Adventure activities survey for national parks

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Re: Adventure activities survey for national parks

Post by Toko »

The new Nedbank Tour de Tuli cycle route for 2014 has just been launched by the event organisers, Children in the Wilderness (CITW). The iconic mountain bike tour will see 350 mountain bikers traverse more than 250 km of remote and challenging terrain in Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa between 1 and 6 August.
“For the first time, we’ve been given access to traverse more of the historical Mapungubwe National Park in South Africa, which means that the 2014 Nedbank Tour de Tuli participants will be the first to experience and enjoy this remarkable addition to the route”, said Dr Sue Snyman, CITW Programme Director.
- See more at: ... aL25N.dpuf
Nedbank Tour de Tuli cycle route

Another cycling event in a big game area -O-

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Re: Adventure activities survey for national parks

Post by nan »

is it a sanctuary for animals :-? ... which kind of animals 0-

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Re: Adventure activities survey for national parks

Post by arks »

Obviously such events make money for SANParks, but also obviously SANParks has NO consideration for others visiting their parks whose holidays are negatively affected (I have read reports elsewhere). SANParks holidays are IMO expensive, plus as an overseas visitor I have the considerable added costs of airfare and hired vehicle. If I were then to discover that such an event were taking place when I had expected the peace and tranquility of Mapungubwe, I would be absolutely FURIOUS. But I know from previous experience of having a holiday negatively affected by ongoing construction that SANParks could care less. I have suggested that SANParks be up front with visitors, alerting them to less than ideal situations with an option to either rebook elsewhere if possible or an offer of a 'courtesy' discount for the "inconvenience", but such suggestions have been met with a deafening silence.


Re: Adventure activities survey for national parks

Post by Duke »

Hi Arks,

I would be furious too if I arrived at Mapungubwe or KTP to find a cycling event in progress. I can understand such events say in Golden Gate or Gareden Route. Thing is, these events are kept low key and pushed under the radar. Good thing we found out about the KTP one and stopped it.

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Re: Adventure activities survey for national parks

Post by arks »

Hi Duke!

Yes, it's that furtiveness of SANParks sneaking such events under the radar -- and in totally INappropriate places! -- that angers me. At least the half-marathon in KNP is publicised so that one can avoid it, but I've been reading reports of disturbing behaviour by people attending conferences at the Skukuza confernece centre and staff either unable or unwilling to take any action against these flagrant violations of park rules (littering, noise). Again, seems it's a question of money -- and SANParks total disregard for other park visitors. Makes me (0!)

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Re: Adventure activities survey for national parks

Post by Richprins »

Hello, arks!

These "fundraising projects" are for the privileged...very expensive and elitist, if you ask me.

They are "Buddy buddy" ill-advertised events, IMO, and leave a poor taste in the mouth...

If the KTP one was cancelled, why does SANParks simply condone another one elsewhere? 0- 0- 0-

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Re: Adventure activities survey for national parks

Post by Polentswa »

I propose a monthly event for Kruger ...'Pick up the Cigarette Stompies' at Picnic sites and rest camps..Should be a winner with the record broken regularly

Mabuasehube and Caprivi are calling
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Re: Adventure activities survey for national parks

Post by Flutterby »


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