Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

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Re: Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

Post by Klipspringer »

Well, it's a misconception that conservation or management of PAs should be seen as a non-political issue :twisted:

Government and SANParks point to the political mandate any time they come up with a new plan, development or strategy.

The Shalati development is a concession and you can read it very clearly in the "KNP Concession Operations Manual" that the aim is economic development.
The protected areas of South Africa contain some of its most beautiful scenery and outstanding natural landscapes. South African National Parks (SANParks) was established by the National Parks Act (Act No 57 of 1976). The aim is to ensure the protection of areas of national or international biodiversity importance or areas which contains viable and representative samples of South Africa’s natural systems, scenic areas or cultural heritage sites and to protect the ecological integrity of such ecosystems; to prevent exploitation or occupation inconsistent with the protection of the ecological integrity of such areas; to provide spiritual scientific, educational, recreational and tourism opportunities which are environmentally compatible and; to contribute to economic development. The National Environmental Management: Protected Environment Act (Act No. 57 of 2003) was promulgated in 2004 and is now the overarching legislation governing the management of national parks, together with the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) and the Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10 of 2004), as well as other relevant national and provincial acts and regulations.
The political changes in South Africa have led to a thorough re-examination of most existing institutions. SANParks have not escaped this scrutiny. Having grown accustomed to domestic and international acclaim, as well as access to large scale government funding, SANParks now find themselves seeking new roles which will justify and secure their future. The Government of South Africa faces a serious dilemma with respect to wildlife conservation: how to reconcile the extensive land and financial resources required by protected areas with the acute social and economic development needs of poor rural people with very limited access to any kind of resources.
Tourism is a key component of Government’s macro-economic strategy to achieve growth, employment and redistribution of wealth in South Africa. National Parks in turn are the cornerstone of the nature based tourism industry in South Africa, and a healthy and vibrant tourism industry therefore requires responsible leveraging of the national parks estate. Concessions are one such mechanism for generating a range of social and economic benefits without compromising the ecological integrity of a national park. These benefits include capital investment, foreign exchange generation, employment creation, and stimulation of support industries and development of small, medium and micro enterprises. In addition it is a means of generating a financial income for SANParks, which in turn may be used for maintaining the conservation estate, expanding it, or subsidising access for those citizens of South Africa who are unable to afford to pay visitor fees.
A concession is an opportunity to build and operate a tourism facility in a national park, with strict regulations governing the conduct of the facility. In many cases an exclusive area is allocated for use. Exclusivity is for two reasons. Firstly it allows for the establishment of a luxury tourism product that caters to a different segment of the market to SANParks, and secondly accountability for any environmental damage is guaranteed.

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Re: Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

Post by Lisbeth »

Did they? Politics should not have anything to say what Sanparks is concerned, but clearly it has. I was shocked the first time I read the new mandate.

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Re: Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

Post by Lisbeth »

Sure, all that you have highlighted in red hasn't much to do with conservation and the original mandate.

The mandate originally was supposed to have been given to SANParks by the population of South Africa, but they do exactly what is convenient for the Government (party), without worrying a damn about what they are doing above all to Kruger and all the other parks will follow when they are ripe for changes = increased visitor numbers.

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Re: Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

Post by Klipspringer »

South African National Parks (SANParks) as a public entity and is expected to submit a five year Strategic Plan, ideally subsequent to every national election cycle, linked to the identified outcomes of the Presidency, for approval by the Ministry of the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)
as an executive authority.

These strategic plans have to (and do) implement government ideas.

This document provides the SANParks’ Strategic Plan for the period 2019/20 – 2023/24.
It sets out SANParks’ policy priorities, programmes and project plans for the next five
years within the scope of its mandate and available resources. Since the information is
presented on the basis of the outcome based Balanced Scorecard approach for strategic
management, it is necessary to give the context of some of the general aspects that may
not be explicitly indicated in the plan.
As a public entity, SANParks planning framework is informed by Government strategies
and frameworks and this Strategic Plan is guided, inter alia, by Government’s Nine Point
Plan, the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), and the delivery of DEA’s programme
on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and the National Development
Plan (NDP) 2030 long-term goals. In addition, the 5-Year Strategic Plan is informed by the
provisions, principles and guidelines of several multilateral environmental agreements that
have a bearing on environmental and conservation issues in South Africa.
Concerted efforts have been undertaken to ensure that all performance indicators and
targets in this plan are presented in a specific, measurable, relevant and time-bound
(SMART) format, hence, enabling us to effectively monitor and to evaluate progress, and
to timeously take corrective action when necessary. Monitoring and evaluation of the
achievements made against this plan will be undertaken through quarterly performance
reviews and annual performance audits, of which the latter will entail closer involvement
by both internal and external auditors.
3.1 Performance Environment
The Government of the Republic of South Africa has adopted five key pillars,
derived from the Manifesto of the ruling party to drive the Government’s Medium
Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) and policy agenda viz.: SHONA
• Creation of more jobs, decent work and sustainable livelihoods for inclusive
• Rural Development, including land reform and increasing food production
• Education
• Health
• Reducing levels of crime in our society.
The MTSF has been translated into a set of 12 outcomes that should inform the
strategic planning, focus and delivery of government services by state departments
and public entities. The Outcomes are:
• Quality basic education
• A long and healthy life for all South Africans
• All people in South Africa are and feel safe
Decent employment through inclusive economic growth
• Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path
• An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network
• Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities contributing towards
food security for all
• Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient Local Government system
• Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources
• Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world
• An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an
empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship.
SANParks has aligned its Strategic Plan and associated initiatives with Government’s
12 Outcomes. While historically SANParks has been seen to be primarily focused on
Outcome 10 as it relates closely to its legislative mandate, it should be recognised
that SANParks has a major contribution to make in respect of the achievement
of goals related to other outcomes, particularly Outcome 4 as SANParks is a key
driver of Government’s agenda for socio-economic transformation
3.1.4 Decent employment through inclusive economic growth
SANParks has a significant role to play in respect of job creation, and is an
important role player in the conservation and eco-tourism industries in which it
actively participates. The organisation has committed itself to the Tourism Broad-
Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Charter and thus measures itself
against the industry targets in this regard. The implementation of the Tourism
B-BBEE Charter and Scorecard is an approach in which elements contributing to
the transformation of the tourism industry, including a focus on skills development,
employment equity, enterprise development and social development, and
secondary economy interventions are delivered
A significant element of SANParks’ responsible tourism approach is reflected in its
Strategic Plan for Commercialisation (SPfC) implemented through Public-Private
Partnerships (PPP)
, which have the objective of improving tourism service levels by
focusing on core business and leveraging private capital and expertise, in addition
to the expansion of tourism products and the generation of additional revenue
for the funding of conservation. The commercialisation strategy has yielded more
than 40 contractual agreements with infrastructure developments worth over
R450 million, and has provided around 2 000 decent sustainable jobs to local
communities in the vicinity of national parks.
The following is how SANParks has aligned its strategy to the 13 NDP objectives
and actions, including the four overriding implementation objectives of the Plan
toward 2030:
3.2.1 Economy and Employment
SANParks plays a significant role in the economy both at national and local
levels. The presence of an efficiently managed system of national parks is a key
component of the national tourism economy, while at a local level national parks
are a catalyst for local economic development. SANParks is also playing an active
role in local economic development through the implementation of a number of
socio-economic development programmes. Through the implementation of the
Expanded Public Works Programme, SANParks has provided significant support
to Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs), particularly in rural areas. In
the previous five years, an average of 740 SMMEs were supported through the
implementation of a range of EPWP Programmes. This component of the rural
enterprise development continues to be part of the Strategic Plan for the next five
years. Further initiatives to stimulate the development of rural enterprise include
Wildlife Economy Programmes, the development of an Activity Hub at Phalaborwa
and the new Shangoni Entrance Gate development in the Giyani area.

SANParks do a very good job fulfilling their mandate as outlined by government plans. And in a democratic setting, government has the mandate of the people.

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Re: Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

Post by Richprins »

Government makes all sort sof lofty rules and promises, many of which are not carried through, or simply have sinister motives or are open to exploitation. Just because they say something does not make it right nor true! O**

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Re: Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

Post by Lisbeth »

A lot of the things mentioned should not be part of the mandate of a group of National game parks 0*\
SANParks do a very good job fulfilling their mandate as outlined by government plans. And in a democratic setting, government has the mandate of the people.
Doing everything by the book, you are right, Klippie. That does not mean that the mandate or the government have the moral right to do what they are doing.

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Re: Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

Post by Klipspringer »

James Lorimer MP – DA has picked up the Thebe-ANC-connection

Debate on the budget for the department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries:

http://pmg-assets.s3-website-eu-west-1. ... onment.pdf

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Re: Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

Post by Richprins »

:ty: Klippies!

In order to succeed the Department must be capable and corruption-free
By James Lorimer MP –DA Shadow Minister ofForestry, Fisheries andEnvironmental Affairs

There are some overarching priorities for this portfolio. First, we must work out how South Africa’s environmental resources can be harnessed in the best way to provide a path out of poverty for as many of our people as possible. Use of the environment must be sustainable, or it is pointless. Government must ensure that in climbing out of poverty, we do not inherit a wasteland that is unhealthy or not worth living in. Aspects of our environmental legacy are a birth right that our citizens should have an opportunity to experience.The second priority is oversight. Money allocated for environmental tasks should be well spent. A first look at the department charged with these tasks shows a decidedly mixed bag.

I understand that it is natural in presenting a report for any department to want to play down its failures, but the absence of the word “adverse” in relation to its audit findings from the Department’s report to last week’s committee meetings was amateurish and has presented a credibility problem that will endure. Mumbled explanations about a change in accounting practices do not hide the fact that statements were not delivered on time and vast amounts of money cannot be accounted for.

This amounts to managerial ineptitude on a massive scale.If we can’t trust the Department to be straight with Parliament as it conducts oversight it will cast doubt on everything the Department does. We must ensure that our oversight has a focus on eliminating corruption. Corruption is powered by graft, encouraged by a lack of consequences and enabled by mismanagement. This must be cleaned up, and quickly.

If you want to tackle corruption you need look no further than the awarding of a South African National Parks tender to Thebe Tourism for the Selati Railway Bridge hotel development at Skukuza in the Kruger National Park. In case anybody needs reminding, Thebe Tourism is a subsidiary of Thebe Investments of which the largest shareholder at almost 50% is the Batho Batho trust. The sole beneficiary of the Batho Batho Trust is the African National Congress. So here you have the ANC government entity of SANPARKS giving a tender to the African National Congress. If that’s not criminal behaviour it should be. At the very least it is unethical and has affected SANPARKS’s credibility. The officials involved in the award of this tender should be investigated and disciplined.

If the Minister is truly concerned with outing the rot in the entities in her new department, she should introduce lifestyle audits of officials and follow-through investigations of those who have unexplained wealth. It doesn’t have to be everybody but a random audit of a number of officials every month would encourage good behaviour

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Re: Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

Post by RogerFraser »

A long read but it brings up more evidence about Thebe links with the governing party and how deals were done. ... JYG72g1PeA

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Re: Luxury Train Hotel on Kruger's Selati Bridge

Post by Richprins »

Kruger National Park
‏ @SANParksKNP

1/2 PLEASE NOTE: @SANParks will unveil its first-ever Shalati carriage of the train on the bridge. The event will be held on Friday 01 Nov 2019 at Kruger Shalati Headquarters-Skukuza warehouse at 11:30.
12:42 AM - 30 Oct 2019

Kruger National Park
‏ @SANParksKNP
8h8 hours ago

2/2 The carriage will be coming through via Phabeni Gate on the date of the event therefore guests are cautioned of delays and traffic that may be caused along that route.

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