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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:10 pm
by Pumbaa
The eagle was still checking out the sky for its patents as same was permanently peeking above.


We had so wonderful moments with the fish eagle as it was windy once again and its feathers were blowing in the wind


and also same started from time to time its unmistakably call - When it was throwing its head high whilst calling it always looked as if the head had been pulled out of the rest of the eagle due to the fitful movements.


Finally the eagle took off and did not return but we in fact got our shots and enjoyed its breathtaking calls, however, between the calls I already noticed a strange noise which sounded like a clunk, clunk clunk. We checked this out and got a huge fright as under the bush were the eagle sat down in the riverbed one of the largest crocodiles we ever saw came into our viewing angle and same had a terrapin in its huge mouth and was trying to crack the tortoiseshell


by steadily throwing the terrapin up in its mouth. I felt immediately sorry for the terrapin but for sure that it nature


although it is strange that this was the second time during that trip that we realized such a behaviour.


It looked as if the terrapin might escape the deadly jaw but the crocodile never gave up and tried it several times to bite into the terrapin.


Gladly no other car arrived as in fact that this sighting was only viewable from the spot where we stood and we also did not know the outcome as we had to carry on as there was still a long way to travel but for sure another incredible sighting could be marked on that road.


Whilst carrying on we always had breathtaking views into the riverbed and in the distance we saw a vulture sitting or guarding the remains of a poor kudu bull.


At one of the causeway we had to cross we stopped again as there a lot of different dragon flies could be admired.


Not that they were shimmering in all colours of the rainbow this one looked as if it was owning an oversized denture with it was smiling with a big grin into the camera!


The obligatory red ones could be seen as well


and we for sure had once again a great time in observing all these beauties


to be continued.....

Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:31 pm
by Pumbaa
and not for the first time today on that road we noticed a shadow above us and could capture a vulture in flight.


A cute spotted flycatcher had to be photographed as well


and nearly at the end of the road there is a small road leading through mopane bushes which got more and more here to a hidden view point in the riverbed. Gladly this road was open as after several closures during our previous visits due to flooding we could enjoy this stunning view now again.


I already thought that this road to this view point might be closed forever and so you can imagine how happy we was that we could pay today a visit there as moreover two buffalo boys were looking interested into our direction


but we also did hear human conversation echoing in the riverbed which chased finally the buffaloes further away only to lie down in a puddle a bit hidden behind a bush. We waited only to realize that some armed rangers were patrolling the riverbed waiving to us when they came into sight and so we could carry extreme calmed down on.

The typical rough and red stony Olifants vegetation now took over nearly completely and we already thought of a short leg stretch on the bridge across the Olifants already but that had to be postponed a bit as we came across a giraffe carcass on which a couple of different vultures were enthroning.


We noticed white backed and white headed vultures


and whilst we parked the car and observed the scene we were astonished that there were in fact no smell but we did not realize that the wind was not blowing at that point but suddenly it breezed up and we for sure then had the pleasure in taking a sample


but we braved the smell and could take a couple of outstanding close ups



as I cannot remember having ever got to see these raptors so close and clear.



Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:32 pm
by Pumbaa
For me these are extreme impressive and important birds although in fact not beauties but with each visit I got more and more fascinated by them.


As we still want most out of the route we had to drive that day and without getting into time pressure we left the kill although I could have watched and took more pictures of that spectacle.

Gladly the next sighting was a still alive giraffe between acacia bushes


and finally we reached the bridge across the Olifants were you can alight from your car which we did as the legs needed to be stretched again. Timon spotted another fish eagle who just landed in a bush in the riverbed


but for sure the ever present crocodiles appeared onto the scene as well


and also some waterbucks who you always can find on the sandbanks in the Kruger rivers,


a beautiful kudu bull could also be seen but same was in fact a bit too far away for a decent shot. We normally do always drive the road over the Balule bridge but as same was still closed at that time we drove via the scenic S91/92 which can be very bumpy and rutty and some parts with some washed away loops but the views from there into the Olifants are in fact more than impressive.


I was a bit sad that we did not stay this year at Olifants but we wanted to check out the Letaba area a bit more as this was one camp we did not stay that often in so far


but a short break at Olifants camp was a must because Timon lusted for an ice cream and I needed my coffee as due to the head over heels departure in Satara I still did not had my first coffee of the day but the lady in the new restaurant was very helpful and I left finally the restaurant with a jumbo mug strong, hot and black coffee and you cannot imagine how well that tasted I cannot argue that this was the best coffee I ever drank but same came close....

We took it now slow with the last leg of today’s drive and due to the fact that this year we only can drive the scenic gravel roads along the Olifants and later Letaba once we enjoyed every bit of it and moreover the golden light was about to shine as well due to the time of the day already. A European roller had to be captured


and a stop at the Olifants view point is also always a must when driving that road and there we in fact spend a lot of time in just viewing and sighing.


At a crossing we had the honour in meeting a nyala family which for us is not a common sighting with only few sightings in the South so far


and whilst Timon was busy in taking pictures of the nyalas I was on the look out for hidden birds in the bushes and could identify a brown hooded kingfisher


and for sure it was more than a pleasure to observe the nyalas whilst they were busy in feeding.


to be continued....

Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:27 pm
by Pumbaa
Mr. Nyala unfortunately kept always hidden feeding behind a thick bush but mom was willing to pose and even presented her little one to us




what gorgeous little bambi it was and I once again had difficulties in chosen my favourite pictures.


Along the way there is a pond where when you stop the car the terrapins are starting to hurry to the car in order to get fed


this bad habit must meanwhile had been adopted as well by the resident crocodile in the pond as this also swam closer for a detailed look.


We were now already strolling along the gravel road along the Letaba and there we met a group of elephants surrounded by mopane bushes,


a group of feeding giraffes,


and kudus.


The fork tailed drongos were plentiful


Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:28 pm
by Pumbaa
and in one of the many loops along that way where you can drive closer to the river we spotted a group of African spoonbills also feeding in the afternoon sun


and we could also watch a pied kingfisher busy in fishing.



Noisy Egyptian goose came across plentiful and an impressive kudu bull could be admired in the warm and golden afternoon light.


I guess Timon got a bit camera ruttish and even took shots of the bushes or the button was simply pressed by mistake but I loved it anyway as this showed extreme well the vegetation along these riverine roads.


Close to Letaba camp you can chose between two different ways to reach the camp and this is a shot of the road we normally do chose as there you had to cross a riverbed and there is normally something to look out for although it can be extreme dark and shady in the afternoon but the view is always lovely.


Finally at around 5.00 o’clock we arrived in camp and could check in and got the key to bungalow No. 63 which is located close to the river with some breathtaking views already from the verandah. We in fact had enough from driving and instead enjoyed the views into the riverbed with the already fading light whilst braaing and between a bite and a gulp Timon armed his camera as a wonderful tusker came into sight


which simply had to be captured.


After that exciting day we fell once more in our beds and dozed like babies already dreaming about the coming sightings.

Thursday, 26. February 2015 – Letaba

Discovered roads: H1-6 – S95 – S47 - S69 – S131 – S132 – S51 – H9

After a very enjoyable mug of hot coffee on our verandah with the awakening bush sounds and views into the riverbed we started with gate opening time and for sure took it slow on the tar road as each loop had to be driven to just stop and enjoy the views


and for sure the Kruger sunrises are always worth to stop for moreover as our days in the park were at that point nearly counted.


to be continued....

Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:26 pm
by Pumbaa
The views into the river compensated a bit the lack of game as we only spotted a goliath heron waiting for a fish to swim by


and a couple of waterbucks until we reached the high water bridge across the Letaba where you can alight your vehicle and where already lots of cars parked enjoying the early morning atmosphere and after quite a while after looking into each direction we in fact discovered that there was already a lot of animal traffic to be observed. Two younger waterbuck males were busy in fighting


and even more waterbuck were about to come down the steep and sandy riverbed.



I armed our binoculars checked out what is around whilst Timon was busy in taking shot after shot. A wonderful sighting was a black winged stilt, one bird which I remember having so far only seen once in Kruger and which I wanted to see again desperately.


Two hyaenas were also hanging around although a bit in the distance they were extreme good visible.


More families of waterbucks even with three youngsters nearly at the same age could be admired


and on the other side of the bridge a wood sandpiper was busy in catching its breakfast.


Lots of yellow-billed storks and African spoonbills conquered a large puddle in the riverbed and were also busy in fishing in perfect harmony.


Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:26 pm
by Pumbaa


The grey heron had its own puddle and was striding around the puddle to look out for some fish and later on even walked into the puddle.



A pied kingfisher also dived from time to time into these puddles but same was impossible to capture but the spoonbills were willing to pose.


The waterbuck fight was not yet finished


and even a beautiful kudu bull appeared on the scene


where the hyaenas were still debating who is next on a waterbuck kill


although it looked as if only the horns and part of the coat was left.


So while one waterbuck might have lost his life the next generation was already waiting in the wings.


What a fantastic hour we spend on the bridge whilst also enjoying another mug of coffee between our photographic marathon. Meanwhile the sun also made it up behind the trees and we and so most of the cars as well carried on.

to be continued....

Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:22 am
by Pumbaa
We drove the S47 to the Mingerhout dam but today this road was not that successful to us as already during previous visits as the birds kept away. For sure the ever present buffaloes were around


and the views were brilliant as ever but although we drove slow and the way to the dam is long


we did not stay that long on the road due to the lack of something to admire when we were back at the crossing we spotted a giraffe busy feeding as its favourite bush. It was great to notice that also on this road some maintenance work had been carried out.


As it still was quite early we wanted to do a quick pit stop at Letaba and then try to pay Sable dam a visit as this is one area in which we did not travel when not staying at Letaba but as now the animals awoke and we had to stop quite often do it took a bit longer when we were back, as we had to stop for some thirsty buffaloes,


could see lots of resting crocodiles together with cattle egrets and another beautiful saddle-billed stork must be photographed as well.


A warthog mom with her piglets dared to come closer although she told the little ones to keep hidden.




Then we had been made aware by a driver that only a couple of meters ahead a beautiful leopard is lying on the roadside! For sure we did not wait any second to check this out but right in this moments an elephant herd emerged from the thick mopane bushes and crossed in slow motion the road in front of us.


Normally I am happy about such sighting but at that moment I was a bit unbalanced because we could not move a single meter only having the leopard in mind and as there were lots of elephant teenagers around we let them cross first


Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:23 am
by Pumbaa
and between a large enough gap between them and more elephants we dared to carry on when we already saw the leopard right in front of us already crossing the street.


We only had the short time with the leopard but at least same was clearly visible without any bushes hiding anything


and although the sighting only lasted about a minute we were able to tick another leopard sighting off.


Compared to the early morning where this road was deserted now same was busy either with cars and animals of all kind.


We heard more rustling beside us and more elephants came into sighting on the way down to the river so we finally could not see where the leopard disappeared as we only had grey bodies in front of us – This is the last shot we took of the leopard where you already can see the elephant on the right side and a car coming from the other side only to give you an impression.


We for sure still checked the area out we were supposed the leopard might have disappeared as soon as all the elephants had gone but we could not find same again so with only another short stop for a pied kingfisher in flight


we finally returned back to camp for a short break and in no minute we were back on the road from where we saw a brown snake eagle in the distance.


I had already prepared myself to only see thousands of mopane bushes along the roadside so I was pleasantly surprised when we turned into the S69 as there we had to cross some causeways with an extreme diversified vegetation along the Nhlanganini river


as soon as we returned back onto the tar road we had the mopane bushes back even with some grey fans of them


and it was worth to also stop at the Nhlanganini dam itself which was carrying at that time still a lot of water.


to be continued...

Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:09 pm
by Pumbaa
On the S131 we spotted a steenbokkie,


and an impressive sized buffalo


close to extreme thick mopane bushes


and these bushes were even so thick that the elephants cannot see or better to say you could not see the elephants when they were suddenly showing up behind a bush.


We had chosen the S131 as there were some water points along the way to get a bit of a variety to the monotonous mopane dominating the area of the park and we had luck as at N’wanetsi quite a lot of animals were hanging around and it was quite an active traffic with the come and go. We discovered zebras, impalas and warthogs and for sure the plentiful occurring elephant bulls. One of them presented his impressive tusks to us




and abused a nearby tree as rubbing post and as sleeping point as it was a hot day and from time to time a little nap could not be refused.



As already said the sun shone merciless from the sky and it was already extreme hot so the place where we could park the car was lovely and shady under a huge tree and so we observed that spectacle at the water hole a bit longer.