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Re: Fatal shark attack in Western Cape

Post by Flutterby »

ZigZag surfing magazine: The controversial Ocearch vessel that was involved with the Sharkmen chumming drama was seen anchored off Kleinbaai in the Boland this past weekend. Locals are clearly not happy about it, especially since unconfirmed reports state the crew is awaiting reply on another permit to continue their research.


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Shark filmmaker gets permit back

Post by Sprocky »

2012-05-04 22:01

Cape Town - National Geographic documentary maker Chris Fischer and other scientists have been re-issued research permits following the death of a bodyboarder in Cape Town, the environmental affairs department said on Friday.

Spokesperson Zolile Nqayi said the permits were given on condition that the Ocearch vessel limit itself to Gansbaai and False Bay, and tag six sharks at most per area.

He said the permits would be valid until the end of May or when 12 sharks had been tagged.

The department cancelled the permits following the death of David Lilienfeld in Kogel Bay in April.

Lilienfeld, an SA bodyboarding team member, was at a popular surfing area, Caves, with his brother around noon when a great white shark attacked him. There was a public uproar following the attack with many blaming Fischer's activities for attracting sharks to the bay.

Environmental affairs investigated the attack and announced there was no link.

"Over the following 10 days further information, including that of the movements of the tagged animals, strengthened this position," Ngqayi said.

"A strong case was put forward regarding the benefits of this work, not only for understanding and conserving sharks better, but also for in future being able to provide for public safety [like] close to real time advice on risk areas for potential shark attacks."

The Ocearch vessel was allowed back into Gansbaai waters on Friday and would move to False Bay on May 14.


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Western Cape to hold shark hearing

Post by Sprocky »

2012-05-11 22:10

Cape town - The Western Cape legislature will host a Great White shark hearing next week to discuss the creature's future and protection, two standing committees said on Friday.

The cultural affairs and sports committee and the agriculture and environmental planning committee said they would host the preliminary hearing in Cape Town on Tuesday afternoon.

The public was invited to listen to the departments and other organisations discuss the sharks' protection, who could interact with them, under what conditions, and how this would be monitored.

The ultimate goal was "to ensure that neither the sharks nor public safety is put in jeopardy".

The committees would then decide if the matter merited further investigation.

Sharks have been in the spotlight following research permits being issued to National Geographic film-maker Chris Fischer and other scientists aboard his vessel, the Ocearch.

The team attracted sharks to the vessels using chum [fish bait] and then tagged them so they could be picked up by a satellite.

Some were against the research because they felt the chumming could attract sharks into False Bay and jeopardise the safety of water users.

The death of bodyboarder David Lilienfeld in Kogel Bay in April added fuel to the fire, with people linking the attack to Fischer's activities.

The City of Cape Town denied a link but the environmental affairs department suspended Fischers's permits to conduct its own investigation.

It re-instated the permits last Friday on condition the Ocearch vessel limit itself to Gansbaai and False Bay and tag six sharks at most per area.

The permits would be valid until the end of May, or when 12 sharks had been tagged.


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Lion cub bites tourist in the face

Post by Sprocky »

2012-05-15 10:14

Johannesburg - A tourist from Singapore received 60 stitches after she was bitten in the face by a lion cub near Hoedspruit, according to a report on Tuesday.

The animal narrowly missed an artery in her neck, Beeld reported.

Madelein Querk, 28, and her husband had been touring the country for two weeks, and would have returned home on Sunday.

They were among a group of tourists who visited the Tshukudu game lodge near Hoedspruit, where members of the group posed for pictures with the cubs.

Querk was apparently posing with a year-old cub when it bit her, leaving her with four deep cuts of between 4cm and 8cm on the left side of her face, and lacerations on her left arm and leg, where the lion clawed her. Querk's husband attempted to distract the lion by hitting it with his camera.

The injured woman was treated at the Nelspruit Mediclinic, and was scheduled to fly home on Thursday.

Tshukudu lodge manager Eric Gander said on Monday night that a decision would be taken about the lion cub's future after an investigation into the incident.


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Ellie shot near Satara

Post by Flutterby »

Posted by Peter Betts on FB today:

As I am barred from viewing Forum Indaba on S Forum..does anyone know what happenned to that poor ellie that was shot Near Satara yesterday on a morning walk. Unfortunately the 'guide' only wounded it and it ran off apparently???

Has anyone else heard about this?

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Re: Ellie shot near Satara

Post by Flutterby »

From Kruger Park Sightings FB page:

As you may all know, on Friday 11 May 2012 there was a reported elephant charge on a guided walking tour from Satara Rest Camp in the Kruger National Park.

KrugerSightings.com was the first to receive the photograph of the elephant charge from Jaco Kamffer who photographed and filmed the charge.


The tourists were watching a breeding herd of elephants that all got together and started charging the tourists.
The rangers guiding the walk were able to chase away the herd but a single female elephant continued charging them.
When the rangers realized that the female elephant went from a normal 50m to 11.5m from the tourists in 6 seconds, they had to do something.

The rangers fired 3 shots at the elephant. The third hitting the right tusk which finally made the elephant turn back. The charging elephant was injured but not killed.

Immediately after the tourists were back in camp after this dramatic walk, the rangers went to look for that female elephant, which they have not found yet.
Up to now the state of the elephant is unknown.

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Dangerous Animal Incidents

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Re: Kruger NP: Rhino and Elephant injure tourists

Post by Twigga »

:shock: O-/ :shock: O-/ :shock: O-/

As for the rhino incident, she just acted upon her strong maternal instincts. All tourists must know what they sign up for when embarking on this activities. I can't understand why Sanparks still allow these walks? :O^

Wishing you a speedy recovery O0

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Re: Kruger NP: Rhino and Elephant injure tourists

Post by Twigga »

And the ellie incident..............not helping with my phobia

O-/ O-/ O-/

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Re: Kruger NP: Rhino and Elephant injure tourists

Post by Richprins »

From Beeld:

Basically the same except mention of the elephant possibly having a calf. Dr Aasvag was airlifted to Medi-clinic in Nelspruit where she is in stable condition.

Also, a male tourist in his fifties died of a suspected heart attack en route between Skukuza and Pretoriuskop on Monday afternoon.

Toeris beseer toe renosters storm
2012-11-13 23:42
Buks Viljoen
’n Vrouedokter van Duitsland is beseer toe sy op ’n staproete in die Krugerwildtuin deur ’n verwoede renosterkoei platgehardloop is.

Dié dokter is een van etlike besoekers wat dié week deur nooddienspersoneellede in die wildtuin gehelp moes word.

In nog ’n voorval is ’n toeris eergisteroggend beseer toe ’n verwoede olifantkoei sy motor bestorm en dit omgekeer het.

Nog ’n besoeker is gistermiddag in die wildtuin dood, vermoedelik weens ’n hartaanval.

In die renostervoorval is ene dr. Aasvalg eergister op die Wolhuter-staproete naby Berg-en-Dal beseer.

Volgens Stephens Ledwaba, wildtuinwoordvoerder, was die stappers skaars ’n kilometer van die oornagkamp af toe twee renosters hulle bestorm.

Die stapgidse het die diere probeer verwilder terwyl die stappers agter ’n rots geskuil het.

’n Koei het die stappers egter agter die rots uitgejaag en Aasvalg platgestamp.

Die gidse het op die dier geskiet en sy is blykbaar gekwes, maar het weggekom. Daar word tans na die dier gesoek.

’n Dokter van die wildtuin is per helikopter van Skukuza na die beseerde stapper geneem.

Nadat Aasvalg behandel is, is sy in die helikopter na die Mediclinic Nelspruit geneem.

Robyn Baard, woordvoerder van die hospitaal, het gister gesê Aasvalg het beserings aan haar ribbe en enkel opgedoen.

“Sy word in die waakeenheid behandel, maar is buite gevaar en haar toestand is stabiel.”

Die man wie se motor deur ’n olifant omgegooi is, het glo te na aan ’n trop stilgehou. Een van die koeie het hom toe bestorm, vermoedelik omdat sy ’n kleintjie by haar het, het ’n bron in die wildtuin gesê.

Die motoris, wie se naam nie bekend is nie, het sy knieë lig beseer toe hy uit die omgegooide motor geklim het.

Die man wat dood is en sy vrou was glo van Skukuza af op pad in die rigting van Pretoriuskop toe hy siek begin voel het. ’n Verbygaande motoris het hulp verleen en die wildtuin se nooddienste is ontbied.

Die man, glo diep in die 50, is deur ’n wildtuin-ambulans na Skukuza geneem, maar hy was by sy aankoms reeds dood

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