And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....*

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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

After nearly all animal had quenched their thirst and walked off we did the same and had the pleasure in spotting a lot of European bee eaters


which also suffered under the heat



but in fact did not get tired in catching something to eat


or let the butterflies even fly automatically into their bills by sitting deadly silent with an open bill.


Another water point came across and one of the inevitable elephants at such water source took already over that spring.


We already notice a couple of smaller trails for 4x4 vehicles which were leading back to the tar road and we in fact decided to try one of these also to cut short a bit the drive to Sable dam and must say that this was a good decision although the animals were still none existent and even the birds were not visible and quiet the views were in fact lovely with a couple of koppies here and there


and lots of termite moulds to be seen as well.


This road was in fact no challenge for a 4x4 and could have been driven also perfectly by a normal car but in fact it was a diversified drive and something new for us and we even chose the right trail as when we reached the tar we nearly automatically stand in front of the crossing leading to Sable dam.

This is in fact one hide respectively dam we did not visit often and when not staying at Letaba or leaving via Phalaborwa it simply cost too much time to pay a visit there but for sure it is always worth a visit so we made ourselves comfortable there and waited what might be around. A group of impalas was taking a break at the shore of the dam close to the dead tree,


a lone buffalo changed his resting place by chosen another muddy spot until suddenly the hell broke loose and from nearly everywhere large herds of elephants appeared on the scene to quench their thirst.


to be continued.....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Whilst the older ones were drinking the younger ones were allowed to take a bath and they abused it to also splash a bit around.


It was a fantastic time we spend in the hide with only another group of four with all the elephants around


and they even nearly drank simultaneously.



It was a come and go and we had a lot to observe and


besides the breeding herds also lots of younger bulls were running around excitedly looking out for some playmates.



Whilst one herd had finished their break at the dam and was about to walk off still others arrived also a larger bull had been chased away by the masses of elephants and decided to drink at a much quieter place a bit farer away from the large breeding herds.


The impalas obviously drank enough and only wanted to spend a lazy day at the beach,



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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a lot of water dikkops were also hanging around but they were extreme camouflaged and we only discovered them at second glance and also a blacked headed heron was trying its luck in fishing.


After a very relaxing time at the hide we left and we wanted to make the loop complete but a woman who just arrived at the hide when we were about to leave warned us as this direction was invaded by elephants and she was in a cold sweat to had to drive through all these giants and so we drove back from where we came and gladly there we had no private meeting with some elephants.

We now drove slowly back via the tar and in the car it was meanwhile nearly unbearable due to the heat consequently at the water points along that road there was always something to be seen and so we had luck at Erfplaas as there lots of elephant bulls were drinking from the water source and between them one presented to us an extreme thick, long and broken tusk.


The rest of the drive was quiet as already expected due to the heat besides a view into the Nhlanganini riverbed where an elephant congress must have taken place.


We again drove the short detour via the S 69 and there in one of the many puddles left a water monitor


decided to take a bath


and even a lone buffalo came across.


Although the rest of the drive until we were back in camp was quiet we noticed that this area is in fact had a bit more to offer than only mopane bushes. In camp we took a long break on our verandah under the shady trees and whilst walking a bit around we spotted a brown hooded kingfisher close to our bungalow



also taking a rest in the shade and even one of the many resident bushbucks needed as well a rest.


to be continued.....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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We also strolled to the shop and due to the heat nearly each sprinkler was on and under one another bushbuck tried to cool down whilst standing motionless under the running water. Unfortunately we did not have the camera ready but for sure it was a lovely sighting.

For our afternoon drive we once again wanted to drive until the high water bridge and when we arrived there we saw that the wood sandpiper was still around as well as the yellow billed storks and many waterbucks – one of the ladies even owned her private island.


A buffalo was at his favourite place enjoying a lazy afternoon


and also the waterbuck family from the early morning was still there.


We once again enjoyed the atmosphere there but then it was time to leave in order not to get back to camp too late. It was although still time enough to stay with this beautiful fish eagle for a while


whilst in the same tree a woodpecker was busy with its work.


A hungry kudu bull who posed nicely


had to be captured


and also for the ever present impalas we had more than a minute to spare.



Today we had diner in the restaurant and besides the location close to the riverbed it was a wonderful experience as the food was yummy and although it was pitch dark a nice cooling wind was blowing whilst even a hectically running around water dikkop could be seen as well.

Friday, 27. February 2015 – Letaba – Bateleur

Explored roads: H9 – S95 – H1-6 – S48 – S50 – S142 – S50 – S143 – S144 – H1-6 – S52

Unfortunately that night I did not sleep very well it was too hot in the bungalow, then my stomach made trouble and in a nearby tree a bushbaby was making nearly the whole night noise. So when we awoke I felt a bit knocked out.

With a last view into the brighter getting riverbed of the huge Letaba we said god bye to the camp and headed forward enjoying the waterbuck idyll along the tar road


with three extreme hungry males.


Due to the early morning hour not much else was already up but when we reached the high water bridge across the Letaba we were greeted by a beautiful sunrise with footprints in the sand.



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

The wood sand piper was already up and searching for a morning meal


and the yellow billed storks were about to show up as well


and landed in the treetop of a large tree along the riverbed sharing their night adventures among each other


whilst the grey heron still had the pond all to itself.


A grey hornbill couple could be spotted in another close by tree



and the woodland kingfisher stayed nearly invisible but could not be missed. We were about to board our car when I discovered another shadow in the sky which materialized as yellow billed kite obviously looking out for some bats who also hung around that bridge. I do not know whether they are on the menu of the kite but at least it looked so.


Whilst heading forward northwards we met along the tar road a group of tsessebes galloping with our car not to miss the others.


It was a group of three and they even waited


for a lone wildebeest who was obviously part of the herd and tried to keep up with them.


They came from the right side and wanted to cross the street but whilst waiting for the wildebeest they made up their minds and turned around and walked back the way they just came from – Love it how their fur is shining in the morning sun


and this shot of the meditative wildebeest as well.


to be continued....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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If the Tsendze loop is not blocked by any huge elephant bull this is one must drive in that area and gladly this year the loop was elephant free. This is one bush view of this loop as here you do have the river on one side with the riverine vegetation and the mopane bushes on the other side.


Whilst we strolled along we chased one of two resting buffaloes up who were having a hang around in their private spa


and we were entertained by a group of zebras out of which this younger one


curiously looked into Timon’s lens.


Compared to the rest of the park where at least the smaller rivers nearly were dry I was surprised to find the Tsendze relatively full



also the ground looked as if it had rained only recently and although the rest of the loop was animalfree besides this lovely posing Sabota lark we enjoyed the views you had into the Tsendze via all the smaller loops you can drive.


We paid a visit at all the Nshawu’s on the S50 but unfortunately the road was quiet although must say that here the grass was extreme long compared to the other parts of the parks. A short flying visit to Mooiplaas is also always a must and we were not disappointed to have done this detour as our first attention applied to a huge herd of elands who were about to reunite and started to walk away from the waterhole. Unfortunately once again they were a bit far away for some decent shots on top lots of elephant bulls either were on the way to the water point or even had quenched their thirst and joined the elands on their walk back into the bush.


Meanwhile this is the third year in a row when we saw eland in Kruger and all sightings were a bit too far away but at least we saw them and hopefully one day we get the chance to get some closer shots of them.


Lots of crowned lapwings were running around on the ground



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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but our eyes went always back to the masses of elands who after quite a while disappeared between the bushes.


We even spotted a tsessebe who gladly came closer


and for sure a herd of zebras was also around out of which a little one was doing some dust rolling whilst the adults just shacked their heads about the activity of the foal.


We always had an eye on the elephant bulls out of which one came threatening closer and closer


and who needed an extensive dust bath.


A couple of giraffe heads were popping out the mopane bushes a bit farer away but we still enjoyed the zebras on one side of the road and the elephants on the other side


and finally the zebra mum tried the same things which her offspring only did recently.


We were about to leave Mooiplaas only to return back later again but we had to stop at the larger pond where we spotted another black-winged stilt who was busy in foraging.


As same was extreme close compared to the one yesterday in the Letaba riverbed Timon simply had to stop for another extensive photo session.


to be continued....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Next stop which is also always a must when in that area was at the Shipandane causeway where a couple of sparrows was busy in drinking from the overflowing water.


The black crakes were also busy in foraging and today we even got to see some chicks as well – How cute those black fluff balls are!


We also decided to pay a short visit at the hide itself but when we alighted from our vehicle I felt somehow monitored and after another detailed look around I spotted a lone buffalo standing behind a small bush staring at us but he looked amicable and so we dared to do the two steps to the hide where we spotted a green backed heron and a couple of water dikkops a bit far away.

As nothing else was to be seen we left and drove to Mopani camp for an urgently needed break and for some supplies for the rest of our stay at Bateleur from the shop among other things the ice cream was again also straight away needed and whilst we were enjoying the yummy sweat cold ice cream we discovered a paradise flycatcher in the close by bushes


so whilst I was busy in also holding Timon’s ice cream he grabbed the camera and tried to capture this never sitting still bird


and what a beauty he is! Also a chinspot batis who just caught something juicy for lunch was willing to pose


whilst the paradise flycatcher was flying from branch to branch under the bushes but it was another amazing break in camp which once again proved that camps are great places to look out for birds.


Needless to say that we drove back again to Mooiplaas as the water point is not that far away from camp but first we had to give the way to an elephant bull who suddenly appeared between the mopane bushes and was in a hurry.


The pond where we spotted earlier the black winged stilt had meanwhile been taken over by a large group of white storks


and Timon parked once again the car and pressed the button as far as same was about to go.


and after quite a while all spread their wings and flew away.



We also headed forward to check out the rest of the Nshawu waterholes and we came across lots of elephants



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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and zebras and as already said the grass along that road was still pleasantly high there.


The S143 was quiet but we could capture a beautiful tawny eagle


before we landed in front of Tihongonyeni where the surroundings were already shockingly bone dry


but as always a great amount of game was hanging around in the vicinity of this famous waterhole. We saw lots of zebras,


tsessebes were resting or better to say hiding nearly in the bushes and also the wildebeests especially the smaller ones were also having a break


whereas the water basin was invaded by many huge elephants.


As always we made ourselves comfortable for a longer stay there and looked from the tsessebes,


to the elephants


over to the wildebeests and were fascinated that this area is always so overrun by animals whereas only a kilometre further down the road nothing is visible not even a bird.


Here we also had our only secretary bird sighting for this year between the many antelope’s legs but same was unfortunately too far away for a decent shot


which cannot be said about this suddenly appearing elephant.


to be continued....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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After an extensive break at the waterhole and despite the drought we had a more than fantastic time once again here but as it still was a long way to drive and the clock was ticking we carried on and only came across a couple of giraffes


until we turned into the S52 where we stopped at Red Rocks for a leg stretch. There a lot of different birds were flying around and we could capture white fronted bee eaters



and European ones as they regularly landed on the bushes close to where we stood.


What little fluff balls once again!


Down in the pond which looked still deep a crocodile was swimming its laps


and we also spotted very well camouflaged water dikkops under the bushes around the pond and a Jacobin cuckoo hiding in one of those. Unfortunately same was too far away for a decent shot but the stop there was enjoyable we could alight from our car although always paying attention whilst doing bird watching to look behind us!

A bit further down the road we do always stop on the causeway crossing the Shingwedzi and there in the shade a buffalo bull was lying on the ground abusing his horns as pillow and was taking a nap whilst ruminating.


We do always love to drive through all the loops along that road as the bushes and thick trees do always offer a lot of shade and in one of those many loops we noticed a large herd of impalas plus a large herd of nyalas walking together down to the river


and now we also got in the advantage of taking shots of a male as well as lots of them could be seen between all the impalas and female nyalas.


At that time of the day at that road normally no cars were around so we stopped once again under a shady spot and observed the busy ado of the antelopes. With the swirled up sand of the riverbed it looked once again as an enchanted wood in a fairy tale.


One antelope after the other was quenching its thirst from a couple of remaining puddles in the Shingwedzi and after all walked out of sight we also continued our way.



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