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Re: Flavour of the month December 2013 - S128

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:14 pm
by nan
African Pied Wagtail/Bergeronnette pie


Common Sandpiper




Three-banded Plover/Gravelot à triple collier


Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver/Alecto à bec rouge


Re: Flavour of the month December 2013 - S128

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:03 pm
by Richprins
Nice quality, nana! O0

Here's your present, 'possie! O0

Just before the northern end of the road GB started shouting sorry about 23 times...the car has good brakes, to put it mildly...and baggage was showering over us from behind...but not serious! \O



I think it's my own personal favourite leopard pic, due to the background and lighting! (Certainly not the lens etc...) =O:

Anyway, he/she left quickly, probably due to the screaming/muttering....


Yay! X#X

Re: Flavour of the month December 2013 - S128

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:08 pm
by Richprins
Here's an autocorrected one... O**


Re: Flavour of the month December 2013 - S128

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:23 pm
by Bushcraft
2kms down the S128 from the H10 (October 2012)

3 teenagers keeping their distance, 1 teenager getting harassed by a boon and confident mom in front.




We followed them for about 1km when mom took off after an impala which crossed the road in front of us. It all happened so fast we didn’t get any pics of the chase and unfortunately they were all soon out of sight, so we don’t know how it ended. 0*\

Re: Flavour of the month December 2013 - S128

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:23 pm
by nan




Re: Flavour of the month December 2013 - S128

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:48 pm
by mposthumus
Unfortunately nothing more to report on this road at the moment 0*\ Due to heavy rain during our recent visit we were greeted by this sign Image :-( :-( :-(

Re: Flavour of the month December 2013 - S128

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:08 pm
by Richprins
That funny red soil is chaos after rain, 'possie! Maybe in need of a sand coating? -O-

Nice try! X#X

Re: Flavour of the month December 2013 - S128

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 9:24 am
by Richprins
Python by leachy:


Re: Flavour of the month December 2013 - S128

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:38 am
by Richprins
From a 2013 Heksie Report:

Heksie wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:56 pm Day13… farewell Kruger

I woke up this morning a bit upset, not only is it departure day but we searched high and low from North to South and we didn’t find any brown hyena. Just after I packed up, Wendy awoke and we said our farewell. I decided that when I left the camp that I should maybe just go check if the leopard was up in her tree on the S128 so a little detour was in order. I drove over the low water bridge and when I got to the intersection I got the surprise of a lifetime! 3 cars and this…



I was super excited and phoned Wendy about this, the sighting was 2km from Lower Sabie so she would make it in no time… He decided that it was enough lying around and then stood up, stretched a bit and walked to the signpost to make his mark.



Then he walked towards the S128, I followed as it was the way I wanted to go in anyway. I saw Wendy and she said that she is going back to camp to pack up and thanked me for informing her about this. It was a bit crowded so I just took a few kiekies and then moved on with the road.


I got to the spot where the leopardess was the previous day and only hyenas were there, very strange but there were cars parked ahead so I decided to do some sherlocking… And I got the surprise of the trip… (a lot of pics so bear with me)
She was walking up and down and all loveable, I even got a video of them, where she caresses him and you can faintly hear them purring)














I phoned Wendy again but she said that she is busy packing and is not going to make it. By 6:20 we were 7 cars and as they were out in the open there were no bad behaviour from our side. I sat with them an hour when I decided to move back and saw only one car with the cheetah, I informed them about the leopards a few kilometers on and then was on my way back to Lower Sabie, as now I was in urgent need of a loo. Got these okes in the road…


And a very strange looking giraffe having a dispute with his friend


I also drove into Big5Spotter and they informed me about 3 cheetahs that I just missed on the H10 before the bridge. I didn’t have a care in the world as I had amazing sightings and it was still so early. I went back to camp to help Wendy pack up and she said that she is going to sommer leave as well. So we had out last MMC and hit the road again… At the low water bridge intersection I stopped and asked her if she want to go check out the leopards, in which she replied ‘why not’ so I took a detour for the second time. When we got back on the S128 the road we hit a small traffic jam, and another surprise came our way. My cheetah of earlier were joined by 4 others. They were in the open again and without bothering other people we got great spots to take kiekies from.






Image ... 1&start=10

Re: Flavour of the month December 2013 - S128

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:35 am
by Richprins

Kruger Sightings
‏Verified account @LatestKruger
24h24 hours ago

3 Lion on the move
S128, 2.2km N of S129
Near Tshokwane
Vis 5/5
Tinged by Richard