Our last trip was the trip of the owls! We have seen 4 different barn owls, 9 different spotted eagle owls and 3 different giant eagle owls in total.
But not all of them could be photographed since they were either too hidden or it was way to dark to take a shot... Here are a few photos though:
Seen between Leeuwdril and Rooiputs at the start of our trip:
The Chicks
Dad in a different tree further down the road. Wonder why he didn't want to share with the mum and the chicks.
Between Rooiputs and Kij Kik:
Also between Rooiputs and Kij Kij - just a few trees down from the barn owl:
Just south of Montrose:
Took me quite a few visits before I could finally see the fluffy chicks, well, at least one of the two.
Seen between Leeuwdril and Rooiputs at the end of our trip - they have grown!
And that's what the chick said to me.