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Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:27 pm
by Pumbaa
Love the story of the bushbuck couple, Richprins :ty:

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:38 pm
by Bushcraft
A clean zebra =O: Maybe it had the contrast turned up --00--

Enjoy the Ram, Ewe conversation =O: The ram sounds like Toti surfers on the beach =O:

Uncle 2 years older than you :shock: O** --00--

You got Vim going on the “tea” O\/

Late for the gate from inside the camp O** O** =O:

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:05 pm
by Twigga
lol lol lol O/\ O/\

Awesome Prins

Sexy zeeebra ;-)

Give that bushbuck couple another month or 2 and we have another Letabaville :twisted:

Bushbuck taking over that camp these days lol

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:29 pm
by Flutterby
Late from the inside...could only happen to you!! =O: =O:

That was quite a convo between the bushbuck! 0- lol

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:18 pm
by Richprins
Merci! lol

Off to the unit again...very nice, I must say, two bedrooms, one double bed + en-suite, and one with 2 single beds. Sleeper couches a different story... :twisted:

I was in Gupta mode and decreed that as I had paid for most of the accommodation, I would expect the others to do the cooking! :twisted: ^0^

And they take the cooking seriously, so a rare treat for a bachelor! ^Q^ O/\ O\/

Aftermath of braai, and family pic!

Vim is in the background...a lawyer and a bit of a shifty-looking fellow! :twisted:


Vim going off to steal something while the others aren't looking! =O:


Through the door one can see the double sleeper couch, which staff came out quite late to prepare for me, as I had no clue, so thanks, staff! \O
This thing is apparently designed for children or hobbits or people who have really had a lot of tea... O-/

I figured it out that if one lies across it diagonally it works! \O

Started taking pics of accommodation late at night, for some reason...then thought I should maybe rather do it the next day and went to bed! ..0.. O**


It was really pleasant, as I have said a number of times, and one sleeps well when all travelling of loved ones has been completed and we are safe etc! ;-)

Next morning some bad news...

Stark had contacted his BFF, aardvarksa, and said he would not be able to join us that night! :shock: :shock: :shock:

He is a huge Donald Trump supporter, and had postponed his trip by one day to attend a surprise Don rally! :O^ 0*\

Dammit! It was going to be the only night we could spend together, and a lot of organisation had gone into this. I sent him a rude message, but what can one do? @#$ 0- 0=

Here is Asa walking with clenched fist!


Actually, he has always walked knuckle-drag style, for some reason? lol was to be a nice day, starting with a rare stroll around rush and actually the way one should operate. NO hamsters or Dimwits on this trip! :yes:

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:02 pm
by Lisbeth
Who are ASA and the lady?

Looks like a very relaxed evening \O

Stark is a Trump supporter :shock:

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:05 pm
by H. erectus
This pic can be classed as speaking a thousand words,
VIM scratching at his temple of doom!!! =O: =O: =O:

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:38 pm
by nan
love the pic of the lamp... well, a teapic =O:

how can we be supporter of... the other 0*\

love those bungalows at Berg-en-Dal O/\

^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:12 pm
by Mel
Richprins wrote: Ewe: "You men are all the same! I'll come to the bush just to see how disgusting you are, but then leave me alone until I go away and come back if I want, as I want you but don't want anything! And don't think I want you anyway, but maybe I do if you will make a commitment, but that will make no difference. So maybe. Do you want me to come with you or what? Now or later? Make up your mind? Ok, I'll come with you just because I want to, not because you asked, just because I think you are cute, maybe I can change you, but don't imagine that I don't know what you are up to, but I know what I am doing, so don't think I love you, just because I may say so, which I am not saying for a second! Maybe or maybe not! Do you understand?"
=O: =O: =O:

You shouldn't watch too much Little Britain and especially not Vicky Pollard.
Makes people dizzy when you write like she's talking lol

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:04 am
by Richprins
Asa is my uncle, Lis (aardvarksa) Lady Blacksheep is his wife... \O

Dunno that story, Mello! :-0