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Re: Walking with Grizzlies

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:04 am
by Richprins
How can you end so suddenly!? 0-
I order you to continue! 0=

Re: Walking with Grizzlies

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:20 am
by Heksie
Dewi I truly enjoyed your TR, it was totally different from the ones I've read before, as I normally read SANPark tales, and then seeing a different worlds, with animals, birds and fish I don't know as well as some pooping which we don't often see, it was something special X#X
Your panoramic shots are birlliant and awestrikingly beautiful ^Q^
The food looks yummy especially the scones and brownies.... some watering of lips happened there O**
SOrry that there was a power shortage at Kodiak but at least you got some nice lunch at the sandwich shop \O

Re: Walking with Grizzlies

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:14 pm
by Amoli
Oh my, I just laughed and laughed at the pooh experiment... soooo funny =O: =O: =O:

Excellent installments Dewi, the young bears stealing all the attention.
and interesting geography info within the fun \O

Your landscapes are superbly put together.. stunning views. ^Q^

Thank you for sharing your holiday experience with us - we loved it. O/\ O/\

Re: Walking with Grizzlies

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 2:40 pm
by Pumbaa
WoW Dewi,

just caught up and besides the landscape pictures which do look like paintings your bears are adorable ^Q^

Especially the two doing their business and the mom with the two little ones could be watched for hours O/\

Thanks so much for sharing 0()

Re: Walking with Grizzlies

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:42 pm
by Richprins
Food pics from the flight back? :-(

Re: Walking with Grizzlies

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:43 pm
by Dewi
Thank you for reading and commenting Nan, Flutterby, Mel, Richprins, Heksie, Amoli & Pumbaa. \O

Nan - there was a bit of a surreal moment when I took the moonrise pic. I was in the hotel bar with Megs and saw the moon come up, so went to fetch my camera and set it up outside the front door. A Japanese tourist came over and we had a discussion about Nikon cameras. He could not speak much English and I could not speak Japanese. -O We managed somehow though. Next day, several locals aske if my moon shots had come out as we walked around town - they had seen me taking photos as they drove by the hotel. -O

Flutt's - I loved the scenery of this region. \O

Mel - I do seem to be drawn to far flung corners of this planet. -O- Where to next? Not sure yet, but have my thinking cap on and musing over where to go. \O

Heksie - If you liked these bears and scenes, you may also like these ones... Bears in white Quite a bit to read through though. \O

Amoli - Glad you had a good giggle. O/\ Those little ones kept the smiles on our faces for ages. \O

Pumbaa - Agree, we could have stayed with those cuties forever, but they needed their nap time. -O Glad you liked the landscapes. \O

RP - OK, go on then, twist my arm............

Wonderful beer in the Kodiak brewing company downtown.


Soup and a Philly steak sandwich at the airport for Megs.


Crispy shrimp and fries for me - slurp.


Washed down with Alaskan ale.


Pose nicely with the bear. -O


Re: Walking with Grizzlies

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:54 pm
by nan
does she tickle you... it seems you are ready to burst into laughter :-? =O: =O: =O: =O:
superb glas of beer... the sandwich and other... food for micro wave :o0ps: sorry ;-)

Re: Walking with Grizzlies

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:56 pm
by Richprins
O\/ O\/ O\/ O\/ O\/ O\/

Those shrimp look like something from an "Alien" movie!

But not complaining!

Me hungry now! Thanks for a great report, Dewi...broadening horisons!

You may rest now! -O 0/*

Re: Walking with Grizzlies

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:18 am
by pooky
Thanks for a wonderful TT Dewi. \O \O

Very interesting and with some beautiful scenery pics ^Q^ ^Q^
The last few 'stitched' pics were awesome ^Q^ ^Q^

and even some food and drink for RP =O:

Re: Walking with Grizzlies

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:36 am
by Flutterby
That food looks to snack on something now! O**