When small Streams turn into Rivers

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Re: When small Streams turn into Rivers

Post by Pumbaa »

Masses of golden orb web spiders could be captured whilst


waiting in their webs – indeed huge spiders


and for sure the birding continued as well we could photograph one of the many pied kingfishers,


and also were lucky in finding a brown hooded kingfisher as well


even same was hiding in the thick vegetation of a bush.


As already said the mopane bushes were as well thick and happily a couple of waterbucks could be photographed as well


and whilst we still were astonished that all our beloved loops which do lead further to the river on the S46 were open especially our favourite the very last one where we do always can spend hours in watching and photographing birds – Soon we spotted on the other side of the river a group of yellow billed storks,


lots of white fronted bee eaters were around as well but always landed either too far away or on a branch in a thick bush so we first concentrated on the hippos in the water


before one of the white fronted bee eaters had pity with us and landed in a more open area


luckily we could also detect an African jacana who stalked slowly along the edge


so we were able to take a couple of shots.


Also in this loop we were the only car and we simply enjoyed the silence there whilst trying to capture a pied wagtail in flight


and on the other side of the Letaba now a group of ground hornbills landed but a bit too far away, the river flowed strongly but sometimes huge rocks allowed in this case a couple of black smith plovers to land on same.



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Re: When small Streams turn into Rivers

Post by Pumbaa »

It was indeed far too good to be true and soon we noted the catch – We were now only 3 kilometers from Letaba but could not continue as that road was now finally closed and now we understood why we met now other car on the entire road so we had to drive the longer detour via the S94/S46 and H1-5 but it was overall worth that we decided to stroll along the river. Meanwhile it already heated up a bit so not much could be seen but at least after having heard the culprit already


finally same showed up only to hide again soon behind a bush and disappear completely.


The rest of our drive was then uneventful so after a while we reached Letaba camp for a short break and after we parked under the large trees we first noted that a couple of construction workers were busy in building the new shop and secondly to our joy a couple of woodhoopoes landed in the trees under which we parked and so Timon soon was in his element and fired away


it looked as if somewhere they had offspring although we unfortunately never found out where


but many of them landed with something in their bill


only to disappear between a couple of branches and then after seconds to reappear.


Needless to say that it took a while until we got enough from them but before we continued also blue waxbills arrived


as well as more woodhoopoes.


After quite a longer break than expected we finally could drive on the tar road along the Letaba and discovered quite a lot hippos also a bit closer,


a goliath heron on its private small island


and gave a family of ground hornbills right the way to cross the road in front of us.



to be continued……………………..


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Re: When small Streams turn into Rivers

Post by Lisbeth »

Lots of lovely birds \O Even the far-away brown-headed kingfisher :yes:

The woodhoopoes have such beautiful colours. I would love a dress in those colours...a pity that nobody dresses nicely (evening dress) these days :-(
It was so nice when you went to the theatre, to the opera and eating out, to see some elegance. At least the birds still have style O** ;-)

There are always plenty of yellow-billed storks along the river O/\


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Re: When small Streams turn into Rivers

Post by Richprins »

A lovely morning indeed, Pumbaa! :yes:

Ja, one is often alone on those Olifants-Letaba dirt roads even when they are not closed.. :-0

Grand birdies, I love the wagtail in flight.

Those big thorn trees at Letaba parking are always full of birds! \O


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Re: When small Streams turn into Rivers

Post by Pumbaa »

Lisbeth wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 5:44 pm Lots of lovely birds \O Even the far-away brown-headed kingfisher :yes:

The woodhoopoes have such beautiful colours. I would love a dress in those colours...a pity that nobody dresses nicely (evening dress) these days :-(
It was so nice when you went to the theatre, to the opera and eating out, to see some elegance. At least the birds still have style O** ;-)

There are always plenty of yellow-billed storks along the river O/\

We had in fact years were the yellow billed storks were rare ;-)


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Re: When small Streams turn into Rivers

Post by Pumbaa »

Richprins wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 5:43 pm A lovely morning indeed, Pumbaa! :yes:

Ja, one is often alone on those Olifants-Letaba dirt roads even when they are not closed.. :-0

Grand birdies, I love the wagtail in flight.

Those big thorn trees at Letaba parking are always full of birds! \O

We simply love these huge trees in Letaba and that is also a reason why we love the Olifants - Letaba dirt roads - Not many cars there \O


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Re: When small Streams turn into Rivers

Post by Pumbaa »

We noted a raptor in flight


we supposed that this was a steppe buzzard


stopped at our beloved pond but to our disappointment today in fact nothing could be discovered there so we soon continued and were also more than happy that also the S95 was open and same even had been graded not long ago and although this is only a short loop we simply prefer that road as same is leading along the river instead of continuing on the tar road.

Suddenly a large group of white helmet shrikes landed in a bush close to our car


and luckily most of them stayed long enough


for an extensive photo shooting


before they flew away.


Also to our joy we detected a couple of little bee eaters in that loop also successfully with kill in their bill



there were quite a few of them around so we were lucky in capturing them easily.



As often we came not far as then we noted quite a lot of white fronted bee eaters as well


already with bee which proudly had to be shown around


and somehow same changed the owner.



You can believe me Timon took again that much pictures from the bee eaters I once again had difficulties which one to select


so please forgive me when I start to bore you with these shots.


For sure we even had luck with that lucky shot



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Re: When small Streams turn into Rivers

Post by Pumbaa »

and it was not easy to drag Timon away from all the white fronted bee eaters



as he always was successful in catching one in the act but after a while they all were gone and we could finally continue.


We meanwhile reached the highwater bridge across the Letaba but as same was still flowing extreme strong nothing was around and as we still had a bit time we decided to pay Matambani hide a visit as what a surprise also this road was open and on that road a couple of loops lead again closer to the river and in one we noted that group of hippos and also that at least a couple of sand islands could already be seen.


Matambeni was in fact the first hide we could visit during that trip so we simply had to pay a visit there although same is not our favourite at least we could capture a crested barbet


which looked a bit funny as the wind was flowing from the back.


After a while we drove the same way back we came from and we were happy in stopping for groups of zebras as well as waterbucks


and hippos all were busy in grazing.


After another short break at Letaba camp now with visit to the provisional shop we continued now via the H1-5 which is in fact one of the roads in Kruger we do not like as in the beginning you are surrounded by masses of mopane bushes and we never had luck on that road with our sightings later the stretch where you can drive down to the Olifants river is again amazing. As already suppossed we had not that much luck but at least nearly at the end of our drive we were happy in discovering a kori bustard once again extreme close to the road



and on top we could capture that birdie as well.


Back in camp we strolled a bit around and simply had to photograph the amazing fig tree at the restaurant


and were happy with another buzzard in flight.


As tomorrow will again be moving day and we had enough from driving that day we spent the rest of the day in camp with an early braai and we for sure enjoyed the view from our bungalow now extensively with grazing hippos


or simply with only a view


also to the many baobabs in the distance. We stayed outside as long as it was bright enough and inside we then could continue reading in our books.


to be continued……………………..


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Re: When small Streams turn into Rivers

Post by Lisbeth »

How come you always see little bee-eaters :twisted: I don't think that I have ever seen one -O-

Nice sequence of the bee-eaters \O

I think that the "birdie" is a dusky lark :yes:

Beautiful view from the bungalow \O

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Re: When small Streams turn into Rivers

Post by Richprins »

All sorts, Pumbaa! \O

Astounding bee-eater action shots! [O] [O]

I like the baobab in the distance too!

Ja, the Matambeni Hide area is not high on my list at all! :no:


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