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Re: General discussion on proposed hotels in KNP

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:05 pm
by H. erectus
Goodbye 12,000,000.00,... O0 0/* 0/* 0/*

Re: General discussion on proposed hotels in KNP

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:59 am
by Flutterby
Something I noticed in Pilanesberg this weekend - plenty of Mabunda's so-called "Black Diamonds" were camping and seemed to be enjoying themselves....maybe they don't really want all that luxury he says they do! :-? -O-

Re: General discussion on proposed hotels in KNP

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:28 pm
by H. erectus
Flutterby wrote:.maybe they don't really want all that luxury he says they do!
Quite correct Flutts. If black diamonds is where the money lies
well surely all the hotels and lodges on the periphery outside
should be coining it and raking inn big bucks!!!

Why are all the day drives into Kruger not overloaded with
"black diamonds" then.

Re: General discussion on proposed hotels in KNP

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:34 pm
by Richprins
One of your better points, H.! ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: General discussion on proposed hotels in KNP

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:26 pm
by iNdlovu
Not to mention the private lodges already in the park operating at less that 100% occupancy.

Re: General discussion on proposed hotels in KNP

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:42 pm
by Richprins
Am working on some questions regarding further Kruger hotels besides Skukuza and Malelane...any info? :twisted:

Re: General discussion on proposed hotels in KNP

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:31 pm
by H. erectus
Well in as much,
Richprins wrote:regarding further Kruger hotels
The Malelane developer, upon question, replied that he was
aware of other hotels though not exactly sure. ,
this in the Groenkloof boardroom meet.

Re: General discussion on proposed hotels in KNP

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:34 pm
by Richprins

Re: General discussion on proposed hotels in KNP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:50 am
by PennyinSA
Shewwwww I have just returned from the Park after a two week stay. Skukuza was bursting at the seams - no parking in any of the car parks at the shop and the toilets under huge strain with flushing power a huge issue. The same at Lower Sabie where the toilet facilities just cannot cope. I fell in the dark passage next to the construction taking place behind reception as there was no light. The car park could not have taken one more car with people driving over aloes to park on the curbs. The shop had a queue that snaked around the whole area representing a half an hour wait. The toilets at Nkhulu were NOT functioning at all. Vehicles were turned away where people were desperate to use ablutions but were told that due to water problems they could not. We tried to buy the grandchildren an icecream at 3 p.m. one afternoon when it was over 40 degrees and were told sorry shop is closed for stock take. The same happened at Afsaal where even toilets were locked and only the paraplegic toilet left open which was in a shocking state. There is no way that the infrastructure can cope even now never mind adding another hotel into the mix. I have filled in feedback forms over the years religiously and despite having had major problems have never even been graced with a reply.

The baboon and vervet problem is out of control in certain areas and has to be addressed before there is a serious incident. We had breakfast regularly in the day visitor's picnic area at Lower Sabie and on the last day (Thursday 9th October) were told to be careful as there was an elephant in the enclosure. We could smell the dung so knew the attendant was speaking the truth. We asked how the elephant got in and were told that the electricity was never switched on feeding the perimeter fence.

The time has come for major attention to be given to upgrading existing accommodation, attending to poor linen, stained mattresses, redecoration and equipment in kitchens and forget about the things we do not need.

I love Kruger Park with all my heart and would hate to see further development ruin my heritage. It is NOT a holiday resort and people who want that kind of holiday should look elsewhere. My January trip is already booked and in November I will be making my bookings for Sept/Oct next year surely Sanparks should be listening to what we the loyal supporters are saying - listen to your people. Ask them what they want and they will probably be surprised to hear many speak with one voice - No more development. Fix what you have and make it work efficiently and you will reap the rewards of occupancy rates nigh on 100% throughout the year.

Its not long now before all the concessions will start to revert to Sanparks - what will happen to the occupancy rate then and who will maintain these?

Re: General discussion on proposed hotels in KNP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:10 am
by Flutterby
Sounds hectic Penny!! 0*\

There is just way too much traffic in the south but, as you say, complaints/suggestions just fall on deaf ears!! :O^