Africa Wild Flower Book - Order Zingiberales

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Africa Wild Flower Book - Order Zingiberales

Post by Toko »

Index to Flowers in the Order Zingiberales

Family: Strelitziaceae
Strelitzia reginae Crane Flower ... 39#p170595
Strelitzia reginae Mandela's Gold Strelitzia ... 94#p170699

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Re: Africa Wild Flower Book - Order Zingiberales

Post by nan »

Crane Flower Strelitzia reginae
Order: Zingiberales. Family: Strelitziaceae


Image (c) Peter Betts

The Crane Flower is a tufted, evergreen, acaulescent (stemless) perennial herb up to 1,5 m tall and 2 m in diameter. The roots are fleshy and finger-like and ± 25 mm in diameter. The leaves are distichous (opposite and arranged fan-like in one plane), banana-like with the leaf blade 500 x 100 mm, and the margins can sometimes be red-edged. The inflorescence stalk is 700 mm tall with 4–6 flowers that emerge in succession in a boat-shaped spathe ± 200 mm long, producing a mucilaginous substance when in bloom. The flowers have orange sepals and blue/purple petals (May to December). The fruit is a hard woody capsule that splits from the apex in summer (August to February). The seeds are round, black to brown in colour with a yellow aril (a tuft of hairs).

Strelitzia reginae occurs naturally only in South Africa: eastern coast, from Humansdorp to northern KwaZulu-Natal in coastal bush and thicket.

It grows along river banks in full sun, however sometimes it occurs and flowers on margins of forest in shade.

Links: PlantZAfrica; Braam Van Wyk: A Photographic Guide to Wild Flowers of South Africa

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Re: Africa Wild Flower Book - Order Zingiberales

Post by Sharifa »

Mandela's Gold strelitzia, Yellow Strelitzia, Yellow Crane Flower, Vellow Bird of Paradise Strelitzia reginae (Geelkraanvoel blom, Geel piesang)
Order: Zingiberales. Family: Strelitziaceae

Strelitzia reginae 'Mandela's Gold' is a rare yellow form of the well-known crane flower, Strelitzia reginae.




'Mandela's Gold' is a stemless, evergreen clump-forming perennial. Greyish green, banana-like leaves grow to a height of about 1.5 m and during winter and spring the large bird-like flowers are held above the foliage on the tips of long, sturdy stalks. The structure and pollination of the flowers is fascinating. The hard, beak-like sheath from which the flower emerges, is called the spathe. This is held at right angles to the stem, and has the appearance of a bird's head. Each spathe contains 4 to 6 flowers, and these emerge one at a time from the spathe. Each flower consists of 3 clear yellow sepals and 3 deep purple petals. The yellow sepals give the appearance of a crest on the 'bird's' head. Two of the purple petals are joined together around the stamens and the style to form an arrow-like structure. The third purple petal is visible as a small scale.
Nectar is produced by a gland at the base of the flower. In fact, so much nectar is produced that it leaks out and drips down the side of the spathe. Although it is not certain exactly which bird is the pollinator, when it comes to feed on the nectar, it perches on the arrow-like purple petals, which open to expose the anthers and the sticky pollen adheres to the feet of the bird. The bird then transfers this pollen to the stigma of the next flower it visits.

The Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens first introduced the flower in 1994 to coincide with South Africa’s first democratic elections. Now, joining the millions of people around the country (and the rest of the world) in honouring our beloved Nelson Mandela on his 95th birthday.

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