I think in this case we probably will PRWIN... at least I hope so. The park has been generally very transparent when it comes to information, and I know a number of guides/rangers so I'm sure the truth will come out one way or another.PRWIN wrote:will we ever hear the truth from SP.?????
If it was poison pellets I wonder how it would affect other animals. Perhaps it's the type of thing which is tasty to scavengers like jackal/crows etc, but possibly not a problem for herbivores
If it is in the area around Rooidam I worry for the hyena population as they have dens in that area.
The other obvious question if it is pellets is how they got in the park... did someone do it deliberately, or would perhaps a farm vehicle where they had been used have some leftovers caught up in the vehicle which somehow dropped out there
Lots of questions.... but very sad so far