Kruger are inviting all stakeholders for indabas from April to June. Hopefully it is with reasonable warning. Will get a better copy later. Thanks to Elize Parker for this!
Help us from April to put together a ten year plan, Kruger management says
It is ready, set and go from April onwards for the Kruger National Park to put a new management plan together.
February 4, 2017
SKUKUZA – The KNP has started the process of developing a new management plan.
The one in use was approved in 2008 and will be effective until next year.
The management plan is the legal, strategic, and operational compass for managing the park for the next 10 years.
It is a lengthy process that will culminate in the final plans being approved by the SANParks board, before being submitted to the minister of environmental affairs for approval in 2018.
The KNP management team is researching factors inside and outside the park which need to be addressed, ranging from internal management issues to global as well as external matters, such as climate change, community programmes, and wildlife crime.
A number of these are already in the plan, but the nature of the strategies may need to be amended. The review process will also be opened for discussion to the public from April.
“Our stakeholder engagement plan will guide our consultation process,” said Dr Marisa Coetzee, senior manager of park planning and co-management.
Stakeholders include adjacent communities, government sectors, business partners, adjacent landowners, local government representatives, NGOs, as well as KNP forums with an interest in the park’s core business.
“Our aim is the sustainable and responsible management of KNP according to SANParks’ mandate to contribute to environmental, social and economic well-being,” Coetzee said.
“We will be engaging on the management focus of the Kruger at the higher level during these stakeholder meetings.The whole process will lead to the development of more detailed plans that can be included in the management plan over the next year for implementation during the next 10 years,” Coetzee explained.
Participants will be provided with the information needed to contribute in a meaningful way, and to facilitate the understanding of that information.
The stakeholder process itself will include defining the desired state of the park in the context of the broader landscape.
The official process of putting input from the stakeholders together will take place from April to June. The public will be invited to participate through various means, such as advertisements. Stakeholders must register on a database to take part in the process. ... ment-says/
So AW members be on alert!
Public Participation Invite on 10 year Kruger Management Plan
- Richprins
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Public Participation Invite on 10 year Kruger Management Plan
Last edited by Richprins on Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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- Richprins
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Re: Public Participation Invite on 10 year Kruger Management Plan
KOMMENTAAR: Prosesse frustreer wildtuin-, besoedeling- en vleiland aktiviste
Omgewingsaktiviste, soos diegene wat rondom die KNW se Skukuza Safari Lodge of vleilande standpunt inneem, voel soms asof hulle grondwetlike regte oorgesien word.
8 hours ago
Elize Parker
Dit is ons grondwetlike reg om ‘n sê oor ons omgewing te hê, maar sluit die manier waarop dit gedoen kan word, dalk te veel van ons uit?
Sedert die inwerkingstelling van die grondwet in 1996 is die klem op die openbare deelnemingsproses gelê om individue en gemeenskappe ‘n stem te gee.
Met dié wet as kompas is die regering verplig om wette te maak wat juis sulke demokratiese besluitneming moontlik maak.
Die Handves van Regte gee – in afdelings soos Seksie 32 – die publiek byvoorbeeld die reg van toegang tot inligting.
Ook moedig die handves plaaslike en streeksregerings aan om dit maklik te maak vir die publiek om deel te neem.Hieromheen het wel ‘n spesifieke openbare deelnemingsproses tot stand gekom, maar werk dit doeltreffend om omgewingskwessies aan te spreek?
In Mbombela het ons ‘n ruk gelede vleilandaktiviste gehad wat gefrustreerd voor kennisgewings oor die proses gestaan het. Dit was onleesbaar omdat dit swak versorg was. Inligting oor ‘n omgewingsimpakstudie was aanvanklik ook nie beskikbaar nie.
Die Bergvlam-vleiland sal nooit weer dieselfde wees na die storting van bourommel nie.
Die Bergvlam-vleiland sal nooit weer dieselfde wees na die storting van bourommel nie.
Met die mees onlangse lugbesoedelings- voorval in Rocky Drift was dit duidelik, skoonlugaktiviste in die omgewing is ook moedeloos. Alhoewel daar ‘n proses is om hul griewe aan te spreek, het daar na vyf jaar van vergaderings bywoon en insette lewer, min van gekom.
Daar is ook Nasionale Krugerwildtuin-liefhebbers wat steeds besware het oor ‘n openbare deelnemingsproses rondom die hotel in Skukuza wat hulle voel deur die minister van omgewingsake gestoomroller is. Hoewel hul motiverings teen die bou van die hotel wetenskaplike gronde gehad het, het dit nie ‘n duit verskil gemaak nie.
Dalk is dit tyd om nuut te dink oor die werking van openbare deelnemingsprosesse.
Daar is minimum vereistes vir deelname aan prosesse oor die omgewing.
‘n Onafhanklike omgewingsinvloedpraktisyn moet dit bedryf.
Gesimuleerde voorstelle wat in 2014 deur die KNP voorgelê van die voorgestelde Safari Lodge in Skukuza. Mnr. William Mabasa, waarnemende hoof van kommunikasie van SANParke het aan Laevelder gister bevestig dat tenders reeds toegeken is vir die bou van die Skukuza Safari Lodge, dat die aanvangsdtum nog nie vasgestel is nie maar dat werk spoedig sal begin en dat die besteding uit SANParke begroting R220 miljoen sal beloop.
Gesimuleerde voorstelle wat in 2014 deur die KNP voorgelê is van die voorgestelde Safari Lodge in Skukuza. Mnr. William Mabasa, waarnemende hoof van kommunikasie van SANParke het aan Laevelder gister bevestig dat tenders reeds toegeken is vir die bou van die Skukuza Safari Lodge, dat die aanvangsdatum nog nie vasgestel is nie maar dat die projek spoedig sal begin en dat die besteding uit SANParke-begroting R220 miljoen sal beloop.
Hierdie persoon moet kennis en inligting rondom die kwessie aan alle moontlike belanghebbendes deurgee. ‘n Kennisgewingbord moet by opsigtelike plekke aangebring word om belanghebbendes in te lig.
Dit is ook belangrik dat dié partye moet weet waar verdere inligting oor die kwessie verkry kan word. Partye is verder geregtig om kommentaar te lewer en voorleggings te maak. Maar, ten spyte van die deeglike raamwerk, sukkel omgewingsaktiviste steeds om gehoor te word. Die proses is te omslagtig en sluit mense wat nie toegang tot bronne soos die internet en rekenaars het nie, uit. Ons kan dit nie langer bekostig nie.
Elke burger het regte, of dit nou oor ‘n vleiland in ‘n munispale gebied, lugbesoedeling, of die bestuur van ‘n nasionale park is. Dit is staats- of natuurbates en dus ons almal se domein en verantwoordelikheid.
Bogenoemde voorbeelde dien nie die gees van die grondwet nie.
Dit is dalk tyd vir ‘n proses om die deelnemingsproses te hersien.
Omgewingsaktiviste moet saamstaan om die boodskap duidelik oor te dra: Beplan sáám met ons, nie vír ons nie, en doen dit op ‘n verstaanbare en toeganklike manier. ... sprosesse/
Omgewingsaktiviste, soos diegene wat rondom die KNW se Skukuza Safari Lodge of vleilande standpunt inneem, voel soms asof hulle grondwetlike regte oorgesien word.
8 hours ago
Elize Parker
Dit is ons grondwetlike reg om ‘n sê oor ons omgewing te hê, maar sluit die manier waarop dit gedoen kan word, dalk te veel van ons uit?
Sedert die inwerkingstelling van die grondwet in 1996 is die klem op die openbare deelnemingsproses gelê om individue en gemeenskappe ‘n stem te gee.
Met dié wet as kompas is die regering verplig om wette te maak wat juis sulke demokratiese besluitneming moontlik maak.
Die Handves van Regte gee – in afdelings soos Seksie 32 – die publiek byvoorbeeld die reg van toegang tot inligting.
Ook moedig die handves plaaslike en streeksregerings aan om dit maklik te maak vir die publiek om deel te neem.Hieromheen het wel ‘n spesifieke openbare deelnemingsproses tot stand gekom, maar werk dit doeltreffend om omgewingskwessies aan te spreek?
In Mbombela het ons ‘n ruk gelede vleilandaktiviste gehad wat gefrustreerd voor kennisgewings oor die proses gestaan het. Dit was onleesbaar omdat dit swak versorg was. Inligting oor ‘n omgewingsimpakstudie was aanvanklik ook nie beskikbaar nie.
Die Bergvlam-vleiland sal nooit weer dieselfde wees na die storting van bourommel nie.
Die Bergvlam-vleiland sal nooit weer dieselfde wees na die storting van bourommel nie.
Met die mees onlangse lugbesoedelings- voorval in Rocky Drift was dit duidelik, skoonlugaktiviste in die omgewing is ook moedeloos. Alhoewel daar ‘n proses is om hul griewe aan te spreek, het daar na vyf jaar van vergaderings bywoon en insette lewer, min van gekom.
Daar is ook Nasionale Krugerwildtuin-liefhebbers wat steeds besware het oor ‘n openbare deelnemingsproses rondom die hotel in Skukuza wat hulle voel deur die minister van omgewingsake gestoomroller is. Hoewel hul motiverings teen die bou van die hotel wetenskaplike gronde gehad het, het dit nie ‘n duit verskil gemaak nie.
Dalk is dit tyd om nuut te dink oor die werking van openbare deelnemingsprosesse.
Daar is minimum vereistes vir deelname aan prosesse oor die omgewing.
‘n Onafhanklike omgewingsinvloedpraktisyn moet dit bedryf.
Gesimuleerde voorstelle wat in 2014 deur die KNP voorgelê van die voorgestelde Safari Lodge in Skukuza. Mnr. William Mabasa, waarnemende hoof van kommunikasie van SANParke het aan Laevelder gister bevestig dat tenders reeds toegeken is vir die bou van die Skukuza Safari Lodge, dat die aanvangsdtum nog nie vasgestel is nie maar dat werk spoedig sal begin en dat die besteding uit SANParke begroting R220 miljoen sal beloop.
Gesimuleerde voorstelle wat in 2014 deur die KNP voorgelê is van die voorgestelde Safari Lodge in Skukuza. Mnr. William Mabasa, waarnemende hoof van kommunikasie van SANParke het aan Laevelder gister bevestig dat tenders reeds toegeken is vir die bou van die Skukuza Safari Lodge, dat die aanvangsdatum nog nie vasgestel is nie maar dat die projek spoedig sal begin en dat die besteding uit SANParke-begroting R220 miljoen sal beloop.
Hierdie persoon moet kennis en inligting rondom die kwessie aan alle moontlike belanghebbendes deurgee. ‘n Kennisgewingbord moet by opsigtelike plekke aangebring word om belanghebbendes in te lig.
Dit is ook belangrik dat dié partye moet weet waar verdere inligting oor die kwessie verkry kan word. Partye is verder geregtig om kommentaar te lewer en voorleggings te maak. Maar, ten spyte van die deeglike raamwerk, sukkel omgewingsaktiviste steeds om gehoor te word. Die proses is te omslagtig en sluit mense wat nie toegang tot bronne soos die internet en rekenaars het nie, uit. Ons kan dit nie langer bekostig nie.
Elke burger het regte, of dit nou oor ‘n vleiland in ‘n munispale gebied, lugbesoedeling, of die bestuur van ‘n nasionale park is. Dit is staats- of natuurbates en dus ons almal se domein en verantwoordelikheid.
Bogenoemde voorbeelde dien nie die gees van die grondwet nie.
Dit is dalk tyd vir ‘n proses om die deelnemingsproses te hersien.
Omgewingsaktiviste moet saamstaan om die boodskap duidelik oor te dra: Beplan sáám met ons, nie vír ons nie, en doen dit op ‘n verstaanbare en toeganklike manier. ... sprosesse/
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- H. erectus
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Re: Public Participation Invite on 10 year Kruger Management Plan
Oh my goodness, just perhaps I need,...
Am I living in a unreal world with real perceptions,
this kind of publicity leaves me awkward,... for
goodness sake, please understand that there is a big
difference twixt democracy and integrity!! How in all
hell Sanparks still manage to put forth this kind of crap
in the heat of the day, goes beyond me!!!
I'm speechless at their approach toward public participation.
Then again, I beg your pardon Sanparks, in isolation and looking
at KNP, yes indeed, much room for manipulation. Yet the bigger
picture reeking with regard to the 2022 strategy, as presented
G. Phillips!!
I'm afraid but the more I get involved here it rather frustrates
to be involved with a headless chicken!!, cackling at every corner!!
If only the mandate, regarding conservation, practiced as should be,
political vendetta will have gone unnoticed!!
A ten year Kruger management plan, why only Kruger???!!!
Am I living in a unreal world with real perceptions,
this kind of publicity leaves me awkward,... for
goodness sake, please understand that there is a big
difference twixt democracy and integrity!! How in all
hell Sanparks still manage to put forth this kind of crap
in the heat of the day, goes beyond me!!!
I'm speechless at their approach toward public participation.
Then again, I beg your pardon Sanparks, in isolation and looking
at KNP, yes indeed, much room for manipulation. Yet the bigger
picture reeking with regard to the 2022 strategy, as presented
G. Phillips!!
I'm afraid but the more I get involved here it rather frustrates
to be involved with a headless chicken!!, cackling at every corner!!
If only the mandate, regarding conservation, practiced as should be,
political vendetta will have gone unnoticed!!
A ten year Kruger management plan, why only Kruger???!!!
Heh,.. H.e
- Richprins
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Re: Public Participation Invite on 10 year Kruger Management Plan
But anyway, you will have to work again if it's in Gwhateng!
But anyway, you will have to work again if it's in Gwhateng!
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- H. erectus
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Re: Public Participation Invite on 10 year Kruger Management Plan
Indeed I need more practice clutching yourRichprins wrote:Practised!
scrawny neck,...
Heh,.. H.e
- Richprins
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Re: Public Participation Invite on 10 year Kruger Management Plan
Got electronic copy!
No response to AW request to be registered as IAAP...
No response to AW request to be registered as IAAP...
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- harrys
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Re: Public Participation Invite on 10 year Kruger Management Plan
The public will have their say and SANparks will still do what they want ....just like lodges at Skukuza and Malelane all a flippen smokescreen
- H. erectus
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Re: Public Participation Invite on 10 year Kruger Management Plan
I may suggest here and now, the principles of Environmental Impacts be consolidated
into a far greater cause for concern!! To date all endeavors undertaken by the curator
within it's mandate have been practiced on a very localized situation, carefully not
bringing a greater problem into context. The bigger picture not portrayed in full context.
For example the Shangoni gate proposal, being assessed under the norms of a BAR (Basic
assessment),.when this effort will be suggested in a unique area, pristine nature and breeding
grounds. Surely, for the sake of nature, a more up level practice would be justified.
Full scoping reports and good practices have a purpose set aside. Why only a BAR!!!
(Basic assessment Report)applied, when we are messing with a greater constitution in
By example I wish to demonstrate my concern by means of Traffic impacts and assessments
thereof,....Skukuza has a traffic problem admitted by the curator, Malelane venture, traffic
impacts still not concluded, Yet Shangoni gate venture seems pardoned, hence a mediocre
consideration in place!!
Make a long story short<>..shocking to witness a "cooky crumbling", so large yet so tender!!!
into a far greater cause for concern!! To date all endeavors undertaken by the curator
within it's mandate have been practiced on a very localized situation, carefully not
bringing a greater problem into context. The bigger picture not portrayed in full context.
For example the Shangoni gate proposal, being assessed under the norms of a BAR (Basic
assessment),.when this effort will be suggested in a unique area, pristine nature and breeding
grounds. Surely, for the sake of nature, a more up level practice would be justified.
Full scoping reports and good practices have a purpose set aside. Why only a BAR!!!
(Basic assessment Report)applied, when we are messing with a greater constitution in
By example I wish to demonstrate my concern by means of Traffic impacts and assessments
thereof,....Skukuza has a traffic problem admitted by the curator, Malelane venture, traffic
impacts still not concluded, Yet Shangoni gate venture seems pardoned, hence a mediocre
consideration in place!!
Make a long story short<>..shocking to witness a "cooky crumbling", so large yet so tender!!!
Heh,.. H.e
- Lisbeth
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Kruger National Park Management Plan Review Notice
Kruger National Park Management Plan Review Notice
Dear Stakeholder,
SANParks has started the review process of the Kruger National Park’s Management Plan in compliance with the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act No.57 of 2003. Interested and affected parties are invited to participate in the Kruger National Park (KNP) Management Plan review process (as per Section 39(3) of the Act).
The SANParks Vision of ‘A sustainable National Park system connecting society’ is the cornerstone of our engagements with stakeholders. This Vision supports our core business to manage the biodiversity and heritage assets through innovation and best practices, for the just and equitable benefit of current and future generations.
The Park Management Plan provides the strategic and operational framework for the management of KNP within the broader land use context.
The KNP Management Plan review will follow a structured process, and stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide inputs through:
Attending public meetings with respect to the strategic “desired state” and key characteristics of the KNP in relation to the broader landscape;
Providing written inputs; and
Attending interest group meetings.
Public meetings will take place at the following venues:
18 April 2017 Mutale:Tshilamba Community Hall 09:30
19 April 2017 Born Again Church, Maphophe Village 09:30
20 April 2017 Malamulele: Worship Tabemacle Christian Church 09:30
21 April 2017 Giyani Old Parliament 09:30
24 April 2017 Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Hall 09:30
25 April 2017 Hoedspruit – Rhino Convention 09:30
26 April 2017 Arcornhoek, Miriam Mokgakane Hall 09:30
2 May 2017 Hossana Church Hall, Hazyview-Tshabalala 09:30
3 May 2017 Nelspruit/Ka-Bokweni, JV Mdluli Confrerence Centre 09:30
4 May 2017 Zoe Faith Temples International, KaMhlushwa 09:30
To accommodate as many stakeholders as possible, further meetings will take place in Gauteng, Western Cape and KZN, and the dates and venues will be confirmed. There will also be interest group consultation meetings, which are scheduled to take place in April, May and June.
Stakeholders can obtain information about the review process, as well as register on the SANParks Website Alternatively, you can contact the Project Manager by sending an e-mail to, or call Dudu Letswele on: 013 735 4102 between Monday and Friday during office hours (07:3016:00).
Yours sincerely,
The Project Team
View original report: Addendum 11 – Invite KNP Management Plan Stakeholder consultation
Dear Stakeholder,
SANParks has started the review process of the Kruger National Park’s Management Plan in compliance with the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act No.57 of 2003. Interested and affected parties are invited to participate in the Kruger National Park (KNP) Management Plan review process (as per Section 39(3) of the Act).
The SANParks Vision of ‘A sustainable National Park system connecting society’ is the cornerstone of our engagements with stakeholders. This Vision supports our core business to manage the biodiversity and heritage assets through innovation and best practices, for the just and equitable benefit of current and future generations.
The Park Management Plan provides the strategic and operational framework for the management of KNP within the broader land use context.
The KNP Management Plan review will follow a structured process, and stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide inputs through:
Attending public meetings with respect to the strategic “desired state” and key characteristics of the KNP in relation to the broader landscape;
Providing written inputs; and
Attending interest group meetings.
Public meetings will take place at the following venues:
18 April 2017 Mutale:Tshilamba Community Hall 09:30
19 April 2017 Born Again Church, Maphophe Village 09:30
20 April 2017 Malamulele: Worship Tabemacle Christian Church 09:30
21 April 2017 Giyani Old Parliament 09:30
24 April 2017 Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Hall 09:30
25 April 2017 Hoedspruit – Rhino Convention 09:30
26 April 2017 Arcornhoek, Miriam Mokgakane Hall 09:30
2 May 2017 Hossana Church Hall, Hazyview-Tshabalala 09:30
3 May 2017 Nelspruit/Ka-Bokweni, JV Mdluli Confrerence Centre 09:30
4 May 2017 Zoe Faith Temples International, KaMhlushwa 09:30
To accommodate as many stakeholders as possible, further meetings will take place in Gauteng, Western Cape and KZN, and the dates and venues will be confirmed. There will also be interest group consultation meetings, which are scheduled to take place in April, May and June.
Stakeholders can obtain information about the review process, as well as register on the SANParks Website Alternatively, you can contact the Project Manager by sending an e-mail to, or call Dudu Letswele on: 013 735 4102 between Monday and Friday during office hours (07:3016:00).
Yours sincerely,
The Project Team
View original report: Addendum 11 – Invite KNP Management Plan Stakeholder consultation
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela
The desire for equality must never exceed the demands of knowledge
The desire for equality must never exceed the demands of knowledge
- Richprins
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- Posts: 76008
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Re: Kruger National Park Management Plan Review Notice
To accommodate as many stakeholders as possible, further meetings will take place in Gauteng, Western Cape and KZN, and the dates and venues will be confirmed. There will also be interest group consultation meetings, which are scheduled to take place in April, May and June.
April is almost over, without any "interest group consultation meetings".
There will be hell to pay if May and June Gauteng, Western Cape and KZN stakeholder meetings are not announced soon, with plenty of warning and scope, as was PROMISED by Kruger CEO recently at the buffalo culling meeting, at the request of AW...
SP must take note of all the court interdicts setting aside government plans and decision at the moment, as that will come soon and place them in a bad light from which they will struggle to recover.
The "bullshit baffles brains" mentality is being called out.
April is almost over, without any "interest group consultation meetings".
There will be hell to pay if May and June Gauteng, Western Cape and KZN stakeholder meetings are not announced soon, with plenty of warning and scope, as was PROMISED by Kruger CEO recently at the buffalo culling meeting, at the request of AW...
SP must take note of all the court interdicts setting aside government plans and decision at the moment, as that will come soon and place them in a bad light from which they will struggle to recover.
The "bullshit baffles brains" mentality is being called out.
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