MMC mornings and KPA days...*

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MMC mornings and KPA days...*

Post by Heksie »

Now some of you might know that WendyA and Heksie have gone on a December adventure-camping from North to South in 12 days and after locking keys in cars, breaking gazebos in storms and driving off causeways survived a very successful and funny trip (a TR will be on its way about this trip when I've finished this TR and sort out my kiekies). I go and visit Wendy every now and then, and after a few KPA’s we discuss future Kruger plans-now I have invited her to join me at Sabie Park for Easter, we planned to drive Wednesday 27 March after work and then we will have 5 full days and then leave on Tuesday 2 April. Please I beg you not to go visit forumites and go drink KPA’s or MMC's because you will book bush adventures with them-the aftermath can be disasterous…

For the okes that don't know,

KPA = Kruger Park Image + Appletiser Image aka having any cider of sorts whilst visiting the Kruger National Park

MMC = Magic Milk Image + coffee Image aka Magic Milk coffee or tea or plain old Amarula on Ice

Now we left Bronkhorstspruit at 17:00 and after a very peaceful drive and one stop-go just before Hazyview we got at Sabie Park @ 22:00 and unpacked, then we had a KPA on the Stoep of the Kruger, we chatted into the night and was happy that we were back in a place that we love. Tomorrow will bring us a new adventure and a lot of laughs and stories to be shared with you guys...

to be continued...

18-23 March Sabie Park

8 -11 July Tsendze
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Re: MMC mornings and KPA days...

Post by Heksie »

Day 1… MMC just started flowing

Now my morning ritual is wake up, put on the gas stove to boil water and have a shower then wake up whoever shares the house with me, and then we make MMC. I either drink one before we drive so I can make my numerous wee visits before we enter the park or when I’m at Sabie Park, wee before we leave the house, we drink while waiting at the Gate and wee while Wendy get our day permit and then maybe wee at Skuks again which is 11km from the Gate… I’ve got a weak morning bladder ok… Before we even left Sabie Park I initiated my new Hyundai i10 by spilling MMC all over myself and the front dash. EISH.
We waited in front of the Gate and entered without any hassles. Our route for today was: H11->S1->S65->H1-1->S114->S112->H3->H1-1->H1-2->S83->H12->H4-1->H1-1->S65->S1->H11. Yes a long road that kept us in the Park for about 9 hours but totally worthwhile. Some of our first sightings was this mole snake,

European Roller

A cute rockjumpertjie

And a lone daggaboy,

Then it was time to refill our mugs with MMC… On the Maroela loop we found this cute lizard posing in the sun,

And then this satellite dish, I just love their BIG ears

Then as we finished the loop we came upon this… Aggenee man!

We did not know what was waiting for us and then on our right side something came out of the bushes to say: ‘Ola, senoritas’


He had two friends with him and they were a bit miffed about all the attention that they got,


We took our few kiekies as the menere moved towards us and with that BIG convoy we didn’t think twice about moving on. On the H4-1 we had a weird sighting. It was a Maraboe that was tagged-not something that we ever seen before.

Then it was time for another refill, as we approached Klipspringerkoppies a 5 car roadblock greeted us, Phew at least not as big as the previous one, and with the help of another Krugerian we saw this hiding in the rocks, At least we got to move in to a great spot half off the road after someone called me a TANNIE?!?!?!?! Really? Do I look that old? And we could spend a good hour with him…





BTW RP this is what a pic of a leppie looks like ne?

We had our fill and I had a wee so we took the S65 home and our last sighting before we left the Park was this giant,

We got home and cracked open our first KPA's, I started a woodfire- which btw I had teach Wendy to do, there is a hilarious story that will be told in the near future about Wendy’s woodfire and why I will not come within 5 feet of her when she makes one. We enjoyed the late afternoon sun and there were birdies above us chirping about. I commented that it was hornbills and we discussed the type, of which we found out later was crowned hornbills (a lifer for both of us) and we were so enternched into the good-chilled life that neither of us took a kiekie of them. Ja I know-the KPA was definitely talking here. We had a lekker braai and sat outside listening to the bush sounds and having a good ol’ chat. After a KPA or three we went in and decided that its time to go to bed as tomorrow holds another day in the Park.

To be continued...

18-23 March Sabie Park

8 -11 July Tsendze
12-15 July Satara

30 Sept-4 Oct Lower Sabie

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Re: MMC mornings and KPA days...

Post by Heksie »

This is a comment of my friend WendyA that joined me on this trip...

You forgot to mention that when we got to Sabie Park we were thrilled to see on the board that the Sabie Park leopard was back and had been seen at the house next to your grand-parents' place!!!

It was pitch black when we pulled up and we were both a little nervous getting out of the car and unloading. I was sure the leppie was sitting right next to the house but it turned out to be a rock shaped like a leopard ... the guys who spend days in Kruger chipping away at rocks, trees and bushes, turning them into animals are at it in Sabie Park now!

Anyway, after unpacking we sat on the stoep with our KPAs. It was silent, the night was dark and everything was still. All of a sudden we heard a kind of barking/rasping noise and whatever it was moved from the bushes quite close to where we were sitting, darted across the road behind where Heksie's car was, and into the bushes on the other side. It moved so fast we didn't manage to see what it was. We quickly finished our KPAs and decided to call it a night!
Heksie wrote:... and then we make MMC. I either drink one before we drive so I can make my numerous wee visits before we enter the park or when I’m at Sabie Park, wee before we leave the house, we drink while waiting at the Gate and wee while Wendy get our day permit and then maybe wee at Skuks again which is 11km from the Gate… I’ve got a weak morning bladder ok… …
Weak bladder, you? No!

You forgot to mention that we met forumite FOREST GUMP at Skukuza and that we had a chat with him - always nice meeting mites in the park!

The cheetahs were a great sighting and we were also very lucky seeing the leopard at klipspringer koppies that afternoon too ...

The FUNNIEST thing about the leopard was that couple who asked what we were looking at ...

It wasn't a great sighting and for a lot of the time it was just Heksie and I sat there. Every time a car came up we had to explain where the leopard was ...

"You see that big rock on the right ... You see the big rock to the left of it ... In the middle of the two BIG rocks there's a smaller rock and the leopard is just behind the smaller rock."

"OH YES!" was usually the answer we got.

Well, there was one couple who pulled up and we went through the Big Rock, Little Rock thing. Both the woman and the man had their binoculars out and were looking. "OH YES!" exclaimed the woman, "I can see him."

"Where is he?" asked her husband. We went through the Big Rock, Little Rock thing again.

He continued scouring the rocks with his binoculars, not saying a word.

"Do you see the leopard?" his wife asked.

"No!" he replied.

"Right," said his wife, "see that big rock to the left that looks like a boob?"

"Yes" he replied ...

"To the left of that big boob there's another big boob ..."

"Yes" he said

"In the middle of the two big boobs there's a little nipple - the leopard is just behind the nipple!"

"OH YES!" he exclaimed, "I see him!"

"Men," his wife said ... "they only speak one language!!!"

We were in hysterics!
Heksie wrote:... I started a woodfire- which btw I had teach Wendy to do, there is a hilarious story that will be told in the near future about Wendy’s woodfire and why I will not come within 5 feet of her when she makes one …
Neeeeeeeee ..... I must just stay away when you add more paraffin soaked tea bags to the fire!

18-23 March Sabie Park

8 -11 July Tsendze
12-15 July Satara

30 Sept-4 Oct Lower Sabie

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Re: MMC mornings and KPA days...

Post by Toko »

Wow, that's a start to Kruger

The Yellow-throated Plated Lizard is a great [O] - love it. And the cheetah pics are also amazing ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Interesting sighting of the Marabou with the yellow tag on the wing. I think it's a bird tagged in Botswana for a research project and these sightings should be sent to Pete Hancock,, including the following details: photo, date, locality, and tag number and colour. Info here
The creepy thing of the first pic is a Giant legless skink O:V


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Re: MMC mornings and KPA days...

Post by Heksie »

Day 2... a harier morning than the rest

Woke up feeling great this morning, we have two drives planned for today so we are chilled, we packed the car and were ready for another day in Kruger. My gran organised for a maid to clean our house so I waited for her at the Sabie Park Gate at 5:45 to take her to our house and then pick up Wendy. After phoning her 6:00.........I moved it to tomorrow and went back to pick up Wendy. We got to to the Gate a bit late (6:20) and were surprised that there were no cars at reception. We got our day permit and went in. Our route for the first part of this day was: H11->S1->S65->H1-1 to Transportdam->H1-1 to Skuks-> H1-2... the rest will follow in the next episode.
Our first visitor was the white-backed vulture fo which I got a great bottom view,

A buff having breakfast-he still looks sleepy?


Then someone jsut passing by, it was really like a 2-shot moment and then he was gone,

A lifer for me, the Southern white-crowned shrike

And then a sighting that got us more excited than the spotties yesterday, it flew over the road and then for a short while sat in the tree, we got to take a few kiekies before it flew off again, a Gymnogene/Harrier hawk

At Transportdam we were entertained by a frisky Waterbuck and his lovey,


This Blacksmith Plover was a bit curious about what was going on in our car...

Jsut before we got to Skuks, Wendy jsut shouted and grabbed her binocs, Yes!!!! Another lifer for me and something that waas on my wishlist for a looooooong time. A single green pidgeon in a tree, I would have never seen him and if it wasn't for Wendy's hawk eyes we wouldv'e driven past.

At the low waterbridge near Skuks we were entertained by this Water Thick-knee,

And after the low water bridge over sandriver on the H1-2 we had another surprise. I mean! Really! We were ecstatic,

They were a bit skittish and just as the previous one gave us time for a kiekie or two and then flew off in the distance. And with us not even calming about our Harrier sighting, another flew into a tree...

Not talking for Wendy but my last Harrier I've seen last year with Cheats with our trip just beofre easter and I just love them birdies and then sommer in a time-span of 4 hours we have 3 sightings, this was truly amazing for me. After our excitement subsided and showing a JJ that stopped next to us the Harrier, we were informed to turn into the East entrance of the Maroela loop as there is a special sighting,

to be continued...

18-23 March Sabie Park

8 -11 July Tsendze
12-15 July Satara

30 Sept-4 Oct Lower Sabie

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Re: MMC mornings and KPA days...

Post by Heksie »

Day 2 part 2... a Catnap afternoon

After turning into Maroela loop we had an idea what would wait at the causeway for us but we weren't in the mood for a roadblock. We got there and there were a few cars, someone had to explain to us a few times before we saw them, I moved my car off the road and we refilled our MMC and waited patiently...
Here is what happened the next 60minutes of our day,

11:25-we struggle to see the kitties and I know how to drive offroad with a i10 (Just look underneath the low bush/tree,on the otherside of the riverbed you will see part of one lioness lying, unfortunately the view was very bad and we still sat and waited with our warm MMC's)

11:39 one of the ladies decide to lie in the causeway and soak up some sun

12:07 Sister come down as well and they decide to bathe eachother


12:09 The cutest thing appear out of nowhere and have us ooooohing and aaaaahing


12:18 Dad makes an appearance and the whole family bonds in the causeway

12:21 Something gets all their attention on the other side and we get a bit excited about what is going to unfold here today...

12:22 Something BIGGER and BADDER decides they want the causeway and chases away the lions, see the male there next to the tree in the back?

12:25 (exactly and hour after we have arrived) the ellies decide to move off

Here is a video because you must have heard all the trumpeting going on-it was really an AMAZING sighting!!!!!!

Sorry I see that you guys don't have a video link code 0*\

12:30 the ellies are gone and guess who appears out of the bushes?


We had a great spot but decided to move like the other cars and look past what we had tp drive...
the lion is walking up there as well

We followed him on top and then as stooooopid as us girls can get we turn around-oh well there was a great thing that happened out of this, except that we had to wait 30 minutes to get back on th eH1-2. As we got on the causeway again we were greeted by someone that knew us.... IS IT THAT OBVIOUS WHO WE ARE???? it was BUSHCRAFT and family. We had a lekker chat in the traffic jam and then moved on home.
We chilled and popped open a KPA each whilst getting the fire going for a sosatie braai.

to be continued...

18-23 March Sabie Park

8 -11 July Tsendze
12-15 July Satara

30 Sept-4 Oct Lower Sabie

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Re: MMC mornings and KPA days...

Post by Heksie »

Day 2… Short afternoon drive

We went home and had a lekker afternoon braai, we sommer decided that it would be better to braai our dinner everyday at about 2 o’clock so that we can have a chilled afternoon drive and then just sit outside on the Stoep of the Kruger and enjoy the night sounds with a fire going and an ice cold KPA. After our ‘dinner’ we climbed into the car and off we went just for a short drive: H11->S3->S4->S1->H11
Here is some of our sightings: A croc,


A baby water monitor basking on a rock


A hippo deciding to have an early dinner as well,


Then on the S4 (It is one of my favorite spots, just off the S1, I call it my Serengeti patch) We had zebs posing beautifully for us.


And on the S1 we had a some buffalo


We also had a great hornbill sighting, they were all in a tree. Maybe hiding from a predator which we didn’t see?


Then on our way out of the Park we were greeted by the setting of the magnificent African sun.


Another great day in the Park. That night we had a lekker fire going and sat and listened intently for night visitors at Sabie Park. Sitting with spotlights ready we heard some rustling of dead leaves and got a BIG fright (some excitement for the night) when Mr Hyena walked past our braai. Unfortunately we didn’t have our cameras with us and it was very dark but still a great sight.

To be continued…

18-23 March Sabie Park

8 -11 July Tsendze
12-15 July Satara

30 Sept-4 Oct Lower Sabie

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Re: MMC mornings and KPA days...

Post by Heksie »

Day 3… the way to start a day
This morning started very sourly… now you wonder how could a day where you wake up with birds and the smell of bush and with no worries, be sour? Well that maid that we had to get yesterday and phoned her awake and then moved it to today—we waited for her at the Gate till past 5:30. 5:45 we said stuff this as we only got her as a favor for gran and then went on our way to the Gate. Wendy get our permits and she is not happy when she returns… I will let her elaborate about this. As we just get our MMC’s ready the maid phone us and tells me that she is at the Gate, first I say she can go home again as we are not home, but she doesn’t really understand Afrikaans or English, EISH MAN, and after a huge communication error we turn around back to the house. We pick her up and drop her off and then go on our way to Krugs again.
As we enter the Park, a calmness wash over us and we are in bush mode again. We decide to go to Crocbridge today via H4-1->H4-2 and on we went. When we reached Skuks crossing we were informed about doggies at Mathekanyane so a detour was in order. We arrived there and it was great to only see 2 other cars at the sighting.





We had them for about 15 minutes and they decided that the road was not the place to be and drifted off in a line through the bush. We were ecstatic, our day started bad but it was moving into a good direction now. On our way back we had dwarf mongoose on an anthill.


Then the lower Sabie river road. We had the normal sightings on this road. A few vervets,


Buffs on a riverbank,


Ellies strutting their stuff


We had to stop at Sunset dam and was entertained by a birdy at the dam, the Woodsandpiper



On our way to CB we had the following sightings: Slender mongoose,


Ellies crossing the road, as always,


A beautiful waterbuck ram


Then as we draw close to the camp we came upon a bit of a roadblock, there was a cheetah lying somewhere near a boobierock next to a trunk in the grass about 100m from the road, after a bit of a hassle we still couldn’t see him so we went to have some lunch. We had crackers and mussels with cubes of cheese, sitting on the benches across the shop and enjoying the chirping of the birds. We had a lekker lunch and packed up have our drive back home.

To be continued…

18-23 March Sabie Park

8 -11 July Tsendze
12-15 July Satara

30 Sept-4 Oct Lower Sabie

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Re: MMC mornings and KPA days...

Post by Heksie »

Day 3… a slow and steady drive back

We left CB with full tummies and drove straight into the traffic jam again-but this time we could spot the cheetah. He was very far so it was great seeing him with the binocs but not lekker for pics. Here is a heavily zoomed in kiekie just as proof that we did in fact see this,


The traffic jam started getting heavy and we knew that it late morning so he isn’t going to move soon wo we drifted on. We turned onto the S25 and decided to go back via Mpondo dam. It wasn’t a drive with a lot of sightings but in fact a peaceful drive, we sat at this random watermass for 30 minutes enjoying our MMC and feeling the wind blow while listening to birds chirping and hoping maybe we would have Wendy’s luck with the lippies coming for a drink but Eish nothing like that happened… We still enjoyed it though as I believe just 1 car passed us there, it was we were the only ones in the Park. We did have these sightings on our route, some butterflies,




People climbing out of their car on the S108, how can I count the ways of peoples insanity…


We were entertained for a while by this LBR having some breakfast, I think this was the highlight of the S26.


Also another Dragonfly,


Then as we almost reached Mpondo we found that with the earlier flood some water flowing over the dirt road, We couldn’t estimate how high the water is, how bad the ground was, could we get stuck? It took half a MMC to establish if we should take a chance or turn around… Well I always want to test how well I could do 4x4 with an i10 so here was my chance, we started moving forward through the sludge and weeds and water and luckily we didn’t get stuck although if I would’ve stand in the water it could have almost gone ankle deep. I was playing with fire… We made it and with a big sigh of relief we could take a kiekie of this black crake,


And this wood sandpiper,


We checked out Mpondodam and it was dead quiet, so we moved on. On our way home we had our best rhino sighting of the whole trip.


And one of our last sightings the day was a chameleon crossing the road, you guys have to watch out when you drive as I have seen more run-over chams than live ones in the Park, as well as snakes.


We got home at about 16:30 and decided that we just gonna start the braai, I had to teach Wendy how to make a wood fire today and as you men know-there isn’t a lot to it. So it was a 3-step lesson. I poured myself a KM (Kruger Mimosa) today and Wendy opened each another ice cold KPA whilst entranced in a Tony Park book and just enjoying the peaceful bush, I could really get use to this kind of life…

To be continued...

18-23 March Sabie Park

8 -11 July Tsendze
12-15 July Satara

30 Sept-4 Oct Lower Sabie

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Re: MMC mornings and KPA days...

Post by Heksie »

Richprins wrote: Thanks for the feedback on the "Rec" rondavel at Sabie Park....we watched the 1995 World Cup Rugby semifinal vs France there, on a TV about the size of a computer screen.

Over 50 people there, and we were late but in time due to rain delay. \O The rondavel has two or three entrances, so chairs were packed out two abreast OUTSIDE the rondavel's doors, in a sort of silly stadium line, but you could still see the Tv through the doors and experience the magic! Good times, and sorry to Hijack a bit! :twisted:
That sounds like the best way to watch rugby... especially if it was good mates and ice cold castle light then it would be heaven for me \O
And as a bonus you experienced our first WC win in then bush \O

18-23 March Sabie Park

8 -11 July Tsendze
12-15 July Satara

30 Sept-4 Oct Lower Sabie

27 Dec-7 Jan Satara
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