There were four cabins and people plonked their luggage into the cabins of their choice. Problem came in as one of the cabins was for the crew and the other cabin was more suited to hell dwelling midgets than adults. The heat was intense but a bit of a breeze was created once we hit open water.
We even had a swimming pool!
We were told it would take approximately three hours to the island that we would be docking at. Now this is Africa and you can never guarantee anything time wise in Africa. Lolling around and generally taking it easy, laughing and talking. Every one seemed to be in a good mood - except for E - who was not feeling good at all. Whether it was sea sickness or the dreaded bug we were not sure. Everyone was enjoying being comparitively cool for the first time in a long time.
The sun was starting to go down and we were looking forward to being prepared a meal - and best of all - no washing dishes. The kapenta boats could be seen bobbing along the horizon as land dwindle into nothing behind us.
The sky was looking ominous and the waves and wind were starting to build. Before long tables and chairs - with people sitting on them - were being lifted into the air - flinging the people across the deck.
Fortunately no one was hurt and in fact we were all laughing so much as we sat on the floor to prevent any possible damage to camera's or limbs.The waves were something out of a horror movie. Amazing that this did not stop people crawling to freezers to top their glasses up! And even more amazing no drinks were spilled! Deciding we should go down below the tricky task of descending the stairs started. Waiting for a lull and watching the waves a shout of "all clear" was given each time it was thought there would be a long enough calm to get down the steps.
I stood at the front of the boat as waves broke over me. The wind screamed like a thousand banshees and it tossed us around like a cork in a whirlpool. What concerned me is there were no lights on the boat and our skipper was steering through the petrified trees by torch light! All the crew were out scanning the rough troughs and mountains in front of us. It seemed like we were lost. Tension was palpable as the crew peered into the Stygian darkness ahead hoping to spot a safe haven.
People were no longer chatting and a sense of doom filled the air. Was this trip ever going to end or was it going to end in disaster!
Finally we pulled into a sheltered spot - where we were supposed to be anchoring for the night, only to find another boat had taken refuge from the storm. The skipper had no choice but to brave the waves and howling gales to find another "port in a storm". Once again land slipped away and we were hanging on to the rails for dear life as we crashed and heaved over the waves into the darkness.
Eventually the skipper guided the boat into a calm bay out of the battering of the open waters. Our short trip had taken almost seven hours. The nervous laughter and chatter soon started. A window was lost never to be seen again as other windows were cracked and broken by the vicious fingers of the storm. The chef could eventually get down to preparing and serving us an evening meal, although not much was eaten as people were exhausted, feeling sick and ready for bed. Possibly more nervous tension stirred with a bit of alcohol and blended with a touch of sea sickness more than anything else.
I can only take my hat off to the skipper. His expertise and experience had certainly been brought to the fore that night. The chef produced a five star meal out of the odds and sods we had taken aboard. He would be welcome at any top class restaurant!