Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

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Re: Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

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How a R10.7bn ‘zero waste’ megaproject was buried by Limpopo’s Chinese deal

By Kevin Bloom• 4 May 2020

In 2017, because of its need to appease the SA government, a local company agreed to ‘conditionally withdraw’ its objections to the Chinese-funded Special Economic Zone in northern Limpopo. But on the day that Daily Maverick’s first article in this series was published, the company learnt that its association with the SEZ had rendered it toxic. Given its insistence that it played by the book on its R10.7bn proposal for an eco-industrial park in the province, the company has now decided to come clean with what it knows.

“As hot as the surface of the sun.”

In September 2011, when Dr Pieter du Toit explained the technology to Cassel Mathale, premier at the time of Limpopo province, he more than likely would have used those words. Like most people, Mathale would have needed something abstract to hang onto — a metaphor that was less concrete, less forbidding, than the pure physics that described the process of plasma waste gasification.

Du Toit may have talked about plasma being the “fourth state of matter,” and that it appeared in its natural form as sunshine, starlight, lightning and the aurora borealis. He may have added that the term was coined by Irving Langmuir, a chemist and physicist, back in 1927. The technology for harnessing plasmas, he almost certainly would have said, had been around for decades, with waste gasification plants up and running in dozens of strategic locations across North America, Europe and the Far East.

Which would have brought Du Toit to the fifth slide in his presentation to the premier on that 2011 spring day. The Limpopo Eco-Industrial Park, or LEIP, had been touted in the slide’s header as the “World’s First Zero Solid Waste Eco-Industrial Park”. This was a bold statement to make, and neither Du Toit (a University of Southern California-trained engineer) nor his partner Deshika Kathawaroo (an environmental scientist trained at the University of the Witwatersrand) were offering any apologies for their ambitions.

By way of elucidation, with the plasma waste gasification plant set up as the LEIP’s core project, Du Toit quoted a definition from experts in the field, an overview that had emerged from a working group of the Zero Waste International Alliance in 2004.

“Zero waste is a goal that is ethical, economical, efficient and visionary,” he would have read to Mathale from the words on the screen, “to guide people in changing their lifestyles and practices to emulate sustainable natural cycles, where all discarded materials are designed to become resources for others to use.

“Zero waste means designing and managing products and processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not burn or bury them.”

Of course, Du Toit and Kathawaroo would not have been sitting in Mathale’s office, schooling him on plasmas and the technologies of zero waste, had they not been invited. According to documents in the possession of Daily Maverick, a clear chain of events had led them to Mathale’s door — and the initial event had been a lekgotla for Cabinet ministers and ranking provincial bureaucrats held in January 2011.

Back then, Du Toit and Kathawaroo were working for the Arup Group, a global firm of engineering and design consultants with a relatively large presence in South Africa. When it was Du Toit’s chance to address the lekgotla, he floated the idea of a major industrial complex in the far north of Limpopo province, tactically positioned to take advantage of the transport corridor into Zimbabwe and the continent up north. Apparently, the relevant officials bought the idea immediately, because two months later Du Toit and Kathawaroo were liaising with senior members of the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET), as advisors to the steering committee tasked with turning the concept into a workable plan.

Du Toit’s background had been in the oil and gas sector, but, as he told Daily Maverick, his partnership with Kathawaroo had soon “converted” him to the technologies of zero solid waste and the design principles of industrial ecology. As for Premier Mathale’s own Damascus moment, which appeared to coincide with the September 2011 presentation, the effects were on full display in the letter he fired off to 10 Cabinet ministers in early 2012.


“It is our hope for this eco-industrial park to have comprehensive access to your support,” Mathale concluded the correspondence, “particularly since it is clearly in line with our ongoing national initiatives for job creation, growth and sustainable development.”

And so, on the back of the buy-in from provincial government, the LEIP began to assume some real-world shape. A three-dimensional model – complete with a plasma waste gasification rig, for the transmutation of industrial toxins into synthetic gas-based energy – was placed in the foyer of Mathale’s offices. In the interim, Du Toit and Kathawaroo had left the Arup Group to form their own private company, Eco-Industrial Solutions (EIS), whose core mission was to enable authorities in the public sector to manifest the zero-waste dream.

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To do this, while formally integrating the LEIP into the development plans of the Musina Local Municipality, the duo hired consulting ecologists and heritage specialists to scope out the most suitable site. These experts used sensitivity maps to arrive at a final choice from a possible list of 10; a plot of around 7,000 hectares just north of Musina, where the area of highest biological diversity (around 2,200 hectares) would be set aside and protected as an on-site nature reserve.

A fully serviced and secure platform for heavy and light industries was included, as well as incubation facilities for SMMEs. An associated housing project of 4,900 residences, designed to complement the natural environment, was laid out with the attendant schools, hospitals and amenities. The local community would benefit from the LEIP, as per these original plans, via the formation of an industrial ecology faculty aligned to two nearby universities as well as skills development and training centres in all the requisite trades.

So good did things look, in fact, that in September 2013, when the Department of Trade and Industry had just begun to formalise its plans for a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in the region, the LEIP was identified as one of the “anchor” projects. Alongside the correspondence confirming this status from the DTI’s then-director general Lionel October, Daily Maverick was shown a letter from the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA), signed and dated 3 March 2014, in which it was all but guaranteed that the LEIP would be incorporated into the nascent SEZ.


LEDA, according to Amos Shiburi, who was then the agency’s chief programme officer for the SEZ, was in the process of “finalising a Memorandum of Understanding with [EIS]” to this effect.

Shiburi closed off the letter with the following sentence: “LEDA would like to conclude a partnership agreement with [EIS] as soon as possible within the coming two months.”

But that wasn’t to be, allegedly because in October 2014, during a trip to Guangzhou in the People’s Republic of China, Shiburi and other ranking members of LEDA would meet with Ning Yat Hoi, chairman of the Hoi Mor Group, the company destined to become the real (and exclusive) anchor tenant of the Musina-Makhado SEZ.

Cut & Paste

On 4 April 2020, three days after the publication of the first article in this series — entitled “Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River” — Webster Mfebe, who had recently been appointed chair of the board of both EIS and the LEIP, emailed a seething missive to LEDA. The recipient of his ire was Dr Matata Mokoele, LEDA’s acting CEO.

“As a consequence of LEDA’s conduct and the Daily Maverick article,” Mfebe wrote, “EIS and LEIP are reviewing their relationship with LEDA. More to the point for immediate purposes, since publication of the Daily Maverick article, given Mr Ning’s alleged status as wanted by Interpol for fraud, a number of reputable prospective funders of the LEIP have raised serious reservations in being associated in any way with Mr Ning, Hoi Mor and the [Musina-Makhado SEZ] project.”

Since 2011, it turned out, EIS’s committed costs on the LEIP had amounted to just under R110-million, all of which had been raised from external funders — at R29-million, the largest chunk of this funding had come from the DTI. These total sunk costs, according to information shared with Daily Maverick, had accounted for “the property purchase and technical matters such as surveys, environmental approvals, rezoning and township establishments, engineering designs, conceptual and feasibility studies, and legal corporate and contractual matters”.

In short, EIS did not abandon the LEIP vision after LEDA had reneged on its 2014 promise to conclude a partnership agreement “within two months”. As Mfebe and Kathawaroo would later inform us, they continued on the basis that their vision had never been dependent on the Musina-Makhado SEZ — and, in fact, had preceded it in terms of date of conception by at least two years. By all accounts, however, given the sheer size of both projects and the fact that they were targeted at the same geographic region for what were ostensibly the same “development” objectives, there was simply no way that EIS could have ignored LEDA and the SEZ if they wanted their own project to thrive.

According to Du Toit, during the 18 months following LEDA’s October 2014 trip to China, EIS was subjected to a “frustrating” series of meetings with the agency. Shiburi, he recalled, was not present at any of these meetings, where “impossible paperwork requests” made it increasingly clear to him that LEDA had lost all interest in signing the agreement.

And so in March 2016, when the DTI placed a notice in the Government Gazette to officially designate the Musina-Makhado SEZ, the EIS executives were unsurprised to see that the LEIP had not been included. Not only that, but LEDA had apparently plagiarised 121 pages of EIS’s intellectual property in their own successful application on behalf of Hoi Mor.

Shortly thereafter, on 3 May 2016, the DTI took delivery of an objection to its government notice — a submission of 45 thoroughly researched and footnoted pages, from EIS, that explained why LEDA’s application was in contravention of the Special Economic Zones Act of 2014.

For starters, EIS alleged, LEDA’s feasibility study on the R40-billion Hoi Mor proposal, which was meant to provide a convincing rationale for a metallurgical cluster in an ecologically sensitive zone, was “neither comprehensive nor complete”. Also, foreshadowing a circumstance that Daily Maverick would later confirm regarding the sidelining of ancestral claimants to the land, LEDA had apparently used “vague and confusing” language when identifying the properties to be leased. Finally, there was the charge of outright theft.

“In this regard,” noted the EIS objection, “the pre-feasibility studies and feasibility report made available to the public on the DTI website in connection with the LEDA application comprise approximately 104 and 17 pages, respectively, of information uplifted directly (and in many cases verbatim) from EIS’s proprietary information in respect of the LEIP project.” (Emphasis by the writer)

Given the stakes, the EIS executives weren’t content to leave it there. They demanded — and were duly afforded — a number of opportunities to air their grievances face-to-face. What they ultimately hoped to gain from these meetings, Du Toit and Kathawaroo informed us, was an undertaking from DTI that the guarantees of 2013 would be honoured.

Since the DTI had by then committed almost R30-million in funding to the LEIP, and since the SEZ was essentially a DTI initiative, this did not seem an unreasonable request. But according to documents and meeting minutes that would later be shared with Daily Maverick, the EIS executives were repeatedly asked to resubmit their application for an operating permit to the same Limpopo agency that had allegedly stolen their IP.

“EIS had and continues to have its reservations about submitting the SEZ application to LEDA,” an entry in one of these documents countered, “since it contains highly confidential IP that we fear will be used to support the Chinese development in the Musina-Makhado SEZ.”

Eventually, in May 2017, when it became clear that DTI would not budge on their insistence that LEDA was the rightful authority, Du Toit and Kathawaroo relented. In return for a written agreement, they agreed to “conditionally withdraw” their 45-page objection. On 23 July 2018, four years past the date when it had originally been promised, the MOU between EIS and LEDA was signed.

The preamble stated that the parties agreed to work together “to facilitate the qualification of the LEIP project as one of the anchor projects within the Musina-Makhado SEZ”.

The LEIP would be “developed on its own site,” the agreement continued, and yet would “comply with the SEZ Act” with respect to its “appointment as an operator.”

But again, on 1 April 2020, when Daily Maverick revealed that LEDA and its Chinese partners had almost certainly contravened the SEZ Act and a few more laws besides — not least of which was the National Environmental Management Act of 1998 — the EIS executives felt they had no choice but to go public with their 2016 objections.

“The LEIP has been associated with everything that’s been revealed by Daily Maverick,” Mfebe said in the course of a telephonic interview in mid-April, “and so we have a responsibility to separate the Chinese project from our own local project, which has followed all the laws, environmental and otherwise. We have to satisfy our potential investors that what we have been telling them is the truth.”

As for the identity of these potential investors, while the EIS executives were not at liberty to reveal exactly who had complained, they were more than forthcoming about who they were approaching and the deals that had already been signed.

President’s pet

In late September 2019, a few days after Greta Thunberg had led the largest environmental protest the world had ever seen, the African Development Bank (AfDB) announced at the UN climate summit in New York that it was “getting out” of coal for good. As a cure-all for the energy needs of poor and developing countries, this was perhaps the strongest clue yet that coal’s days were done — not only did the announcement deal a death blow to the “energy poverty” publicity campaigns of the coal conglomerates of the Global North, it signalled the start of a whole new investment trajectory for one of Africa’s foremost funders of infrastructure projects.

Six months later, when EIS was invited to present a funding proposal to the AfDB, it was to this new trajectory that the company’s executives appealed. The introductory slide of their presentation, dated 2 April 2020, referenced the 2015 Paris Agreement and the fact that the interior of South Africa was projected to warm between 5°C and 8°C by the end of the 21st century.

“The LEIP incorporates commercially available technologies that can eliminate pollution and reduce legacy emissions,” the presentation confidently declared.

Still, while the statement was in keeping with the EIS message as originally articulated in 2011, was it fundamentally true? In other words, were Du Toit, Kathawaroo and Mfebe the best people to introduce the technology on such a vast commercial scale?

In order to answer the question, Daily Maverick reached out to Dr Jaco van der Walt, chief scientist of the plasma technology section at the Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa (Necsa), the state-owned enterprise with which EIS had concluded a separate MOU in November 2018. The purpose of this particular agreement, from EIS’s point of view, had been to lay the foundations for a more formal and lasting partnership, one in which the parties would collaborate on plasma waste gasification in the LEIP and beyond.


Necsa, explained Van der Walt, had first entered the plasma field under the nuclear fuel cycle programme of the 1980s, when the agency was still known as the Atomic Energy Corporation. In 2010, he added, after this original initiative had been discontinued, a new programme was launched to focus on “the use of thermal plasma technology for waste volume reduction and gasification, and possible conversion of the resultant gas into energy.”

In terms of pure mechanics, then, Van der Walt assured Daily Maverick that EIS’s core proposition was sound. And in terms of the executives’ credibility, while Van der Walt was careful to point out that Necsa did not assign exclusive rights to anyone, he did commit to the following:

“Due diligence evaluation of LEIP and EIS, coupled with their mutually beneficial value proposition, assured Necsa of the need to negotiate a strategic partnership. Necsa would take pride in being associated with the success of the LEIP project which, amongst other objectives, is premised on zero solid waste generation, as well as the development and upliftment of the Limpopo, Musina community.”

By contrast, as the first investigation in this series revealed, the backers of the Musina-Makhado SEZ appeared uninterested in the upliftment of much aside from their own returns on investment. The local rights holders to the SEZ land, although there had been promises of empowerment stakes and preferential shareholdings, had by their own account ended up with nothing more from the R145-billion project than their collective takings off the lease — an income, when divided, that amounted to R350 per month for each community member.

LEDA, as a 51% shareholder in the SEZ and the government agency that had been mandated to negotiate with the local community, did not at any point provide Daily Maverick with evidence to the contrary. Richard Zitha, LEDA’s chief operations manager for the SEZ, did, however, insist in his response to our questions of 23 April that he had “noted with concern” in the recent past “a pattern to maliciously besmirch the name of [the] government in the public space for selfish ends.”

As to our specific queries, Zitha added that LEDA had “not yet” responded to Mfebe’s letter of 4 April, but was confident that the issues would be resolved at a “pending meeting” with EIS. And yet, given the agency’s response to EIS’s (now public) allegations of IP theft, how such a resolution would be reached was not entirely clear.

“We categorically deny with the contempt it deserves any accusation of theft of intellectual property,” Zitha informed Daily Maverick. Again, no evidence was provided to counter EIS’s claim as laid down in the 45-page objection that had been sent to DTI in 2016 — although, failing this, Zitha did feel the need to highlight LEDA’s “transparent mission” to explore all economic opportunities “to benefit [the] people” of Limpopo province.

Unfortunately for Zitha, aside from the theft charges, there were some other basic facts that his rhetoric had no power to change. For instance, in late April 2020, when the Musina-Makhado SEZ was still sitting on a grand total of zero environmental clearances, documentation seen by Daily Maverick demonstrated that LEDET had granted the LEIP all of three environmental authorisations — for the basic LEIP infrastructure, for “two dams and associated piping” and for the “associated mixed-use housing developments”.

Mfebe, it transpired, was not exaggerating when he told Daily Maverick that the LEIP had “followed all the laws, environmental and otherwise” — we were furnished with copies of township rezoning approvals, company registration documents that proved BEE compliance and a partnership agreement with the South African Forum of Civil Engineering Contractors, “to ensure that the contractors working on the LEIP project [were] no less than level 2 BBBEE rated companies”.

There was also a letter of support from Transnet Freight Rail, dated October 2018, that indicated an intention to operate its new Intermodal Terminal Facility within the LEIP, as well as an MOU from the Musina Local Municipality, dated January 2019, in which the parties undertook once again to “make the LEIP a reality”.

But perhaps the hardest-hitting document of all was the one dated 9 November 2019, where it was confirmed that the LEIP had been identified as one of the top 10 projects of the year by the Public-Private Growth Initiative.

“We regard the project as having immense potential to stimulate local economic development, contribute to South Africa’s participation in the African Free Trade Agreement and aid in conservation of the area,” stated Ivor Jenkins, director of the In Transformation Initiative, in his letter of congratulations to the EIS executives.

“We are also pleased to have promoted LEIP at the SA Investment Conference 2019, where it was announced as one of the contributing projects forming part of the President’s R312-billion [in] commitments.”

To be exact, the LEIP made up R10.7-billion of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s pledge at last year’s widely touted investment conference – a number, as of this writing, that was still 10 to 15 years away from being achieved. With Transnet by then confirmed as the LEIP’s anchor tenant, as ratified by an agreement signed in October 2019, it was envisaged that the opportunities for equity funding would open up significantly in the years ahead.

On the other hand, the R145-billion from nine Chinese companies that had been earmarked for the Musina-Makhado SEZ – a fair percentage of which had been allocated to an “internal” coal-fired power plant – was apparently as good as in the bank. All that was needed, it seemed, was for an authoritarian decree to render the whole thing legit.

Was it possible that Covid-19 would provide the ingredients for the issuance of that decree? In a world where individual liberties were being scaled back daily in favour of the command-and-control state, it was indeed.

And yet it was equally possible, as per the hopes of environmental scientists such as Deshika Kathawaroo, that the pandemic would underline the value of living rivers and breathable air.

“It is a crime against humanity for pollution to continue when there are commercially viable clean alternatives to the incineration of waste and the emission of atmospheric pollutants,” Kathawaroo wrote in a follow-up proposal for the AfDB, reminding the bankers how Covid-19 attacked the respiratory systems of people with already compromised immune systems — such as those who lived in highly polluted cities, or in the shadow of coal-fired power plants.

Almost a decade since she had converted Du Toit and the former Limpopo premier to the principles of zero solid waste, history had vindicated the EIS chief executive.

But the future, regrettably, was not for her to decide. DM

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Re: Killing the Holy Ghost (Part one): Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

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Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the unlawful bid for environmental approval of the Musina-Makhado SEZ
Part 3

By Kevin Bloom• 25 May 2021

From left: Lehlogonolo Masoga, the recently appointed CEO of the MMSEZ operating company. (Photo: Gallo Images / City Press / Leon Sadiki) | An impression of the MMSEZ. (Image: Limpopo Economic Development Agency) | A baobab in Limpopo, South Africa. (Photo: Gallo Images / Sunday Times / Marianne Schwankhart) | Limpopo River (Photo: Kevin Bloom | Limpopo River with elephant cows en route to Zimbabwe. (Photo: Wally Schultz) | South African currency. (Photo: Nadine Hutton / Bloomberg via Getty Images)

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Re: Killing the Holy Ghost (Part one): Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

Post by Richprins »

This deal with our Chinese colonial masters was signed long ago, and the relevant officials paid off. O/

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Re: Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

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Saving the Holy Ghost: Eco-mapping the past to preserve the future

By Claire Rousell and Brandon Abdinor• 29 June 2021

The eco-mapping process demonstrates the value of deeply understanding the way things have existed in the past and the consequence

Claire Rousell is an artist, writer, activist and researcher focused on the intersection of extractivism, food sovereignty, social justice and art. Her work takes a variety of forms including visual harvesting, animation, poetry and she plays a key role in Straight from the Ground NPC, a vegetable box scheme with local small-scale farmers in and around Johannesburg.

Brandon Abdinor is an attorney and an environmental rights and climate change activist. At the time of writing this article, he was an associate of Earthlife Africa and has since joined the Centre for Environmental Rights as a climate advocacy lawyer. This article is co-authored in his personal capacity.

“There was a Baobab tree there, where people used to meet and drum,” says Tshiwela Tshihuwa, pointing to an area on a large, thoroughly detailed hand-drawn map on the floor. “Now it’s a petrol station and people don’t really drum as much anymore. They play music on speakers and dance to that.”

This approach to eco-mapping was developed by indigenous peoples in the Colombian Amazon with whom Vho Mphatheleni Makaulule, the founder and director of Dzomo la Mupo, trained. (Photo: Blackdot Multimedia (Pty) Ltd)

The destructive impacts and dubious underpinnings of the project can be read about here, here, here, and here. The project is still undergoing a plagued and flawed environmental impact assessment (EIA) process that is currently in limbo due to alleged procedural irregularities and complaints about its poor attempts at meaningful public participation. EIAs are required by law to support sound decision-making and ensure that environmental, socioeconomic, heritage and other impacts are properly assessed. This is a healthy piece of legislation that, if implemented with integrity and commitment to real change, is part of what democracy in action looks like.

In its ideal form, a key aspect of this legal instrument is the participation of the public in the environmental decision-making process, in particular those who stand to be directly affected by the proposed project. The law says that the participation of all interested and affected parties in environmental governance must be promoted and all people must have the opportunity to develop the understanding, skills and capacity necessary for achieving equitable and effective participation, and participation by marginalised and vulnerable persons, in particular, must be ensured.

This is a far cry from what passes as standard in public participation processes and the MMSEZ is no exception. There appears to have been very little concerted effort to reach out to affected people and communities. Public participation meetings were largely not translated into local languages and presentations about the project and its impacts were short, incomplete and awash with technical terminology.

Q&A sessions were subject to time limits and many questions could not be answered as the necessary specialists were not present. In essence, those most affected are given the least airtime and are often the last to know about what is planned for their homes, livelihoods and sacred sites.

The alternative to this would be to imagine a situation where the process is led by the affected communities and is centred on the connected fates of a diversity of species, not only human, and how these would be affected should a particular project be given the go-ahead. Such an approach is unheard of as part of an official EIA and public participation process and yet, the eco-mapping process sparked the imagination for what alternative public participation could look like.

This particular approach to eco-mapping was developed by indigenous peoples in the Colombian Amazon with whom Vho Mphatheleni Makaulule, the founder and director of Dzomo la Mupo, trained. It is an intergenerational process that calls on the memories of the elders and the creative energy of the young people to draw on to large sheets of paper the rivers, mountains, homesteads, sacred sites, animals, plants and, in general, the order of things, as far back as they can remember.

This ancestral map forms the baseline that allows the young people to imagine how things were. This will become a reference for how the land could be restored. It is then layered over with a sheet of tracing paper which is inscribed with drawings and writings of how things currently are.

This eco-mapping event held near Thohoyandou in Venda was conceived and enabled by Vho Mphatheleni Makaulule, the founder and director of Dzomo la Mupo, and Executive Director of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg Makoma Lekalakala, and entailed five days of discussion, remembering, dancing, singing and drawing maps of an entirely different sort from the so-called empirical maps that underpin so much of the colonial land-grabbing imperative. (Photo: Blackdot Multimedia (Pty) Ltd)

And then the final layer shows what is likely to become of the area if the development takes place. It is an utterly different approach to gathering information, assessing risks and exploring the needs and ways of protecting the environment for the wellbeing of present and future generations.

This eco-mapping event held near Thohoyandou in Venda was conceived and enabled by Makaulele and Executive Director of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg, Makoma Lekalakala, and entailed five days of discussion, remembering, dancing, singing and drawing maps of an entirely different sort from the so-called empirical maps that underpin so much of the colonial land-grabbing imperative.

Wisdom and knowledge from the elders met the fiery and imaginative passion of the younger community activists and the debate was lively, broad and deep. What emerged was a sense of belonging and holism. The people, the land, the flora and fauna, the history, the culture and sacred practices, all inextricably woven together, alongside aspirations for development and enhanced wellbeing.


If the MMSEZ is constructed and goes into operation the entire social and environmental character of the Vhembe Region will be altered, likely forever. And for all these devastating effects there has been little holistic, detailed evaluation, despite the existence of the environmental impact assessment legislation.

Sound environmental decision-making cannot occur without a full understanding of all of the impacts on the interrelated systems that make up the rich tapestry of life in the Limpopo Valley, and the EIA and public participation processes as they stand are just not equipped to do justice to this complexity.

The eco-mapping process demonstrates the value of deeply understanding the way things have existed in the past and the consequences of the current course of action.

And that the primary experts on the land, its species and Zwifho (sacred sites) are the people who have lived here for generations, and in any assessment of the land or prospecting for some sort of corporate gain, should be the first to be consulted. DM

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Re: Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

Post by RogerFraser » ... A4CAS6ngP0


At the UN General Assembly in September however, Chinese president, Xi Jinping, announced that they ‘will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad.’

Earlier this month, Fossil Free South Africa made contact with China’s ambassador to South Africa, Chen Xiaodong, who confirmed the Chinese president’s statements.

The ambassador commented that ‘China is willing to work with all countries, South Africa included, to establish and improve a green and circular economic system development system and green and low-carbon energy.’

The MM – SEZ project included plans for at least 20 industrial plants, all of which would contribute significantly to greenhouse emissions. Fossil Free South Africa stated that the project was controversial from the start, making it impossible for South Africa to meet its carbon commitments.

There is some confusion as to China’s role in the climate struggle, where China, along with India, was vilified following their lobby to change the wording of the COP26 agreement from ‘phasing out’ coal to phasing down,’ yet china is the world largest investor in renewable energy.

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Re: Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

Post by Lisbeth »

Don't listen to what they say, watch what they are doing :twisted:

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Re: Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

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Limpopo bushveld ‘monster steel’ project challenged in court

A giant baobab tree — a central feature of Limpopo’s coat of arms — is silhouetted at sunset in the Mapungubwe National Park, to the north of the proposed Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone. The area is one of astounding natural beauty, with indigenous vegetation covering most of the site, including nearly 4,500 iconic baobabs. (Photo Tony Carnie)

By Tony Carnie | 17 Jan 2023

Plans for a mega-industrial steel zone in the mineral-rich Limpopo bushveld must be halted until there is a thorough social and environmental assessment of its broader impacts — including the climate crisis, air pollution, habitat destruction and crippling water demands in an arid region.
A legal review set to be heard in the Polokwane High Court, challenging the piecemeal approval process of the proposed Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone (MMSEZ), argues that the development must be halted until full impact assessments are done.

The major component of the special economic zone is a new steel and metallurgical cluster largely financed by Chinese developers, just south of the Zimbabwe border, about 50km from Musina.

A schematic view of the proposed Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone. Traditionally, special economic zones are fenced-in areas that allow for duty-free and tax-free imports of raw and intermediate materials for processing and re-export. (Image: EIA report)

The original proposal to power the new metal city development via a 3,300 MW coal-fired power station would consume up to 16% of South Africa’s remaining carbon budget. Now, the plan to use coal has, allegedly, been ditched after Chinese president Xi Jinping announced a policy decision late in 2021 that China would not build any new coal projects abroad.

According to MMSEZ chief executive officer, Lehlogonolo Masoga, plans to burn coal have been “abandoned” in favour of new solar and hydrogen energy sources.

Masoga told City Press in September last year that there were plans to construct a solar plant in partnership with a Chinese company, “which he preferred not to name until a memorandum of understanding had been signed”.

The proposed Limpopo metallurgical cluster is located south of the border town of Musina. (Image EIA report)

However, whether the coal-burning plans have in fact been abandoned remains to be seen, as the original project rationale was tied inextricably to the proximity of new coal mining fields in the adjoining Soutpansberg region.

According to MMSEZ’s own environmental impact assessment (EIA) report, a previous feasibility study estimated that a 2,000ha chunk of land was needed to establish a 1,320 MW photovoltaic solar farm — so the solar option was therefore considered unviable.

Now, in court papers lodged in the Polokwane High Court in December, three civil society organisations have called for a legal review of a decision by the Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) department to authorise the first part of the development.

‘Project splitting’

The applicants (The Herd Nature Reserve, Living Limpopo and the Centre for Applied Legal Studies at Wits University) argue that the Limpopo economic authorities are following a dubious, piecemeal approach known as “project splitting”.

This involves breaking up a major development plan into smaller pieces that mask the full cumulative impacts when applying for environmental approval.

In this case, the Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone (SOC) Limited has applied for permission to clear large swathes of indigenous vegetation, install bulk services infrastructure and fence off the MMSEZ South site.

The new Limpopo steel city project has been hailed as a flagship economic development supported by a Chinese investment consortium. A specialist report suggests that if coal is used to power the project, the lifetime emissions will consume between 10%-16% of the country’s remaining carbon budget. (Image: EIA report)

Living Limpopo director Lauren Liebenberg-Southworth says in her founding affidavit that the decision to authorise the first part of the development had excluded a proper analysis of climate change, ecological, air quality, health, tourism, agriculture, food security, heritage, visual and noise impacts of the broader MMSEZ plan.

“The process is fatally flawed in that it constitutes project splitting. After initially applying for authorisation for the energy-metallurgical cluster of the MMSEZ in its entirety, the application had been altered in the draft EIA report to an application for site establishment only, shrinking the scope of the EIA in relation to the impact of the activities that will be conducted on the site of the heavy industrial zone.”

Prof Brian Bredenkamp and a group of youngsters are dwarfed by the massive Ga-Ratjeke baobab tree near Modjadjiskloof in Limpopo (Photo: Supplied)

Nevertheless, the clearance of pristine vegetation would likely include the destruction of numerous baobabs on a development site containing up to 4,500 of these iconic, protected trees.

“The consequences of the climate crisis cannot be avoided and should not be ignored in the consideration of the impacts of this industrial development.

“On its own specialists’ versions, the coal-based MMSEZ will take South Africa down a dangerous developmental path, seriously jeopardise our greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments, with significant economic and political consequences for the country, and flies in the face of the urgent need to decarbonise the economy in order to protect the planet from the serious risks of rising atmospheric temperatures.”

Water security

Liebenberg-Southworth further notes that the development region is already severely water-stressed and the water-intensive MMSEZ project “will have profound impacts on water resources and exacerbate already high water-security risks, both in South Africa and in neighbouring Zimbabwe”.

Living Limpopo and its fellow applicants also take issue with the MMSEZ plan being both proposed and approved by LEDET — as MMSEZ SOC is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA), which is itself a state-owned company wholly owned by LEDET.



The MMSEZ would include a major new steel plant, ferrosilicon furnaces and other metallurgical production facilities. (Images: EIA report)

There was thus a clear conflict of interest between MMSEZ SOC/LEDA, as the applicant for the MMSEZ authorisation, and LEDET, as the decision-maker in terms of granting environmental authorisation.

The application should instead have been assessed at a more strategic level by the national Department of Environmental Affairs, she said, noting that the MMSEZ “is the largest Special Economic Zone in South African history and the adverse impacts that it will have on numerous aspects of the environment is commensurate with its size, if not greater”.

It was expected to more than double South Africa’s steel production capacity and cost an estimated R344-billion ($22-billion) to develop, according to MMSEZ plans.

MMSEZ has argued that the size of the original development has been scaled back considerably (from 8,000ha to just under 4,000ha), but Living Limpopo says the overall production capacity of the metallurgical zone has not substantially reduced, so the revised site layout would have no material effect on the cumulative environmental and other impacts of the zone.

“Apart from environmental impacts, which will in turn significantly impact other sectors of the regional economy — including agriculture and tourism — the impact on the South African fiscus, given the cost of developing the zone, will be significant,” Living Limpopo suggests.

According to the EIA report, the construction of the bulk services and fencing would “secure the site for future development opportunities”, thereby assuming that future development becomes a foregone conclusion.

Where will the water come from?

The litigants have further questioned where large quantities of water will come from to meet the needs of a giant metallurgical cluster.

As things stand, they say a significant human population and regional economy depends on the Limpopo River and its tributaries, yet many of these rivers were becoming heavily polluted and their resilience seriously compromised through over-exploitation.

“In this already distressed situation, the hugely disproportionate water demands of the emergent mining and industrial sectors will impose dangerous strain…

“In order to meet the projected water requirements of the planned Greater Soutpansberg Projects’ coal mines and Musina SEZ, as it was then conceived, an elaborate and highly implausible inward transfer scheme to augment water supply from other catchments, including from Zimbabwe’s Zhove Dam on the Umzingwane Rive, is proposed.”

In short, the north Limpopo catchment areas simply could not accommodate the massive water demands of the MMSEZ.

To give an indication of quantities, they refer to a LEDET final scoping report which suggests that the new steel and metals zone would require 123 million cubic metres per year in the operational phase — whereas the locally available groundwater on site was limited to 0.377 million cubic metres per year: a fraction of what was needed.

The Limpopo River and its tributaries form the lifeblood of the already water-stressed region. (Photo: Tony Carnie)

In a separate report produced by Matukane and Associates, it was estimated that the North and South MMSEZ sites would have a combined annual water requirement of 110mm3 during their operational phase, with the metallurgical zone requiring 80mm3 of that amount.

This excluded further water demand by new mines in the area.

Our Burning Planet tried to contact MMSEZ project leaders Richard Zitha and Lehlogonolo Masoga for comment on the legal challenge and for copies of any responding papers. Neither has responded.

However, Kirsten Youens of Durban-based All Rise Attorneys for Climate and Environmental Justice, said this week that the Limpopo MEC for Economic Development and the chief director of LEDET had both filed notices of intention to oppose the application.

A court hearing date could be set only once all parties had filed legal papers. DM/OBP

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Re: Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

Post by Richprins »

We must bow to the will of our Chinese colonial masters. :O^

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Re: Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

Post by Lisbeth »

If they have to build that horrible thing, can't they find a place where it does not stick out like a sore thumb ruining nature and ecosystems :evil:

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Re: Killing the Holy Ghost: Inside the R145bn plan that would destroy the Limpopo River

Post by Peter Betts »

Yes Build it x 10 in Beijing

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