Insect or Invertebrates Identification - DONE

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Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification

Post by Toko »

If more than 4 segments (6-7, but not always all visible in pictures, and they may break off), you definitely have Solpugidae.
If 4 segments (and not broken), you have Daesidae.
If 2 segmented, it could be Daesiidae, Melanoblossidae or Ceromidae.
If 1 segmented, it could be Daesiidae (although actually, upon close inspection, should appear as 2 fused segments in Hemiblossia), Gylippidae, or Melanoblossidae, and Hexisopodidae.

The 2nd and 3rd legs normally have the same number of segments as one another.

If 4 segments, definitely Solpugidae.

If 2 segments, and final leg 4 segmented, Daesiidae, Daesiinae - of which the only geographically relevant genus is Biton.

If 2 segmented, and final leg 3 segmented - Daesiidae, Gluviinae, or (subfamily uncertain) Namibesia. Only Southern African Gluviinae is Eberlanzia flava.

If 2 segmented, and final leg 2 segmented, Ceromidae.

If 1 segment, and final leg 2 segmented, Daesiidae (Blossiinae, of which we only have Blossia), or some Melanoblossidae.
this is about tarsal segments only, not segments of the "leg" 0- 0- 0-


But does not help, one can not see any, too hairy :-?

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Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification

Post by ExFmem »


That's why I asked someone (YOU 0/* ) more experienced than me, as I was completely 0= 0- -O- :-? @#$ by all this, but it sounded so concise.

Ay-Yay-Yay, heaven help those (me) poor souls who try to navigate through all the gobbled-de-gook that appears on the internet.

Back to square one O/ O/

But thanks for verifying that I'm not as dense as I thought I was after reading all really DOESN'T make any sense. 0= 0=

Okay, maybe I AM as dense as I thought, just not in this particular case. =O:

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Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification

Post by Toko »

They are very pretty Daesiidae :yes: :yes:


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Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification

Post by Toko »

BluTuna wrote:As I said, the creepy crawlies were out in force at the weekend, I still have a lot of pictures to post....

This is possibly a Spittle Bug but I'm not sure.
This is a plant hopper in the family Flatidae, subfamily Flatinae :-? Do you agree?

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Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification

Post by BluTuna »

\O \O \O \O \O ^Q^ ^Q^

Hunting cannot be considered a sport as all contestants in a sport should know they are playing the game!
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Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification

Post by Toko »

One of the coolest of your many-legged ones X#X ^Q^

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Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification

Post by ExFmem »

Psycopsidae (Moth or Silky Lacewings)
Subfamily Zygophlebiinae
Genus Silveira, possibly jordani? -O- Thanks!


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Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification

Post by Toko »

Psychopsidae Cabralis gloriosus Navás, 1912 Cabralis gloriosus Navás, 1912 Navás, L. 1912. Crisópidos y Hemeróbidos (Ins. Neur.) nuevos ó críticos. Brotéria (Zoológica) 10: 98-113. LDL 0547. Malawi, Mozambique, DRC, Zimbabwe, Zambia Limpopo, Mpumalanga M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12
Psychopsidae Silveira jordani Kimmins, 1939 Silveira jordani Kimmins, 1939 Kimmins, D. E. 1939. A review of the genera of the Psychopsidae (Neuroptera), with a description of a new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11) 4: 144-153. LDL 0206. Namibia Western Cape, Northern Cape M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12
Psychopsidae Silveira marshalli McLachlan, 1902 Silveira marshalli McLachlan, 1902 "Psychophasis marshalli (McLachlan, 1902) |Psychopsis marshalli McLachlan, 1902 |Psychopsis nebulosa van der Weele, 1907 |Silveira marmoratus Navás, 1912 |Zygophlebius nebulosus (van der Weele, 1907)
" McLachlan, R. 1902. A second African species of Psychopsis: Ps. marshalli, McLach. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 38: 234-235. LDL 0392). Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe Mpumalanga, Gauteng, Limpopo M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12
Psychopsidae Silveira rufus Tjeder, 1960 Silveira rufus Tjeder, 1960 Tjeder, B. 1960. Neuroptera-Planipennia. The Lace-wings of Southern Africa. 3. Family Psychopsidae. Pp. 164-209 in South African Animal Life, B. Hanström, P. Brinck and G. Rudebec, eds. Vol. 7. Swedish Natural Science Research Council, Stockholm. LDL 6044. Zimbabwe Limpopo M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12
Psychopsidae Zygophlebius leoninus Navás, 1910 Zygophlebius leoninus Navás, 1910 " Psychopsis felina Navás, 1912 |Psychopsis leonina (Navás, 1910) |Zygophlebius zebra felinus (Navás, 1912) |Zygophlebius zebra leoninus Navás, 1910 |Zygophlebius zebra weelinus Navás, [1917]
" Navás, L. 1910. Hemeróbidos (Ins. Neur.) nuevos con la clave de las tribus y géneros de la familia. Brotéria (Zoológica) 9: 69-90. LDL 0508. Angola, DRC, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe Kwa-Zulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12
Psychopsidae Zygophlebius pseudosilveira Oswald, 1994 Zygophlebius pseudosilveira Oswald, 1994 Oswald, J. D. 1994. Revision of the African silky lacewing genus Zygophlebius Navás (Neuroptera: Psychopsidae). African Entomology 2: 83-96. LDL 7535. Limpopo M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12

These are the SA members of the family, only one in the Northern Cape -O- O** lol

Good enough, I think, the photo matches with the one on the www and the other families look quite different ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^


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Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification

Post by Toko »

Virtual Museum Adu has a Neuroptera project started recently and perhaps we come closer with their IDs

This is labelled Cuenta sp and is from Northern Cape

compared to this one -O-
ExFmem wrote:Antlion (Pit-building or Grassland Antlion?)
Family Myrmeleontidae

Myrmeleontidae is the largest lacewing family, comprising medium to very large (wingspan 26 - 160 mm), insects that superficially resemble dragonflies, but have short antennae usually ending in a club. Wings iridescent, often intricately marked in brown and black. Most are attracted to lights in summer and autumn. Some larvae build funnel shaped pits in the sand, and occur in rain shadows, but most have free living larvae that roam under the sand. Almost half the region's 125 species occur in arid western areas

Kgalagadi TP

SANBI lists for Northern Cape these Cueta

Myrmeleontidae Cueta infima Navás, 1914 Cueta infima Navás, 1914 Navás, L. 1914. Neuropteros nuevos de Africa. Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona 10: 627-653. LDL 0612. Eastern Cape, Free State, Northern Cape, Western Cape M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12

Myrmeleontidae Cueta punctatissima Gerstaecker, 1894 Cueta punctatissima Gerstaecker, 1894 "Myrmeleon punctatissimus Gerstaecker, [1894] |Nesoleon punctatissimus (Gerstaecker, [1894])
" Gerstaecker, A. 1894. Ueber neue und weniger gekannte Neuropteren aus der familie Megaloptera Burm. Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Neu-Vorpommern u. Rugen in Greifswald 25: 93-173. LDL 2559. Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, DRC, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West, Western Cape M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12

Myrmeleontidae Cueta trivirgata Gerstaecker, 1885 Cueta trivirgata Gerstaecker, 1885 "Creagris bechuana Péringuey, 1910 |Creoleon bechuanus (Péringuey, 1910) |Cueta damarensis Navas, 1914 |Cueta infima Navas, 1914 |Myrmeleon trivirgatus Gerstaecker, [1885] |Nesoleon trivirgatus (Gerstaecker, [1885])
" Gerstaecker, A. 1885. Vier decaden von Neuropteren aus der Familie Megaloptera Burm. Mittheilungen aus dem Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine von Neu-Vorpommern und Rügen in Greifswald 16: 1-49.LDL 2556. Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe Gauteng, Limpopo, Northern Cape M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12

and it's not C. punctissima and not C. trivirgata O** (check museum!)

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Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification

Post by Toko »

ExFmem wrote:Tree-hole Antlion Cymothales sp.
Family Myrmeleontidae

Oct. 2013 Kgalagadi

Small (wingspan 56 mm), delicately built, with very long, thin legs, and highly iridescent wings intricately patterned in shades of brown and ending in an elegant hooked tip.

Oct. 2012 Kgalagadi

Restricted to the region, especially arid areas

Oct. 2013 Kgalagadi

Larvae live in detritus in tree holes or in fine sand on rock ledges below overhangs.

Only two from Northern Cape:

Cymothales illustris Navás, 1913 Cymothales illustris Navás, 1913 Mironus illustris Navás, 1913 Navás, L. 1914. Neuropteros nuevos de Africa. Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona 10: 627-653. LDL 0612. Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe Eastern Cape, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, Western Cape M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12

Cymothales spectabilis Esben-Petersen, 1916 Cymothales spectabilis Esben-Petersen, 1916 Esben-Petersen, P. 1916. Notes concerning African Myrmeleonidae I. Arkiv för Zoologi 10(15): 1-22. LDL 0138. DRC, Kenya, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zimbabwe Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Northern Cape, North West M. Mansell P. Franzini 26. Jul 12

This one from VM is C. illustris O/\ O/\ O/\


Looks like a good match to me :-? X#X

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