Should zoos exist?

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Should zoos exist?

Post by Lisbeth »



Should the future of educating the public about exotic animals be in sanctuaries and virtual zoos, not places where animals are kept in cages?

The high-profile death of the gorilla Harambe, who was shot dead in 2016 at the Cincinnati Zoo after a young boy fell into his enclosure, sparked a massive outcry—and conversation—about what is still one of the most hotly contested debates involving animal welfare. Just this past weekend, activists turned up at the Bronx Zoo to demand the release of Happy the elephant, chanting in unison that “Happy is not happy.” Indeed, the idea that keeping animals in captivity is morally acceptable has long been questioned by those who argue that zoos infringe upon animals’ freedom. In recent years, an increase in research on the ethics of captivity has helped to dispel the misconception that critics of zoos are simply anthropomorphizing the animals they say they’re trying to help.

But not everyone agrees. Robin Ganzert, CEO of American Humane, recently penned an essay in USA Today arguing that zoos “protect animals and restore endangered species, even as some activists seek to dismantle these arks of hope.” Is she right? Should animal advocates and conservationists be rallying around zoos?

[Photo: Donna Lay/Unplash]

Not if we’re thinking about the animals themselves. Animals in zoos spend all day swarmed by crowds of people, many of whom are constantly flashing cameras in their faces, banging on glass and fences, and making loud or startling noises. This is anxiety inducing and frightening for most animals, but can be especially unsettling for animals that are nocturnal. In an interview with Slate, science historian and TED fellow Laurel Braitman argues there’s no denying that zoos are for people, first and foremost—not animals.

Then there’s the issue of zoos striving to maintain genetic diversitywhile having limited capacity. In pursuit of this goal, one of two controversial tactics are employed. The first—commonly practiced in U.S. zoos—is contraception (birth control in the form of pills, IUDs, and vasectomies). But the use of contraception brings medical risks. Large cats with hormonal implants can be more susceptible to tumors, and elephants sometimes experience difficulty restarting their reproductive cycle when they are taken off contraceptives. Many people—such as Bengt Holst, director of conservation for the Copenhagen Zoo—also have argued that it’s inhumane, saying: “We’d rather they have as natural behavior as possible. We have already taken away their predatory and antipredatory behaviors. If we take away their parenting behavior, they have not much left.”

So, in Europe, rather than sterilize these animals, they are often allowed to breed and raise their young. Some of the offspring are then taken away from their parents and given to other zoos to avoid inbreeding. But this still leaves some babies unaccounted for. This “surplus” is dealt with through the second option: euthanasia. In 2014, the executive director of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria estimated that between 3,000 and 5,000 animals are “management-euthanised” in European zoos in any given year. Indeed, in 2014, the Copenhagen Zoo received worldwide condemnation for killing a young giraffe and feeding his body to other zoo animals, simply because he was “surplus” from the zoo’s breeding program. The zoo later killed four lions—two adults and two young females—to make way for a new four-year-old male.

[Photo: Kasper Rasmussen/Unsplash]

Keeping animals in captivity also perpetuates the idea that it is acceptable to rob them of their natural freedoms for the sake of our own interests. In most cases, the way we keep wild animals in captivity is meaningfully different from how we interact with typical companion animals like dogs and cats, where there exists a much more reciprocal relationship borne from thousands of years of co-evolution between humans and the animals we’ve domesticated. (While in exceptional cases a small number of species—including some birds, fish, and rodents—may live comfortably as companion animals, there’s no doubt that zoo captivity, where the line between wild and domesticated is often blurred, is generally harmful for these species.)

Many countries around the world embrace the concept of the five freedoms—internationally accepted standards of care stipulating that animals in captivity must be free from fear and distress, hunger and thirst, thermal and physical discomfort, pain, and injury and disease, and that they must be free to express their natural patterns of behavior. While most zoos try to facilitate this, there is widespread disagreement over whether any zoo setting can realistically satisfy these principles.

If you’ve ever visited a zoo, you may have noticed the way some animals—especially wild cats—tend to pace back and forth inside their cages. According to zoologists, it’s thought that this repetitive behavior (known as “stereotypies”) represents an attempt to cope with unstimulating or small enclosures. They are often seen engaging in this behavior before feeding time, as if they’re preparing to hunt for food that often just gets dropped right in front of them.

And it’s not just boredom that animals in captivity are prone to experience. It’s been proven that animals can develop mental health conditions much like humans—and a growing body of research is uncovering how captivity increases the risks of these illnesses. Concrete and confined spaces are known to cause depression and phobias in many animals, and one study found that chimpanzees in captivity were significantly more likely to show “signs of compromised mental health”—such as hair plucking, self-biting, and self-hitting—when compared with their wild counterparts, “despite enrichment efforts.”

Loneliness also takes a serious toll on captive animals. Researchers have found that African gray parrots who lived alone suffered more genetic damage than those housed with a companion. This damage often takes the form of shortened telomeres—caps on the ends of chromosomes that deteriorate with age or stress. In fact, many solo gray parrots had telomeres as short as birds 23 years older.

[Photo: Waldemar Brandt/Unsplash]

Research has even found that elephants suffer serious health problems and die much younger in captivity. Scientists have attributed this to a lack of exercise (their enclosures are often hundreds of times smaller than their habitats in the wild) and high stress levels from being transferred between zoos and separated from their mothers.

For these and other reasons, according to a recent YouGov survey, a noteworthy 25% of all U.S. adults report that they are more opposed to zoos today than they were 10 years ago. Still, nearly half of the country says their views on zoos have not changed.

Supporters of zoos have several arguments for keeping animals in captivity.

Animals in captivity don’t know any better, some zoo proponents argue, so they couldn’t possibly be unhappy. This is a tough argument to buy, however. Wild animals have evolved over thousands of years to adapt to living in nature; it’s hard to imagine that living in unnatural environments that lack sufficient stimulation wouldn’t cause distress.

The case is similar with animals that are captured from the wild to be put in zoos—it’s difficult to argue that those animals don’t suffer from a severely limited habitat. The London Zoo, for example, states on its website that it justifies the presence of every one of their animals, “under the categories of conservation, research, and/or education.” However, it goes on to note that “in some very special circumstances we do get animals from the wild.”

[Photo: Tinh Khuong/Unsplash]

As our attention increasingly turns to climate change and the threat of extinction facing many species—including species of turtles, gorillas, orangutans, rhinos, leopards, tigers, and elephants—it’s not surprising that people like America Humane’s Robin Ganzert are hoping zoos will save at-risk animals. Indeed, education around conservation has long been another one of the main justifications for zoos.

But one study from 2014 found that only 34% of children surveyed before and after an unguided visit to the zoo reported having a positive learning experience, while around 15% had “learned” incorrect information. “Ask a dozen zoo directors why these places should exist today and you’ll get a different answer every time,” wrote Justin Worland in an examination of the future of zoos in Time. “Education, conservation, and science all come up. But the most common answer—fostering empathy for animals—is becoming harder to do while providing humane care to these animals.” Worland argues that children come away from zoos actually underestimating the problem of endangered animals. After examining a study by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) that argued that zoos were educational, researchers from Emory University found that the paper exaggerated its findings, and concluded that there was no evidence to support the argument that zoos promote attitude change, education, or interest in conservation.

To be fair, zoos do play a role in conservation efforts. Using breeding programs, zoos can help to propagate a number of species, preserve genetic biodiversity, and reintroduce endangered species into the wild. When the Arabian oryx was hunted to extinction in the 1970s, the Phoenix Zoo helped introduce more than 200 calves from just nine antelopes into the wild. The population has since grown to around 1,000 individuals. Similar successes have been seen with the reintroduction of the black-footed ferret and the California condor. Animals in zoos are also often the preferred source for researchers hoping to learn more about how we can best save endangered species and restore and repair ecosystems. This is because zoo animals are more accessible to study, and there are fewer variables that could affect results.

But even these benefits may not justify zoos in general. For example, only one-fifth of the animals at the Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park in Washington, D.C., are endangered or threatened. On top of that, when species are released back into the wild, they’re often at a disadvantage due to behaviors they’ve learned in captivity, which can make them much more susceptible to dangers in the wild. The AZA has reported that of all the animals across its 228 accredited zoos, there are only 30 species at the center of specific programs designed to save them from extinction, most of which can’t be reintroduced into the wild. (Lori Marino, a psychobiologist and executive director of the Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy, told Outside, “In American zoos there has never been an elephant that has gone from a zoo back into the wild . . . It is a one-way ticket.”) To make things worse, habitats in the wild are vanishing at an unprecedented rate. Without proper conservation work, animals that are part of breeding programs cannot be effectively reintroduced into the wild.

Zoo advocates also point out that many zoos contribute large sums of money to conservation projects in the wild. But relative to the amount of their total revenue, this simply isn’t true. One study found that the conservation investment from North American zoos was less than 5% of their income, and according to another source, at many zoos, only 1% of the budget goes toward conservation efforts. Still, this amount is not negligible, and as anthropologist Barbara J. King pointed out to NPR, “funding is a key and difficult issue in rethinking zoos.” However, critically examining the flaws with the current system is a necessary first step to uncovering “plausible [alternative]funding solutions.” King emphasizes that with a little vision, good conservation projects could be uncoupled from traditional zoos.

Just because a few good zoos exist doesn’t mean the concept of zoos is acceptable in a general sense. And these “good zoos” certainly don’t justify the existence of ones where animals are suffering from stress and mental health issues or where their enclosures are so far removed from the environment they have evolved to live in that the benefits of conservation and education are nullified. The fact of the matter is that all zoos perpetuate the damaging idea that humans should have unquestioned dominion over these animals. Alternatives already exist that can help achieve conservation efforts without the welfare issues of zoos.

One of these alternatives is animal sanctuaries. The main distinction between a zoo and a sanctuary is that the latter doesn’t breed animals; rather, they rescue them from places where they can’t be properly cared for. There’s also a difference in how much the animals are exposed to members of the public. For example, Adam Roberts, president of the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS), has said that their sanctuaries don’t allow public contact with big cats. As a general rule, sanctuaries are often opened and operated by people dedicated to animal welfare. They exist for the animals, first and foremost, with their primary intent being to create an environment where animals that need rescue can have their care and their best interests prioritized.

[Photo: Anastasia Dulgier/Unsplash]

It’s important to note that, like zoos, sanctuaries certainly have some variation in the level of care provided to the animals. But while there are some so-called “sanctuaries” that in fact exploit wild animals, this is not a reason to reject them as a solution. We should close these bad-acting operations and better allocate resources to ensure the ones that remain open are of the highest quality.

The education vacuum left by zoos could be filled by the sanctuaries that are populated exclusively with rescued animals that enjoy human contact, which may include horses, donkeys, rabbits, goats, pigs, and cows. These sanctuaries could provide children with supervised exposure to animals through guided tours led by animal welfare experts. In fact, there are already examples of animal sanctuaries that work for both humans and animals. The Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, New York, for example, cares for animals that have escaped abuse on farms and in slaughterhouses and auctions, and they have a hospital facility to treat sick and injured animals.

While a bit more speculative, virtual zoos are another possible direction. Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed, an entrepreneur, vegan, and member of the Saudi royal family, helped launch National Geographic’s Encounter: Ocean Odyssey in New York last year, which is complete with instillations of manatees, humpback whales, and stingrays. (Similarly to zoos, aquariums suggest that it is acceptable to confine animals—not only mammals and birds but also aquatic animals such as fish, which experience conscious pain—for humans’ gawking pleasure.) At the “Ocean Odyssey,” visitors can even “play” with sea lions. It’s been so popular that there are plans to open a second version in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, this year. The project’s popularity and success in New York is encouraging. It proves there are creative solutions for zoos that the public seems to enjoy. Why not use technology to educate the public about animals without the animals having to pay the price?

Many zoos—and the staff they employ—try their utmost to ensure that the animals are looked after properly. But even the best zoos cannot expect animals to thrive in captivity. Educating the public and helping to save animals from extinction are complex problems, and they require conscientious solutions that prioritize the well-being of all the individuals involved. At the end of the day, it’s simply the case that the animals deserve better.

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Re: Should zoos exist? 0

Post by Lisbeth »

Should the future of educating the public about exotic animals be in sanctuaries and virtual zoos, not places where animals are kept in cages?
Definitely YES!

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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Flutterby »

:yes: \O

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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Richprins »

Multifaceted debate over Mpumalanga’s first zoo far from over
The NSPCA condemned the opening of Mpumalanga's first zoo, Pumbaa Wildlife Park, calling it a tragedy for wild animals.
1 day ago
Stefan de Villiers


MBOMBELA – The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) condemned the opening of Mpumalanga’s first zoo, Pumbaa Wildlife Park, calling it a tragedy for wild animals.

In a recent statement, the NSCPA said it believes that commercial captive wildlife facilities are unnecessary.
“Since this zoo is situated less than an hour away from the Kruger National Park, its existence is illogical,” it said.

In response to this, attorney Mandla Macbeth Ncongwane, who represents the zoo and its owner, asked why the same point was not raised when uShaka Marine World (Aquarium) had been built less than 100 metres from the ocean.

“We are very disappointed at the manner in which the statement was issued,” Ncongwane said, calling the NSPCA’s statement reckless and a direct attack. “This statement comes as a surprise and a contradiction to earlier statements made by Nelspruit SPCA,” he said. Nelspruit SPCA previously told Lowvelder that many inspections had been carried out and it was satisfied in term of the animals’ welfare. “The SPCA, however, remains opposed to animals in captivity,” it said.

Ncongwane accused the NSPCA of “siding with the minority who are against the zoo” and said it had gotten onto the bandwagon with reckless organisations like Ban Animal Trading (BAT). “We would have understood if the animals were in a poor state.”
BAT has its claws out, and says it is fighting until all cages are empty. “We will do everything in our power to prevent this zoo from opening,” said the organisation’s Dr Smaragda Louw.

“For Ban Animal Trading, the zoo’s rehabilitation plans contribute nothing to conservation in the area, but the owners say they want to provide education opportunities at their facility, which will be ‘research-based’,” said Louw adding that the Kruger National Park offers so much more education than a zoo.

“Pumbaa has a variety of wildlife animal species that is not available in the Kruger National Park and secondly the Kruger is not accessible to the underprivileged who mostly rely on public transport. It remains dedicated to educational, experiential, academic research and public interest,” Ncongwane said.

Douglas Wolhuter, manager of the NSPCA’s Wildlife Protection Unit, said there is a plethora of welfare concerns surrounding zoos. “It is impossible to provide the five freedoms to wild animals in captivity. This results in behavioural, emotional and physical issues. Furthermore, there are welfare concerns entrenched in the trade of wild animals.

“Zoos around the country use the excuse that it is a necessary and valuable form of education. In reality, however, there is little to no educational value seeing wild animals caged in unnatural environments. It would be far more beneficial for children to observe the animals in their natural habitat or to watch documentaries of animals in the wild,” he said.

“The Kruger National Park boasts the Big 5 and thousands of free-ranging wild animals living their lives naturally. It is nonsensical for tourists or locals to visit this zoo when the park is on their doorstep. We encourage the public to rather visit national parks as opposed to captive wildlife facilities. The value of a natural park is infinite in comparison to captive facilities, for both the viewer and the animals,” he said.

“The NSPCA will continue to undertake welfare inspections at this zoo and initiate the necessary action if and when it is required.”
BAT further feels that the owners, Hennie and Melanie Maritz, are pretending to have rescued the animals so it softens the real blow of setting up another zoo with caged animals. “Of course they bought them, from other breeding institutions, and they are just perpetuating the whole cycle of cruelty by keeping these businesses going,” Louw said and added that it just shows you that anyone with enough money, can open a zoo. “No cage can offer what the wild does.”

Lowvelder previously reported that the park boasts more than 100 animals. Soon to join the park are brown and black bears, a honey badger and bird species like marabou storks, vultures and blue cranes. More animals are in the pipeline, but Hennie would not divulge more information before all the permits are in place and the construction of the enclosures is done.

Lowvelder is still awaiting response regarding the National Prosecuting Authority’s update on the docket opened against Hennie. According to Kholofelo Nkambule, spokesperson for the MTPA, there is currently an investigation into the introduction of game on the farm without a permit, before the application was processed and finalised by the MTPA. The zoo is expected to open at the end of January. Hennie maintains that all permits are in order. ... from-over/

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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Lisbeth »

In response to this, attorney Mandla Macbeth Ncongwane, who represents the zoo and its owner, asked why the same point was not raised when uShaka Marine World (Aquarium) had been built less than 100 metres from the ocean.
This answer reveals how little the attorney has understood about the whole question 0*\

As far as I know, only big modern zoos involved in conservation are surviving today. Others are built like a kind of wildlife reserves with not visible unpassable natural borders between incompatible species with lots of space in natural surroundings full of bushes and trees.

In the photo, there is nothing green, no trees and no shade, but lots of metal fences 0-

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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Alf »

There’s no shade for the animals O/

Next trip to the bush??

Let me think......................
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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Peter Betts »

Ban it on the Spot and jail the owners

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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Lisbeth »

The neural cruelty of captivity: Keeping large mammals in zoos and aquariums damages their brains

September 24, 2020 | Bob Jacobs, Professor of Neuroscience, Colorado College

Photograph of an elephant brain. Dr. Paul Manger/ University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, CC BY-ND

Hanako, a female Asian elephant, lived in a tiny concrete enclosure at Japan’s Inokashira Park Zoo for more than 60 years, often in chains, with no stimulation. In the wild, elephants live in herds, with close family ties. Hanako was solitary for the last decade of her life.

Kiska, a young female orca, was captured in 1978 off the Iceland coast and taken to Marineland Canada, an aquarium and amusement park. Orcas are social animals that live in family pods with up to 40 members, but Kiska has lived alone in a small tank since 2011. Each of her five calves died. To combat stress and boredom, she swims in slow, endless circles and has gnawed her teeth to the pulp on her concrete pool.

Unfortunately, these are common conditions for many large, captive mammals in the “entertainment” industry. In decades of studying the brains of humans, African elephants, humpback whales and other large mammals, I’ve noted the organ’s great sensitivity to the environment, including serious impacts on its structure and function from living in captivity.

Hanako, an Asian elephant kept at Japan’s Inokashira Park Zoo; and Kiska, an orca that lives at Marineland Canada. One image depicts Kiska’s damaged teeth. Elephants in Japan (left image), Ontario Captive Animal Watch (right image), CC BY-ND

Affecting health and altering behavior

It is easy to observe the overall health and psychological consequences of life in captivity for these animals. Many captive elephants suffer from arthritis, obesity or skin problems. Both elephants and orcas often have severe dental problems. Captive orcas are plagued by pneumonia, kidney disease, gastrointestinal illnesses and infections.

Many animals try to cope with captivity by adopting abnormal behaviors. Some develop “stereotypies,” which are repetitive, purposeless habits such as constantly bobbing their heads, swaying incessantly or chewing on the bars of their cages. Others, especially big cats, pace their enclosures. Elephants rub or break their tusks.

Changing brain structure

Neuroscientific research indicates that living in an impoverished, stressful captive environment physically damages the brain. These changes have been documented in many species, including rodents, rabbits, cats and humans.

Although researchers have directly studied some animal brains, most of what we know comes from observing animal behavior, analyzing stress hormone levels in the blood and applying knowledge gained from a half-century of neuroscience research. Laboratory research also suggests that mammals in a zoo or aquarium have compromised brain function.

This illustration shows differences in the brain’s cerebral cortex in animals held in impoverished (captive) and enriched (natural) environments. Impoverishment results in thinning of the cortex, a decreased blood supply, less support for neurons and decreased connectivity among neurons. Arnold B. Scheibel, CC BY-ND

Subsisting in confined, barren quarters that lack intellectual stimulation or appropriate social contact seems to thin the cerebral cortex – the part of the brain involved in voluntary movement and higher cognitive function, including memory, planning and decision-making.

There are other consequences. Capillaries shrink, depriving the brain of the oxygen-rich blood it needs to survive. Neurons become smaller, and their dendrites – the branches that form connections with other neurons – become less complex, impairing communication within the brain. As a result, the cortical neurons in captive animals process information less efficiently than those living in enriched, more natural environments.

An actual cortical neuron in a wild African elephant living in its natural habitat compared with a hypothesized cortical neuron from a captive elephant. Bob Jacobs, CC BY-ND

Brain health is also affected by living in small quarters that don’t allow for needed exercise. Physical activity increases the flow of blood to the brain, which requires large amounts of oxygen. Exercise increases the production of new connections and enhances cognitive abilities.

In their native habits these animals must move to survive, covering great distances to forage or find a mate. Elephants typically travel anywhere from 15 to 120 miles per day. In a zoo, they average three miles daily, often walking back and forth in small enclosures. One free orca studied in Canada swam up to 156 miles a day; meanwhile, an average orca tank is about 10,000 times smaller than its natural home range.

Disrupting brain chemistry and killing cells

Living in enclosures that restrict or prevent normal behavior creates chronic frustration and boredom. In the wild, an animal’s stress-response system helps it escape from danger. But captivity traps animals with almost no control over their environment.

These situations foster learned helplessness, negatively impacting the hippocampus, which handles memory functions, and the amygdala, which processes emotions. Prolonged stress elevates stress hormones and damages or even kills neurons in both brain regions. It also disrupts the delicate balance of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that stabilizes mood, among other functions.

In humans, deprivation can trigger psychiatric issues, including depression, anxiety, mood disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder. Elephants, orcas and other animals with large brains are likely to react in similar ways to life in a severely stressful environment.

Damaged wiring

Captivity can damage the brain’s complex circuitry, including the basal ganglia. This group of neurons communicates with the cerebral cortex along two networks: a direct pathway that enhances movement and behavior, and an indirect pathway that inhibits them.

The repetitive, stereotypic behaviors that many animals adopt in captivity are caused by an imbalance of two neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin. This impairs the indirect pathway’s ability to modulate movement, a condition documented in species from chickens, cows, sheep and horses to primates and big cats.

Image of brain showing areas affected by captivity
The cerebral cortex, hippocampus and amygdala are physically altered by captivity, along with brain circuitry that involves the basal ganglia. Bob Jacobs, CC BY-ND

Evolution has constructed animal brains to be exquisitely responsive to their environment. Those reactions can affect neural function by turning different genes on or off. Living in inappropriate or abusive circumstance alters biochemical processes: It disrupts the synthesis of proteins that build connections between brain cells and the neurotransmitters that facilitate communication among them.

There is strong evidence that enrichment, social contact and appropriate space in more natural habitats are necessary for long-lived animals with large brains such as elephants and cetaceans. Better conditions reduce disturbing sterotypical behaviors, improve connections in the brain, and trigger neurochemical changes that enhance learning and memory.

The captivity question

Some people defend keeping animals in captivity, arguing that it helps conserve endangered species or offers educational benefits for visitors to zoos and aquariums. These justifications are questionable, particularly for large mammals. As my own research and work by many other scientists shows, caging large mammals and putting them on display is undeniably cruel from a neural perspective. It causes brain damage.

Public perceptions of captivity are slowly changing, as shown by the reaction to the documentary “Blackfish.” For animals that cannot be free, there are well-designed sanctuaries. Several already exist for elephants and other large mammals in Tennessee, Brazil and Northern California. Others are being developed for large cetaceans.

Perhaps it is not too late for Kiska.

Dr. Lori Marino, president of the Whale Sanctuary Project and a former senior lecturer at Emory University, contributed to this article.

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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by Richprins »

Zoo on the outskirts of Mbombela catches national news’ attention
While filming the episode, in contrary to the inevitable backlash of incredulity, many turned up in support of the zoo.
2 days ago
Stefan de Villiers

The controversy surrounding the newly established zoo, Pumbaa Wildlife Park, is far from over.

Petitions are nearing 10 000 signatures, and organisations like Ban Animal Trading, and Lowvelders alike, stand firm that no zoo will operate on their watch.

They echo the illogical existence, since the zoo is situated less than an hour away from the Kruger National Park. The owners, Hennie and Melanie Maritz, maintain that all is above board and that they want to provide education opportunities at their facility, which will be research-based.

The zoo also caught the attention of Carte Blanche, which will air the story on M-Net on Sunday night.

While filming the episode, contrary to the inevitable backlash of incredulity, many turned up in support of Pumbaa Wildlife Park.

Nelspruit SPCA previously told Lowvelder that many inspections had been carried out and it was satisfied concerning the animals’ welfare.

The Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) approved Hennie’s application to establish and operate a zoo, and it is expected to open in January.

There is, however, still a question mark over the permits for the animals, some of which are endangered.

Lowvelder previously reported that a docket had been opened against Hennie. The exact details surrounding the case remain unknown. However, Monica Nyuswa, spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority, confirmed that the case has been set for trial in May 2021.

Kholofelo Nkambule, spokesperson for the MTPA, again in an email confirmed that the current legislation allows for zoos to be opened, but not all Pumbaa’s permits are in order.

“As part of the permit application process, the MTPA requires the proposed facility management plan as part of the evaluation process before assigning officials to conduct compliance monitoring and site inspection. Provisional/principle approval is given beforehand for the management plan only, if it meets the minimum requirements for a proposed facility,” Nkambule said.

“The MTPA has granted Pumbaa Wildlife Park a permit following a full process of permit application, evaluation process, site inspections and approval by the MTPA Permit Evaluation Committee.

“The facility submitted the application with the management plan to the MTPA, which was evaluated and met the minimum requirements. The MTPA has in principle given them approval on the management plan only. Additional information was requested and was therefore provided by the applicants prior to giving provisional approval.

“The MTPA can confirm that Pumbaa Wildlife Park has 142 animals in total. Most of them have the correct permits, some of them are still under investigation with relevant authorities. We can, however, not comment on that process,” she said.
Even though Hennie as well as the MTPA supplied the final approval to establish and operate a zoo, Hennie refused to give copies of the permits to authorise the transportation and possession of each animal.

Melanie, however, showed this publication the permits during its visit to the zoo.

The Maritzes’ attorney, Mandla Macbeth Ncongwane, as well as the MTPA, required a formal request for access to record of public body in terms of the Section 18(1) of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000. ... attention/

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Re: Should zoos exist?

Post by RogerFraser »

Cages and Controversy: Mpumalanga’s New Zoo

Lions, tigers and pumas in cages – more than 140 local and exotic animals have been delivered and are ready to go on display in an R8-million private zoo in the Lowveld city of Mbombela. Their purpose is to educate and entertain, say the owners. But the development has unleashed a torrent of criticism from animal welfare activists who say zoos are obsolete institutions that perpetuate cruelty. As we celebrate World Animal Day on 4 October – a day intended to make the world a better place for animals – Carte Blanche investigates why this facility has been allowed. It is virtually on the doorstep of the Kruger National Park which already offers outreach programmes to promote access to local residents.

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