Ellie's galore and more! (May 2017)

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Re: Ellie's galore and more!

Post by Flutterby »

All-Nature wrote: Maybe with the 'correct name' of the bustard - you have seen it ;-) lol


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Re: Ellie's galore and more!

Post by All-Nature »

Early morning was very chilly as we set off for another day in animal heaven! O/\

Here is a Pale Chanting Goshawk (I hope) O-/ - of which we were lucky to see a few.


We have seen a couple of Bushbuck on our visits :yes:
This ram was just another great find for today!



Fluff balls were also plentiful :-)


Then the main ingredient of Addo showed their faces :-0




There were so many young ones and of course they stole my heart each time! :yes:


Another Jackal Buzzard -O-


Even Addo did not escape the recent droughts! :-(
After having some rains earlier, the Park was really noticeably beautiful and green O/\ - even some Yellow flowers were in bloom. ;-)


We decided to take a drive to Arizona dam, expecting to find it dry which it was. :-(

We continued for a short distance along the road, this was a good decision, as walking in the valley, these two beauties were in attendance. O/\


Marking territory


I think it is Roy and Nomad - All those scars on the one makes me think they could belong to Roy! -O-
Hope PJL may be able to confirm id for us :-) (even at this distance and not clear facial images.) ;-)
They were on the move, so sadly we lost sight of them as they went up the ridge and over. :-(



We were still chuffed at seeing them, even if they were rather far off! :yes:

Then we had a neat line procession of Ellies O/\


We had to stop for this old boy to cross the road ;-)


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Re: Ellie's galore and more!

Post by PJL »

Great sightings AN ^Q^ ^Q^ O/\ O/\

Seeing a bushbuck in the open like that is a real treat for Addo O:V
They normally just run away on sight 0*\

And you did very well to get those 2 male lions by Arizona. They seem to be hanging out in that area quite a bit lately :yes:
In the photos where you have the 2 together, Nomad is the one walking above Roy \O

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Re: Ellie's galore and more!

Post by Bushcraft »

Great dassie find in the gardens of your accommodation O/\ O/\

Fantastic start sighting wise and brilliant pics ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

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Re: Ellie's galore and more!

Post by Lisbeth »

Great sighting of Nomad and Roy ^Q^ ^Q^ Not very easy to see lions in Addo.

I love the elephant walk with the two tiny ones O/\ O/\

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Re: Ellie's galore and more!

Post by nan »

love the in line Ellies... and the tiny ones O/\
magnificent sub adult Jackal Buzzard O\/
and Bushbuck, not so often seen... well done \O

^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

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Re: Ellie's galore and more!

Post by Richprins »

Awesome, AN! X#X

Amazing how darkly-coloured those bushbuck and other Cape animals are vs the normal ones? :-?

You know those lion come from Kalahari? :twisted:

My favourites are the scenic shots, including the big buff! ^Q^

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Re: Ellie's galore and more!

Post by Mel »

Oops, I missed the first Addo episode with all the lovely ellies and the cute little one walking side by side with its mum :-0

Oh, and what a lucky next day! Even a buff and Nomad and Roy thrown into the mix O/\

You must make an official ID request for the fluff ball on the according thread (I'm just saying that because I can't ID it from the top of my head :twisted: )
But agree on the PCG and the jackal buzzard \O

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Re: Ellie's galore and more!

Post by All-Nature »

PJL wrote:Great sightings AN ^Q^ ^Q^ O/\ O/\

Seeing a bushbuck in the open like that is a real treat for Addo O:V
They normally just run away on sight 0*\

And you did very well to get those 2 male lions by Arizona. They seem to be hanging out in that area quite a bit lately :yes:
In the photos where you have the 2 together, Nomad is the one walking above Roy \O
:ty: PJL also for id \O
We have heard that the Bushbuck as not seen to often! ;-)
This one was really so docile and just slowly walked across the road in front of us :yes:

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Re: Ellie's galore and more!

Post by All-Nature »

Bushcraft wrote:Great dassie find in the gardens of your accommodation O/\ O/\

Fantastic start sighting wise and brilliant pics ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^
:ty: BC for your comments :-)
It was really so peaceful at the accommodation and the bird life was great too! O/\

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