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Re: Kgalagadi 2013, cricket and... wow O/\

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:20 pm
by nan
Part 4

Nossob No 3 - the nightmare O-/

And re-belotte I crammed everything into the car. Failing to sleep Grootkolk, I will go to Union End in one day ;-)

I leave early, I go through the large loop and up to Nossob

Wildebeest arrive at the waterhole, in line with the first rays of sun O/\

Image the big brother helps the little one to continue to walk \O

Re: Kgalagadi 2013, cricket and... wow O/\

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:22 pm
by nan
In loops, 14th and 13th, I find Green (Red-billed) Wood Hoopoe, and new festival Hawks, Kites, Tawny, Gabar Goshawk and, a couple of Lions ... lover

Green Wood-Hoopoe/Irisor moqueur O/\ O/\ O/\

Re: Kgalagadi 2013, cricket and... wow O/\

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:25 pm
by nan
Tawny Eagle/Aigle ravisseur

a lot of African Grey Hornbill/Calao à bec noir

Re: Kgalagadi 2013, cricket and... wow O/\

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:27 pm
by nan
Forktail Drongo/Drongo brilliant
Gabar Goshawk/Autour gabar

Image mating... again :-?

Re: Kgalagadi 2013, cricket and... wow O/\

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:30 pm
by nan
I stop Kamqua, as usual went around the car ... tires, fridge and presto ... the big loop.
Oops, there are huge consequences of the fire of last September :shock:

At the beginning of this road, a very large herd of Wildebeest is en route to Kamqua waterhole


Re: Kgalagadi 2013, cricket and... wow O/\

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:34 pm
by nan
At Moravet, which is no more a lake, I found 2 Black-headed Herons who don't allow Oryx to approach
I also saw birds, Wattled Starling, juv Goshaw Gabar, Kalahari Scrub-Robin. Shortly before the Gat Marie, again a couple of Lion, in love 0:

Black-headed Heron/Héron mélanocéphale
Image parade ;-)

Re: Kgalagadi 2013, cricket and... wow O/\

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:35 pm
by nan
Mel I will meet you tommorrow -O

Re: Kgalagadi 2013, cricket and... wow O/\

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:36 pm
by nan
Image the second arrives
Image 0'

Re: Kgalagadi 2013, cricket and... wow O/\

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:38 pm
by nan
Wattled Starling/Etourneau caronculé
Image 3 lions... one mating couple 0*\

Re: Kgalagadi 2013, cricket and... wow O/\

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:41 pm
by nan
Arrived at Nossob, one attributed to me the room No 3, ... without windows, but with a fan which circulates the 30 ° which is already in the house 0:

Impossible to leave open at night (in the kitchen), there is no mosquito net and it's already filled with mosquitoes. It is also the only place where I found bugs 0= And I will have to spend 2 nights :shock: O-/

Fortunately there is the hide, and this evening a brown hyena makes an appearance, immediately followed by an incredible number of people, each one more noisy than the other O/ :evil: :twisted: 0=

The next day I decided to leave very early, I'd like to go to Union End, put a word in the book. So "dodo" early. Needless to say the night was a nightmare, between the heat and the mosquitoes (0)

à suivre...