surprised by the variety of animals we met in the midday heat on that road and compared to the area from which we were just coming obviously the majority of animals do favoured still that thick and shady part of the park. On the first loop leading to the Biyamiti riverbed offering an awesome view into same where a giant old fig and a sausage tree have grown old together in entangled splendour (as so poetically described in Prime Origins Guide to Best Birding in Kruger) and as if the view into the two giant trees standing at the edge of the view point is not already stunning we finally could also capture one of the most wanted birds during that trip although it was extreme tricky to stick the huge lens out of the car and point same upwards but we can now proudly present our very first green pigeon


indeed not a stunner shot but our very first green pigeon. At that stage we did not knew that we will meet a lot more of them during the following days.....
Pumbaa wrote: Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:39 am Whilst leaving that stunning view point with the beautiful old trees we spotted a lone elephant bull busy in spraying mud over its body from a remaining puddle although I found it strange to even find an elephant in that height on such a view point but it must have been his favourite territory as two days later we had the honour of meeting him again.....gladly it was one of the friendlier ones!

Another lovely sighting was that we finally could capture one of the noisy woodland kingfishers we heard whilst travelling on that road.


Nearly at camp we had to be careful as a whole gang of vervet monkeys were blocking the road and after one of the tiny babies observed us curiously extensively mom called same immediately and had to be at Mom’s disposition


although the little one could not stop in looking at the big white thing sticking out of the window.


With a new awakening in camp new roads applied to be discovered and as first car we made our way South to see what might come across. First of all an elephant mom in a hurry came across


junior and the rest of her herd obviously were already heading forward so she had to keep up with them.

Around the next corner we nearly got kissed by a white rhino


which was still extreme sleepy and paid no attention at us all.

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Re: Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

Post by Richprins »


Kruger Sightings
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4m4 minutes ago

Wild dogs came onto the road
S139, about 1.5km towards the Biyamiti weir
Vis was 5/5, now moved off
Tinged by Ben and Henri

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Re: Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

Post by Richprins »

Pumbaa again in 2015:
Pumbaa wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:00 am Today we also had luck as the owl had chosen a branch at least for us which was simply perfect with no leaves hiding the feathered beauty.


Needless to say that we once again stayed extreme long and nearly at the end the owl also needed a bit of stretching to be ready for the night’s hunt.


and drove slowly back to camp, the sun already started to go down and the light was simply perfect now and so the white backed vulture in a dead tree simply had to be captured.


We also came across a family of ground hornbills out of which the younger one dared to cross the street


whereas the older ones were searching for something to bite in the green grass.



Somehow also the rush hour started again carwise and also animalwise and besides the many cars which came across also two lovely rhinos dared to show up only to disappear quickly again in the dense vegetation.


Then we met again our verreaux giant eagle owl and same meanwhile flew down to the ground and obviously hunted the dung beetles on the ground as only deserted dung balls could be seen around the owl.


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Re: Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

Post by Richprins »

Kruger Sightings
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2h2 hours ago

Lioness with baboon kill , Hyena wanting to get closer to the Lions kill
S139, Biyamiti View point
In the river bank walking and baboons screaming
Visibility 5/5
Tinged by Christiaan

:shock: :shock:

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Re: Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

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O-/ :shock: ^Q^

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Re: Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

Post by Richprins »


Kruger Sightings
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2h2 hours ago

4 Spotted Hyena stationary
S139, 5.5km N of Biyamiti Bushveld Camp
Tinged by Helen

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Re: Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

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Re: Flavour of the Month April/May 2016 - S139 Biyamiti Road

Post by Lisbeth »

A pity that the video is so short :-( \O

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