After feeding for a while, he moved off and lay down in the shade
A few hundred meters further on 3 lionesses were on another eland kill on the far side of the riverbed. They were lying in the shade of a large camel thorn tree and were pretty much comatose, however this male was staking his claim to the prize
We didn’t stay with them too long as we needed to get to Melkvlei.
Melkvlei was a hive of activity.
First up was the spotted eagle owl nesting in the fork of one of the trees in the picnic area.
By standing on top of our bakkie and by balancing on one foot, Debbie managed to get this pic of the owl.
There were quite a few people at the pinic area as a big bus had arrived with a whole bunch of tourists.
A land cruiser stopped and the driver quickly opened the bonnet.
A cape cobra had got inside the engine of the vehicle and this was cause for some concern.
Very quickly a whole lot of snake experts were debating the best way to extract the reptile from it’s new home.
Advice ranged from using sticks to brake fluid to get it to move.
Eventually sanity prevailed and the land cruiser carried on to Twee Rivieren for assistance from properly qualified personnel