Search found 4 matches
- Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:38 am
- Forum: General Management Issues - Kruger
- Topic: SANParke vuurwapens in Krugerwildtuin gekonfiskeer Lowvelder
- Replies: 4
- Views: 405
Re: SANParke vuurwapens in Krugerwildtuin gekonfiskeer Lowve
Good morning Richprins, thank you for the link to the topic, am I reading this wrong - Die spul vuurwapens is na bewering deur polisielede van elders, wat tans in die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin werk, gekonfiskeer. - reading this and translating it seems SAPS confiscated the firearms from SANPARKS and ...
- Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:32 pm
- Forum: General Management Issues - Kruger
- Topic: SANParke vuurwapens in Krugerwildtuin gekonfiskeer Lowvelder
- Replies: 4
- Views: 405
SANParke vuurwapens in Krugerwildtuin gekonfiskeer Lowvelder
Groetnis to everyone, found this article online this morning, anyone have more information on this? Meer as 30 SANParke vuurwapens in Krugerwildtuin gekonfiskeer Geen kommentaar is na ‘n week van die polisie ontvang nie. February 18, 2016 Argieffoto van 'n jaggeweer. Argieffoto van 'n jaggeweer. ...
- Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:25 pm
- Forum: Rhino Management and Poaching
- Topic: Rhino Poaching 2015
- Replies: 245
- Views: 12140
Re: Rhino Poaching 2015
I fully agree with scipio, we need to ensure everyone possible is made aware of the results of poaching. Good for SANPARKS, again damned if they do, damned if they dont scenario, show us what is happening out there.
- Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:06 am
- Forum: Mammals
- Topic: Dangerous Animal Incidents
- Replies: 970
- Views: 59919
Re: Incident with leopard
WOW! Loads of professional comments and assumptions from loads of people without being on the scene and trying to play CSI from only watching a video and looking at photos. Imagine how many cases our SAPS can solve using these very evolved and well thought of investigative processes. Fact is none of ...