The sugar thieving boons =O: =O: =O: I find those quiet sighting days stressful, but lions, even if a busy sighting, is still worth it if there’s nothing else happening. It wasn’t a quiet afternoon though, another 2 x leopards. ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ Then end your trip with another leopard :-0 An excellent "le ...
Catching up at last, Bushy! 0/* What a wonderful last couple of days, especially with all the cheetah! ^Q^ The bushpig encounter is brilliant and enthralling! KZN parks must really wake up with their maintenance, I fear corruption is standard there, plus laziness. :evil: You really did see every ...
Thanks so much, Bushcraft, you indeed saved the best for last with such a cheetah sighting especially with the cubs :-0 :-0 :-0 :-0 I am completely :-0 :-0 :-0 :-0 Once again thanks so much for a fantastic trip report which is always so entertaining and the spotted luck is always with you :-0 ...
A gorgeous cheetah sighting O/\ O/\ A very clever cheetah mom, who has managed to grow four kittens ^Q^ ^Q^ Cheetahs two days in a row is a success....if you are not in KTP ;-) Not bad as a last sighting :-0 Thanks for the feast! I have been suffering from bad withdrawal symptoms not being able to ...