Firstly, thanks to Flutterby for revealing the existence of this site and inviting me to join.
As the TR section seems to be a bit short of items, I thought I'd provide an alternative to the "Browns' in the KNP" (ad-nauseum ;) ) threads by sharing some of the pictures I took during our trips to the KNP in November 2009, April 2010 and October 2010.
I'll start with the trip we took in November 2009.
This was our first trip with my new toys, a Nikon D5000 with Nikkor 18-55mm, 55-200mm and Sigma 150-500mm. Prior to this I used film cameras and hadn't even bothered with these for several trips. After several fantastic sightings and some missed photo-opportunites, I finally decided to put some significant stress on my credit card and Go Digital. One day I'll scan my old slides and post the best of them.
A Red-Winged Pratincole. Only the second time we'd seen this bird I think.
A Giraffe, posing nicely in good light.
A Waterbuck just before sunset.
Ntombazana the Elephant (thanks to Aat for an amazing ID). We'd never seen an adult Elephant in this pose. Elephants have trouble breathing when they lie down and we thought he was dead. Fortunately he'd gotten up and moved on we went back later to check!
Mandhevhu, who died in March 2010.
A Helmeted Guineafowl or is it a Cyclops?
More to follow....