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Re: A cat or a lifer a day keep the doctor away

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 4:49 pm
by Lisbeth
I am sure that the buffalos are enjoying their SPA, but they certainly do not show it; they always look absolutely annoyed lol

The river mussels are really big. I know that they exist, but I have never seen one :shock:

The bateleur is performing quite a show lol lol

Re: A cat or a lifer a day keep the doctor away

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 5:19 pm
by Klipspringer
I like the Openbill with the freshwater mussel, it is a Wahlberg's River Mussel (Chambardia wahlbergi), a very large and species in rivers and dams.
It struggles to open other types of molluscs (such as bivalves), either failing completely or taking at least ten minutes for to pry open the shell. Consequently it may place them in groups of roughly 50-60 on the shoreline, waiting for the sun to kill them so that they release their hold on the shell. ... igerus.htm

So how did this openbill do?

Re: A cat or a lifer a day keep the doctor away

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:48 pm
by Richprins
Lovely stuff again, Pumbaa! Nice to see ostrich too, and I like the camp view! [Luv]

What superb light on the bateleur! ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: A cat or a lifer a day keep the doctor away

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:03 pm
by Pumbaa
Lisbeth wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 4:49 pm I am sure that the buffalos are enjoying their SPA, but they certainly do not show it; they always look absolutely annoyed lol

The river mussels are really big. I know that they exist, but I have never seen one :shock:

The bateleur is performing quite a show lol lol
These buffaloes in their spa will always be admired by me as they are allowed to simply lay down and watch the life come by O** O** O**

Re: A cat or a lifer a day keep the doctor away

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:07 pm
by Pumbaa
Klipspringer wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 5:19 pm I like the Openbill with the freshwater mussel, it is a Wahlberg's River Mussel (Chambardia wahlbergi), a very large and species in rivers and dams.
It struggles to open other types of molluscs (such as bivalves), either failing completely or taking at least ten minutes for to pry open the shell. Consequently it may place them in groups of roughly 50-60 on the shoreline, waiting for the sun to kill them so that they release their hold on the shell. ... igerus.htm

So how did this openbill do?
I suppose with their bill as same chewed a bit on the mussel whilst turning same around and finally had the delicous content in its bill - Picture not very clear but maybe a proof ;-)


Re: A cat or a lifer a day keep the doctor away

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:07 pm
by Pumbaa
Richprins wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:48 pm Lovely stuff again, Pumbaa! Nice to see ostrich too, and I like the camp view! [Luv]

What superb light on the bateleur! ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^
Yes the evening light that evening was brilliant - Sigh O\/

Re: A cat or a lifer a day keep the doctor away

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:11 pm
by Pumbaa
Also the crocodiles meanwhile preferred to take a sunbath than to try to fish


and all we saw the earlier times we visited the causeway could be found in the water were now laying in the riverbed


and we enjoyed a final view around before it was time to leave that magical spot.


A bit time was still left to also pay a final visit to the confluence loop and although the masses of birds we spotted yesterday here where not around today but for sure a lot were more too willing to pose again for us.


even presenting their kill.


We were meanwhile on our way back to camp we again spotted a family of ground hornbills – The day started with them and now the day will end with them.


It was an extreme large group with a juvenile in the middle of them.



The sunset was today so lovely that we simply had to stop to photograph same


and with gate closing time we reached the camp where we spent the evening on our verandah with a couple of cold ones as it was already our last evening in the park.

Sunday, 23. February 2020 – Shingwedzi – Punda Maria Gate

Explored roads: H1-7 – S55 – H1-7 - S56 – H1-7 – H1-8 – S61 – S60 – H13-2 – S99 – H13-1

Early morning it was already hot and humid and with 27 degrees already very unpleasant at least when we were ready to leave camp after packing everything into the car we were already drenched and so started our last hours in the park.

We stopped shortly on the high water bridge across the Shingwedzi and continued via the tar road where we stopped for a brown eagle


and for a verreaux’s giant eagle owl in a tree


extreme close to the road.


Re: A cat or a lifer a day keep the doctor away

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:13 pm
by Pumbaa
What a lovely sighting as I simply love these owls


and what nice claws they do have


and meanwhile we turned into the S56 which was luckily not closed this year and here we always do love all the views from the road into the riverbed plus some nicely posing birdies.


Along that road one can find a couple of lovely filled ponds which are for sure already occupied


with hippos


and the bird life is also prolific along that road


in form of a crested barbet and a burchell’s coucal


and the ponds alternated with a nearly dry river bed with an already looking very dramatic sky and we already heard the first thunders still far away but it was obvious that rain was on its way.


We stopped for a lot of waterbucks


and for an extreme far away cuckoo


and enjoyed the fields or better to say meadows of flowers


which were growing extreme in this area.


to be continued…….

Re: A cat or a lifer a day keep the doctor away

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:29 am
by Lisbeth
Lovely colours both on the birds and in the scenery \O

Re: A cat or a lifer a day keep the doctor away

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:34 pm
by ExFmem
Too many WOW sightings to mention each one, but what an extraordinary assortment on this trip! ^Q^ ^Q^ I have to live through other's lenses right now, and you are certainly on top of your game. O\/ :ty: :ty: 0() 0()