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Re: Elephant Ears and Newbies

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:30 pm
by Amoli
Such beautiful sun set ^Q^ ^Q^

now com'on - don't keep us in suspense. 0' What was it that awakened you O-/ O-/

Re: Elephant Ears and Newbies

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:25 pm
by Moggiedog
Toko - I trust you not swearing at me ;-) Fancy name for a primitive plant :O^ No - we didn't stay in an the adventure camp - just saw the sign. We stayed on Kubu Island under the baobabs.

Flutterby - very safe to sleep under the stars in some of the places and nothing nicer on a warm evening.

Amoli - the sunsets are spectacular - the open pans just makes it more so.

Lisbeth, Nan and PRWIN .thanks for the comments - mooch appreciated.

If I missed anyone - my apologies - I appreciate every one who takes the time and trouble to read. O0 X#X

Re: Elephant Ears and Newbies

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:03 pm
by Bushveld Jock
Lovely stop over at Khubu island and beautiful sunset. ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ Would be great to see the place myself, but for now I am enjoying your photos and let it stand over for another year. ;-)

Re: Elephant Ears and Newbies

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:51 pm
by Moggiedog
I lay under the diamond studded black velvet sky wandering what had awakened me. Again I heard newbie call this time I could hear him clearly
: "Are you ok?"
I bit puzzled I replied I was fine. The next ting his head poked out the rooftop tent and he said
"Don't you want come sleep up here - I really don't mind."
Even more puzzled I responded I was A okay!. "but you look so uncomfortable and cold - are you sure you don't want to share my tent?" Now I was totally astounded. I was as snug as a bug in a rug - comfortable stretched out in my sleeping bag. Once again I reassured him all was well in the world of the land dwellers.
Drifting back to the land of nod I was still pondering on his comments.
The following morning all was revealed. Once newbie was awake I confronted him about the previous night. He repeated that he had seen me hunched up - sitting in a chair looking cold and miserable. He was very worried that I was not getting any sleep. I then realized what had happened. With a great deal of laughter I pointed out the chair piled with the extra blankets standing withing sight of his roof-top tent. Neither of us knew what had woken us - but he had looked out and "seen" me huddled in the chair. He didn't realize I was a few feet away - closer to the fire. I must admit my heart felt good that he was so concerned that he was even willing to share his tent with me.
Another early start to the Island Safari lodge in Maun crossing the pans (once again) then to Gweta for the tar road to Maun.
The open spaces of the pans soon gave way to the spider web of dirt tracks, criss crossing each other giving no indication which track was the correct track to take. With the tracks came the traffic and civilization!
We were also keeping a sharp look out for elephant as we had passed several piles of fresh elephant droppings. We were surprised at these signs as we had no idea there were elephant in the area. If I had known that I am not sure whether I would have slept in the open - but I have my doubts they would be on Kubu Island itself.

On our arrival in Maun - the first thing newbie wanted to do was re-stock his alcohol supplies. He had sadly underestimated his drinking capacity for this trip. I did warn him he was in for a rather nasty shock at the prices. Botswana has a major alcoholic problem and to try and improve matters the price of alcohol is astronomical! We found a bottle store and newbie walked out looking shell shocked. I tried hard not to laugh at the expression of disgust at what it had cost him for a very small amount of booze.
I had never been to the Safari Lodge before and I had no idea what to expect. What a pleasant surprise. A sparkling swimming pool with a well lawned water front to the river. Beautiful camp sites each of which were demarcated with hedges and trees. We needed one large enough for us to be camped together.
We wanted to camp on the rivers edge but with no power points available we sacrificed the river bank for places with power. Our next stop was going to be heavy going for batteries with fridges running at full power for seven days so we wanted to get them as cold as possible before the big "drain" started. There were two separate unisex ablution blocks that were spotless yet rustic.
Once again huge debates about where people wanted to set up camp. I left them to it and wandered off to do a bit of exploring. By the time I got back everyone had chosen their spot so I could set up my little camp site in a corner away from the hubbub of communal living. It would be an early night as the following morning we had booked the first flight out over the delta.
Newbie, Sis and BIL would not be going so the discussion revolved around transport arrangements. The end result newbie and BIL wanted to go into town as BIL had some business to attend to so they would take me and I would get a lift back with one of the other intrepid travelers.

Re: Elephant Ears and Newbies

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:20 am
by Flutterby
More great pics and stories MD!! \O Just love the donkeys. ;-)

Re: Elephant Ears and Newbies

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:05 pm
by Lisbeth
A lot of driving ;-)

Re: Elephant Ears and Newbies

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:12 am
by Moggiedog
Sis asked if I got air sick. Nope I responded - have you forgotten how often I flew with you and prior to that the hours I flew in a small aircraft not only as a teenager but when hubby lived in Botswana for a year and I was in Jo'burg - I used to fly up every second weekend in a puddle jumper. This started a quick trip down memory lane for the two of us.Bright and early the next morning we set off for the airport. I grabbed a pillow knowing I would need a bit of extra height. Once the rest of them decided where they wanted to sit - I was left with the co-pilot's seat. The pilot was highly amused and said he had never before been asked if someone could bring a pillow to sit on - then he looked at me and said "but I can understand why you want one" - cheeky sod! :-) As often happens - once we were all seated a voice from the back said "I think I should sit in the front". The pilot and I looked at each other and decided to ignore whoever had spoken. I had stood back and let everyone else have first choice of seats and we were certainly not going to lose time by trying to re-arrange the seating arrangements!
Soon we were in the air looking down on a different world from what we see from the ground.
Unfortunately the weather was not playing the game. The pilot had spotted rhino the previous day and he wanted to see if he could find them again - but I could see he was battling to control our flight path. Then the unexpected happened. I started feeling as sick as a dog. Trapped - nowhere to go - and feeling worse by the minute. I couldn't understand it. We saw a lot of giraffe, buffalo and elephant plus smaller creatures. Normally the pilot would go lower for closer look see's - but this time the weather did not permit us this privilege. ALl too soon the flight was over and we were heading back to land.
One the ground the pilot apologized about not getting in for a closer look at the animals but he stated it had been the worst cross winds he had ever flown in over the delta. He was off to fetch tourist and he was not looking forward to the flight as he had to land the puddle jumper on the shortest bush landing strip in Botswana. He was a worried man.
Heading back to camp - I think our driver had the worst bump of locality of anyone I have ever met. Two dead straight roads and he kept getting lost. Eventually with a lot of directions we were parked at the shopping center to stock up on some fresh supplies.
Everyone had very strict instructions regarding apples and fruit - but particularly apples - a simple - no apples/fruit whatsoever to be taken into Moremi or Savuti! The one couple walked out with not one but two bags of apples. They would be either eating a lot of apples - or wasting a lot of apples.
Once back in camp sis asked if we had enjoyed the flight. I told her she had jinxed me - and I had been as sick as a dog - but still enjoyed it. It was only then the penny dropped - just prior to leaving on this trip I had been diagnosed with vertigo and was on treatment - the dipping and diving of a small aircraft is not the ideal situation to be in when the slightest movement sends you spiraling into nausea mode!
That evening after much debate- in between eating apples -about what to do with the excess of apples - solution - a delicious apple pie was made to be taken with us.

We had a visitor that evening. Between us we couldn't decide on what type of cat it was. We all wondered if it was an african wild cat crossed with a domestic cat or an african wild cat. The way it climbed trees and jumped was far superior to any domestic cat we had ever seen. Although it rubbed against us and the surrounding trees it would not allow anyone to touch it.
Soon our beds could be heard calling us but we still wanted to pack some of our paraphernalia instead of leaving it all for the morning. Although it was a comparatively late start and we would have time a plenty to pack up.
With the early starts it is always a mad rush and dashing around - this morning everyone was ready a good half hour before the scheduled departure time. Last minute dashes to the loo and we were wending our way to Xakanaxa a short 140 kilometer hop. We would be going via south gate.I believe we were all looking forward to what most of us considered to be the best part of the trip and spirits were extremely high.

Re: Elephant Ears and Newbies

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:08 am
by Flutterby
Lovely aerial shots \O just a pity you were feeling sick! :-(

Re: Elephant Ears and Newbies

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:04 pm
by Lisbeth
Must be great to see Okavango from the air O/\ O/\ With all those apples you'll not need a doctor for ages :-0

Re: Elephant Ears and Newbies

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:59 pm
by nan
I confirm, is super nice O/\ O/\ O/\ O/\

magnificant souvernirs, once again, with magnificant photos ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^