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Re: The red-billed queleas had been unleashed

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:47 am
by nan
all are so cute 0/0

and seems to be so kind ;-)

magnificent pic and sightings, well done Pumbaa O/\ ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: The red-billed queleas had been unleashed

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:34 am
by Flutterby
More lovely pics!! \O

Enjoy your latest adventure! O/\

Re: The red-billed queleas had been unleashed

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:41 am
by Lisbeth
Happy Kruger trip, Pumbaa \O :-0

Re: The red-billed queleas had been unleashed

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:18 pm
by Richprins
Thanks, Pumbaa! Drive safe! :yes: \O

Re: The red-billed queleas had been unleashed

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:02 pm
by Bushcraft
Enjoy your trip Pumbaa O/\ :-0

Re: The red-billed queleas had been unleashed

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:21 am
by Twigga
Enjoy "Oom Paul se plaas"

Safe travels!


Re: The red-billed queleas had been unleashed

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:12 pm
by Pumbaa
Thanks so much ExFmem, nan, Flutterby, Lisbeth, Richprins, Bushcraft and Twigga O0

We are back since yesterday and had another wonderful Kruger trip - The park was partly extreme dry, some other parts were lush and green but rain was desperately needed and same set in during the second week with one hour torrential rain daily which leaded into road closures but at least during the day the sun came out again but I suppose that the park got some desperately needed rain - I at least loved to see all the ponds or lakes of waters left in the veld and hearing the frog concert afterwards come into live.

It were far fewer birds there than last year but due to the drought no surprise but at least we always manage to see some lifers and so it was this year as well - I suppose now after the rains with all the insects the masses of birds will be back - Although must say that we never saw that many raptors hunting on the ground for some sort of bugs after rain - It was stunning to watch how they hunted together with the storks.

More stories and pictures to follow but now I need to continue this one O**

The worse thing is the temperature difference from around 33 degrees to minus 11 degrees with lots of snow 0*\

Re: The red-billed queleas had been unleashed

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:13 pm
by Pumbaa
Meanwhile nearly all of them changed the position and also the two males


but as they now got more and more inactive


and we took already that much pictures and had one of the best times in our lives


we decided that the 1 1/2 hour we spent with them was more than worth spent and so we left


and maybe on our way back in the afternoon we can pay them another visit and they will still be there and on top we even know where to look for a leopard that day.....but we made it slow and enjoyed all the sightings we met especially this Jacobin cuckoo


and in another loop we took we spotted a very well hidden crocodile.


We drove the gravel roads along the Letaba and later the Olifants and stopped for a group of ground hornbills in a tree


with something more than yummy in their bill which looked like a frog


these guys are in fact great collectors of nearly everything – at least that we learnt with the many sightings we had with them during this trip.


We stopped for a black breasted snake eagle


Re: The red-billed queleas had been unleashed

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:14 pm
by Pumbaa
and for a group of extreme sleepy impala males,


paid a visit at the Olifants look out point where you can leave the car and then it was time for a nice and longer break at Olifants camp where we photographed a sausage fruit


strolled with an ice cream around in camp until we reached the look out point where we sat a while and admired the extreme full flowing Olifants.


I guess due to the relatively cold, windy and partly rainy weather not much people where hanging around and we had the look out all to ourselves but all good times came to an end and we left camp and took also the S92/91 where we discovered some resting waterbucks



and then we stood again in front of the leopard tree and had luck as Mrs. leopard was still there and today she even was willing to sleep with the face in front and not behind any branches or leaves.


For sure many cars were again hanging around here as well and also her kill was still there.


Today we only stayed half an hour with her as we already spent that much time yesterday here and got our shots


but for sure a leopard is always something very special and more than worth to stop for. Funny was also that we even recognized some other passengers in the cars we met already yesterday at that sighting


and whilst we left we spoke to ourselves that we even knew where to look for lions....

Already yesterday we noticed the masses of white stork in the Olifants and today we even had time in photographing the white stork congress which obviously took place.


to be continued.....

Re: The red-billed queleas had been unleashed

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:06 pm
by nan
The worse thing is the temperature difference from around 33 degrees to minus 11 degrees with lots of snow
welcome back in Siberia 0/*