And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....*

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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Then another lifer was giving us nearly heartaches as the yellow throated longclaw always landed on the road right in front of us and always whilst Timon drove closer and positioned the car the bird flew away. This happened a couple of times until the longclaw finally landed on the road side in the grass and we were allowed to take a couple of shots.


The scenery was once again breathtaking especially with the dark clouds obviously coming up and during the whole stay at Satara it always looked as if rain was coming up with heavy wind and dark clouds but it almost fell only drops and around noon the sun won the battles against the clouds.


Close to the turn off into the S41 we spotted a couple of swaison francolins on the look out shooting as loud as possible – This look out is obviously a famous francolin look out point as we nearly each time we travelled that road in the morning


at least a swaison francolin is sitting on top of that tree.


Right at the turning there was a road block again as obviously the buffalo herd which we spotted already yesterday on the Mananga trail


was on the move again. Needless to say that we could not resist in taking more pictures of them.


When the grass was still high and lush!


A small bush normally no problem for a buffalo turned into a very famous rubbing post


and soon they started to queue up and to use this special scratching bush – “Heaven – This is mine!”


“Hello – Next turn is mine!”

to be continued...


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

It was again a mooing nearly coming from everywhere


and the flies were a pest but we had a great time in spotting the fight of which buffalo is next to get the right scratch.


Finally we could draw ourselves away from the buffloes and carried on the S41 which is also a magic road and also here we had to pay attention as a horde of baboons was blocking the road and the youngsters were running from left to right and right to left whilst the older ones were just day dreaming


or simply chilling


but we also got curious looks


whereas others had enough from watching the playful youngsters in a close by bush and continued simply their sleep as it was obviously a hard night.


We could also admire a beautiful Wahlberg eagle eying us from high above suspiciously.


We then made a short stop at Gudzani East and we were already about to leave when we noticed an impressive martial eagle landing and immediately taking off again


to chase some glossy starlings away


only after landing on the ground to take off again and now it even landed closer to where we stood.


What an impressive raptor this is – After we have been eyed excessively same once again took off and landed nearly out of sight in a tree.



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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As it was already our last day in that area we took it extreme slow also having in mind that it will again take nearly one year until we will be back and so longer stops at the many causeways on that road were a must also under the aspect that in fact not much cars came along. Right at the first one a large group of laughing doves were about to take a drink and so this natal francolin did as well


on the other side the hippos had occupied the pond.


Right at the next one which already had only mud left a group of banded mongoose walked by and some of them where digging in the mud and searching for something yummy,


the malachite kingfisher was also around but nearly stayed the whole time hidden in a bush and whilst we only had to turn the head we could admire a beautiful goliath heron standing on one leg.


Today compared to the previous days it turned into a sunny day with nearly no clouds and no wind and even the temperature was most of the day bearable – In fact a fantastic day to say good bye to the area around Satara. Next stop was then at Gudzani dam which was compared to the rest of the area extreme full of water. Just when we arrived also a large group of impalas were about to quench their thirst under the watchful eye of a sunbathing crocodile.


Whilst scanning the area we also spotted a cattle egret and a grey heron and after a lovely break we carried on, spotted a very well hidden and shy kudu bull


and once again at the two famous causeways we made a longer stop and had to give right the way to a water monitor who found the pond on the other side a bit more inviting


and also a terrapin had a lazy day on a rock.


Before we then finally took our well earned break at N’wanetsi picnic spot we spotted another ground hornbill in a tree


and lot of impalas.


A visit to Satara without paying a visit a Sweni bird hide would not be complete so this hide was our next stop and the view is always lovely especially when the sun is shining.


to be continued......


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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We made ourselves comfortable in the hide and waited what might come along. First we spotted a pair of Egyptian goose


and then a cute rattling cisticola who landed in the reeds close to the hide and Timon had once again a great time in photographing this always so active bird.



It was great to simply sit there and let the birdies come so that we only had to press the button


and our reward was a free song!


A pair of African jacanas was also around and entertained us nearly the whole time we stayed in the hide as they started from far until extreme close to where we sat with running over the water poses


and they even could run faster. Another positive aspect was that we were nearly the whole 45 minutes we stayed in the hide totally alone and so it was an amazing time we spent there.


When we were about to leave we also had luck in discovering a black crake


and we also had to look carefully when entering the hide onto the huge spider webs we had to give way whilst stooping down nearly on the ground and the same procedure had to be done again when we left the hide in order not to get caught in the trap and for me it was a good opportunity to take some close shots of the eight legged creatures.


The H6 was extreme quiet and so this road was already in the past years and therefore this is a road which we only drive once when in that area at least to check whether things might have changed but in fact this road so far did not bring us the sightings the other roads around Satara might have to offer.

At least we saw a large number of amur falcons


and it appeared to us as if nearly each bush or dead tree on that road was occupied by at least one amur falcon.


Needless to say that the camera button started one again to glow as soon as Timon cut loose and it took us quite a while to travel on this road as we nearly had to stop in front of each single bush to capture these small raptors. Often we could capture the falcon whilst looking up into the air



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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and the bushes which might not have been occupied by the falcons had been occupied by wattled starlings. The only mammals we saw on that road was a breeding herd of elephants with lots of little ones


always following their moms on the foot.



We already decided that after two days spent in that area nearly on the road without a midday break that today we wanted not to be out the whole day but enjoy the afternoon drive in the golden light a bit more enlarged and therefore it was in fact time for a short stop at Nsemani dam left as this was also our nearly final visit there besides a short stopover the next morning on our way to Letaba. It comes as already expected elephants over elephants could be spotted there



and it was a frenetic splashing and moaning to be heard from nearly everywhere.



Obviously long lost buddies found each other again and long lost childhood memories elephantwise came to life again




It was again a fantastic time we were able to spend with them and whenever I remember when back at home bathing elephants the ones at Nsemani always come to my mind first.


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Finally we could spend a lovely break in camp on our verandah enjoying the silence and after we explored the new camp shop also extensively we were ready to hit the S100 for a final time at least for this year and we even allowed us to already leave camp around 16.00 o’clock to make the most out of our last Satara drive and on top the golden light was about to illuminate everything even a bit more. As already during last visits the S100 was quiet but simply beautiful to drive.


In one of the loops under thick vegetation we spotted a resting crocodile obviously same moved in the shade as the sun was burning once again from above but in fact a bit unusual for a crocodile.


Then we got a glimpse of two lionesses who just crossed the road and were hiding behind and in a thick bush and we nearly had problems in spotting them so we simply drove on hoping that maybe on our way back to camp they might come out again.

We again had luck in spotting another group of wood hoopoes,


elephants bulls gladly from far came across


as well as giraffes and waterbucks.


We even could drive the whole S100 until the end and we turned around only to spot once again the same animals we already met earlier, however, we made it slow and so already a traffic jam had been built up at the spot where we saw the lionesses as now more and more people were on their afternoon drive but we had luck in finding a nice spot, switched the engine off and positioned cameras and snapped away


whilst the lioness was checking out potential dinner victims


and she even sat up to get a better view what was on the menue.



From our position where we stood we only could see this one lioness unfortunately most time only from the back but there must have been more around as most of the people in their cars had chosen other spots to park and must have spotted from there more members of the pride.





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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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A group of waterbucks appeared in a safe distance and especially when the ladies occurred on the scene the lioness seemed interested but when the waterbuck ram showed up our lioness got bored and laid down again


at least the light was brilliant and we stayed as long as time permitted and so often on our last evening in Satara we headed back to camp in a cloud of dust with all the other cars but with wide grins on our faces.


We immediately lit the braai when we returned to our bungalow and Timon whilst lapped around I enjoyed my magic half an hour with a sundowner in hand. A pity was that neither Miss Satara nor the famous honey badger showed up during our stay in camp but when Timon returned from his running he told me that he saw Miss Satara with her kitten close to the camping ground at least it is good to know that she is still there.

We sat outside quite a while enjoying our last evening here but as always when in the park we were already looking forward to our stay in Letaba

Wednesday, 25. February, 2015 – Satara – Letaba

Roads we paid a visit today:

H7 – S40 – S12 – S39 – H1-5 – S91 – S92 – H8 – S44 – S93 – S46

Today was again moving day and somehow our alarm clock went off overnight and we overslept by an hour as when we woke up it was already bright and quiet in camp and I could not explain why until we realized what happened so without a hot coffee which is essential for me to start into the day we packed everything together and within 10 minutes we were ready. This was record time and we even did not forget anything!

Needless to say that all the other cars were already on the road when we left camp only 15 minutes after gate opening time but in fact it was for me a far to hectic move. It was quiet until we reached Nsemani dam where at that early hour no elephant could be found but the ever present hippos were there.


We originally wanted to skip the short detour via Girivana waterhole because we were late already but we changed our mind and paid a visit there but this year animalwise it was quiet but we could capture a beautiful African hawk eagle in a tree.


On the tar road we met an elephant bull


who crossed determined the road behind us in order to find the grass on this side of the road more delicious


or he wanted to take a nap in a tree or he simply was in a desperate need of a good scratch.


We also come across a group of kudus


and a lone buffalo who obviously took an ample mud bath


and lots of impalas with their obligatory passengers forced us to stop and take a couple of shots


as it was on top a more than lovely morning.


Finally we turned into the S39 which is one of my top 10 Kruger roads as on that road everything can happen and we already had a couple of stunning feline or bird sightings there or on very quiet days we only could enjoy the view as the game was rare but it does not matter for me the road is simply lovely.

to be continued....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

A couple of giraffe were feeding


and then this road developed into a birding road today as we came across of a group of black winged lapwings, another lifer for us and needless to say that it took once again quite a while


until we could carry on as Timon was again in the photographic heaven and snapped one shot after the other.



More birds could be spotted such as the common arrow marked babblers


or the ever present European rollers


and finally we could enjoy the first views into the nearly dry Timbavati riverbed.


Today it was a more than a quiet road at least on the first leg but the bush was green and lush and so we had a bit of a jungle feeling with all the bush noises around and then a shadow on the ground turned into a beautiful and impressive saddle-billed stork in flight


and we even discovered three rhinos munching happily away and a bit later also a group of ground hornbills joined them but all of them were indeed a bit far away.


Then a group of impala rams were on the move



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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and we could observe tender moments between them


as well as a couple of fights which turned out not to be meant that serious as only later everything was okay again between them.


The stop at the Timbavati picnic spot was urgently needed and after a bit walking around we carried on only to leave the car again at Ratelpan hide which is also a must for us when driving that road.

Unfortunately the hide had already been invaded by a larger group of people and extreme unwilling they made space so that we can at least squeezed ourselves between them. Gladly they were quiet enough not to chase that beautiful yellow-billed stork away which took a walk in front of the hide.



We also spotted a couple of blacksmith plovers, blue waxbills and rattling cisticolas but they were too well hidden behind branches or leaves to get decent shots. The larger group did not stay that long and so we could at least enjoy half an hour the silence in the hide but then I spotted a bird which I never saw before a bit farer away in the direction where we anyway had to drive so I made Timon aware of it and so we carried on but I had to take a picture of a large acacia bush right in front of the hide


and even a closer shot of the seed pouch. Each trip I wanted to do that but finally I kept this in mind.


The bird which made me already excited whilst staying in the hide was still there and finally we got to see our very first African darter, another lifer for us.


The darter did not make any preparations to fly away soon so Timon positioned the car once again and took shot after shot although must say that it was another hot day in the park and the air started already to glimmer due to the heat.


After quite a while the darter took off and so we carried on but did not came far as in the next loop a group of hippos were taking naps.


It looked as if some of them were stacked on each other although there was enough space


to be continued...


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

but sleeping together with buddies


and enjoying life with family and friends is simply the best. Behind the pond a couple of Egyptian goose patrolled along in the riverbed or were simply busy in cleaning their feathers


but we could not take our eyes off from mom and her little one – How small same still was compared to mom but same could already sleep like the big ones.


It was once again a great joy to drive that road as with the views into the riverbed and into the thick vegetation there was always something to discover and we had to stop for this waterbuck lady beside a colourful bushwillow.


We also saw lot of crowned plovers and the call of a fish eagle mad us aware as same was circling above and was searching for a landing place


and same finally found same at exactly the same spot where we spotted last year the juvenile martial eagle. Same is obviously a famous eagle landing place for all eagle species.


The fish eagle steadily looked up obviously looking for its parent who could also not be far as we also heard same calling


and our friend in front of Timon’s camera started to reply and then the title of this trip report came into my mind as the impressive echo in the riverbed of these calls was going under the skin.


Finally after quite an extensive photo session same took off


and we had time to enjoy the view into the extreme dry Timbavati.


At some places a couple of larger puddles where left but compared to other years it was already extreme dry.


Meanwhile the fish eagle was circling above us and we saw same had landed in a close by bush and so we tried to find same again and we were in fact successful.


It landed now nearly on eye level and so the button pressing session started from the beginning.



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