Seems to be a very interesting park with all the wild animals at your door step.
Thanks for the maps - very helpful. Seeing that Mana Pools lies at the Zambezi River, how is the situation with mosquitoes?
And if October is not the time to go, when do you reckon is the best time? Is Easter an option? Or July/August and December respectively?
God put me on earth to accomplish a certain amount of things. Right now I'm so far behind that I'll never die.
I wish a had good answers for you. I have only been in September and October as I like travelling towards the end of the dry season maybe someone else on the forum can help here.
regarding mosquito's we did not really find it an issue but I would think it could be an issue in the wet season.
I have just found this Kesheshe.
great pics. Awesome place. We were there 2 weeks ago and how different.
very green with plenty of water around so very few animals seen, but, oh,
what an awesome river and a beautiful place.
We found Zim. People very friendly. A great place to visit.