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Post by Wanda »

Grootkolk (Groot - big, Kolk - whirlpool/pond)

History of Grootkolk
In 1891, the Park area, was annexed to British Bechuanaland. Approximately ten years later, just across the border, the Khoikhoi rebelled against the German colonial rule in South West Africa (Present-day Namibia).In 1904, the authorities in South West Africa (Namibia) sent soldiers to blockade the water holes in the Nossob and force Khoikhoi rebels into submission. Although well inside British territory, German troops set up a station at Groot Kolk to transmit messages to South West Africa. An enormous camel thorn tree served as an ideal lookout post. However, despite this, the Khoikhoi, under leader Captain Dirk Filander, attacked at daybreak killing the Germans as they rose from their beds. Unfortunately, the tree, still bearing horseshoes, which the Germans nailed to the trunk as a ladder, burnt down in a large veld fire in 1976.

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Re: Flavour of the Month - October 2013 - Grootkolk

Post by Wanda »

Our history at Grootkolk:
First thing that comes to mind when I think of Grootkolk is LION!
1) Levitating a metre above my bed(just for a second) because a lion decided to lie down and roar at 4am in the morning, on the other side of our unit’s wall, two metres away from my head.
2)Standing in the doorway of our unit while a lioness walks past and glances at me, trying to control my shaking while I try to get a pic.
3) Getting very little sleep one night because my family(of 4) are all crowded into one unit because a lioness and cubs are camped out between the 2 units that we booked.

The list goes on.

The shaking adds to the pic, don't you think? ;-)



The culprits that caused a very uncomfortable night for my family:



Whenever we seem to be at Grootkolk, lions seem to be in camp or in the area. Despite this, Grootkolk is a peaceful place,


and the waterhole is well used by a variety of game.

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Re: Flavour of the Month - October 2013 - Grootkolk

Post by Wanda »

Thanks Mel! Definitely agree about favourites! O/\ \O

Grootkolk is KTP's northernmost camp.
Nearest Main camp - Nossob(about 3 hours away).

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Re: Flavour of the Month - October 2013 - Grootkolk

Post by Mel »


God put me on earth to accomplish a certain amount of things. Right now I'm so far behind that I'll never die.
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Re: Flavour of the Month - October 2013 - Grootkolk

Post by Mel »

First stay, first stay at Grootkolk ever - a vulture visited:

Image 21/10/2011

Followed by a hartebeest that didn't dare to go closer to the waterhole
because a wildebeest was drinking there:

Image 21/10/2011

Followed by a secretary:

Image 21/10/2011

God put me on earth to accomplish a certain amount of things. Right now I'm so far behind that I'll never die.

Re: Flavour of the Month - October 2013 - Grootkolk

Post by Duke »

It is definitely worth a visit PRWIN.

I met Wanda very briefly in Mata Mata in December 2008. Naturally when we got home I had to read her trip report and that is what made me book for Grootkolk on our next trip to KTP which was in Septrember 2009.

We were hardly at GK for long when we had spotted hyena at the waterhole


and then I had the braai going and an AWC came to say hello O/\ O/\ O/\


an hour later Sharifa excitedly ran into the chalet saying leopard (not the best photos and they are before the guide Wanda, but don't think we can do an ID from these)

The spotted one was between chalet 1 and 2 about 4 meters away :shock:



Late that night another or the same leopard -O-


and on our first drive from GK - a leopard near Geinab



There was no looking back after an introduction like this - we were hooked O\/ O/\

Stay tuned for more leopards and lions and lots more :-)

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Re: Flavour of the Month - October 2013 - Grootkolk

Post by nan »

No 1 - 24.4.2007

old windows

I remember putting an objet or several (which one -O- ) on the edge of the window/door (where there is a blue bottle)... if... if something try to enter... who makes a lot of noise to awake me :o0ps: =O: =O: =O:
nothing.... nothing at all had closed properly (0!) and I don't like the night 0*\
there was still a fan O:V

and you can see, nothing, absolutely nothing on the floor... never :o0ps:
and somebody said I was/am proud of that =O:

what wonderful souvenirs O/\ O/\ O/\

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Re: Flavour of the Month - October 2013 - Grootkolk

Post by nan »

No. 3 - 21.9.2009

old braai

new windows

new door

a little bit assured... not really =O: =O: =O:

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Re: Flavour of the Month - October 2013 - Grootkolk

Post by nan »


when we are sitting.... that is the view O/ O/ O/ O/ O/ =O: =O: =O:

new braai

what a shame 0*\ (0!)

a lot of Gnus and some Kudus on the left hand side ^0^
I always had Kudus here O/\

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Re: Flavour of the Month - October 2013 - Grootkolk

Post by nan »

avril 2007

I always had Kudus at Grootkolk O/\

and the morning I left, I was in the double cab of the car, when Gert told me there was Lions at the waterhole O/\
I closed the car, and ready to have some pictures... but one female went directly in front of me and I retreated a bit... was no more than 2 m. between she and me O-/
Never I will forget this eyes... never :O^


then ready to leave I found the family in the little road... just 100/200m behind, and I was again filling the car... with Lions so near by -O-

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