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Re: POLL: "Is it suitable for visitors to enter a restaurant in Sanparks barefoot?"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:20 pm
by Lisbeth

Re: POLL: "Is it suitable for visitors to enter a restaurant in Sanparks barefoot?"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:40 pm
by Richprins
\O Dingwe!


Re: POLL: "Is it suitable for visitors to enter a restaurant in Sanparks barefoot?"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:30 pm
by leachy
nee dis skaak.

hoekom moet ek nou skoene dra ??????

Re: POLL: "Is it suitable for visitors to enter a restaurant in Sanparks barefoot?"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:39 pm
by Lisbeth
English, please!

Re: POLL: "Is it suitable for visitors to enter a restaurant in Sanparks barefoot?"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:50 pm
by Bushcraft
=O: =O: =O:

I need to comment here because I will only wear shoes if I have to O** O**

People look down on those who don't wear shoes, I have even had strangers offer to buy me shoes 0*\

Remember when smoking was cool many years ago and even promoted, this was due to a lack of education, shoes will go the same route O** O** =O:

The most straightforward benefit to barefoot walking is that in theory, walking barefoot more closely restores our ‘natural’ walking pattern, also known as our gait. O**

Other benefits of walking barefoot include:

Better control of your foot position when it strikes the ground

Improvements in balance, proprioception, and body awareness, which can help with pain relief

Better foot mechanics, which can lead to improved mechanics of the hips, knees, and core

Maintaining appropriate range of motion in your foot and ankle joints as well as adequate strength and stability within your muscles and ligaments

Relief from improperly fitting shoes, which may cause bunions, hammertoes, or other foot deformities

Stronger leg muscles, which support the lower back region

Re: POLL: "Is it suitable for visitors to enter a restaurant in Sanparks barefoot?"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:55 pm
by Bushcraft
To the actual poll O**

I'm on holiday, so will wear what makes me comfortable, besides shoes don't make you civilised, educated or better than someone who doesn't wear them.

I have met many, many "Jerry Springer" candidates with fancy shoes O** so if the restaurant won't let me in without shoes, then I won't go -O- but they will let in drunk swearing shouting idiots with a combined IQ at the time of 80 because they have shoes on so they are civilized O**

Go figure 0-

If you were taught from birth to wear your underpants on your head, you would believe it to be correct because it's the norm in society =O:

Besides, I can sneak up on anybody barefoot 0'

Re: POLL: "Is it suitable for visitors to enter a restaurant in Sanparks barefoot?"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:16 pm
by Bushcraft
Prove medically and scientifically that it's better to wear shoes :twisted:

Re: POLL: "Is it suitable for visitors to enter a restaurant in Sanparks barefoot?"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:08 pm
by Dzombo
This is the way I see it

For all those who want to walk around bare foot, that's fine. No prob.
However the restaurant has a dress code - shoes please. It's about them. Not you. Either you comply, put on shoes and go in. Or don't wear shoes and go else where.

There are some fancy restaurants in central London that insist on a jacket and tie. If I turn up in jeans and a jersey (which I like wearing), they will not let me in. And that's fine. Either I comply with their requirements and I can dine there. Or not, and then I must go some where more casual. The choice is mine. But it's not really fair for me to criticize them for not letting me in wearing jeans and a jersey.

My 2c

Re: POLL: "Is it suitable for visitors to enter a restaurant in Sanparks barefoot?"

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:58 am
by Peter Betts
Ons gaan nou Braai ..I always wondered why the Tsendze & Balule restaurants were so full at night ..its because everyone was wearing shoes and here I was led to understand for the last few decades that it was because of Malaria & Scorpions active at night there's a thing @#$ @#$ lol lol lol lol

Re: POLL: "Is it suitable for visitors to enter a restaurant in Sanparks barefoot?"

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:03 am
by Peter Betts
Thats me on the left ..well I wasnt kicked out of the fancy restaurant at Muzandzene ...must have been the shoes ..They never noticed I was not wearing socks !! Again I have learnt something ..I always thought this restaurant was always empty as pictured because the food was bad but now I know people on holiday in Kruger have to put on shoes to enter even for Breakfast here..I cant comment on Dinner at night at this restaurant as everytime I try and book a table for supper I am told its full even though its in a bad part of town with lots of dodgy characters lurking :-0 ... Jokes aside havent done a restaurant in Kruger in YEARS apart from one night on the deck at Lower Sabie when we spent 4 nights in a safari Tent 5 years ago when I was on business in the area ..wanted to see how the other side lived and our camping/braaing stuff was at home in the trailer
Me and Andrew P.jpg