Skukuza Rest Camp

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Re: Skukuza Rest Camp

Post by Flutterby »

What Nigel Dennis (Where to watch Game in the Kruger National Park) says about Skukuza:
Skukuza is by far the largest camp in the Kruger National park. With over 200 huts, a huge camping area complete with shops, restaurant, movie theatre, doctors' rooms, a petrol station, etc. it resembles a small town rather than a rest camp! Although the main tar roads in the area are invariably busy, many of the gravel roads can offer surprisingly private viewing.

A great variety of game may be seen in the area from all of the many excellent routes, and several roads in the Skukuza area are among the most productive in the Park. With so many possible routes, Skukuza warrants a fairly long stay in order to explore the area properly. Having said that, it is probably wise to avoid this busy camp during peak holiday times.

The H4-1 tar road that follows the Sabie River is a very popular route. Magnificent fig trees line the banks, making this a scenic drive as well as an exceptionally productive game-viewing drive. Often, there is so much to see that I find it takes me several hours simply to drive the first dozen kilometres.

It is a good idea to explore the many loop roads along the way as they offer good views of the river. Hippo are numerous here, and huge crocodile live in the river too. Keen bird-watchers should keep a look-out for the rare and elusive African Finfoot, which is found here.

Riverine bush alongside the Sabie is home to many leopard, and lion are likely to be seen hunting in the area. In fact, you could well see just about everything along this route - elephant, giraffe, hyena, as well as some of the largest baboon troops to be found anywhere in the Park.

Although the constant flow of traffic can be annoying, the H4-1 is also a prime route for photographers. The animals in this area are so used to the presence of vehicles that very close views are possible, and this is one of the easiest places to photograph normally shy, skittish species, such as bushbuck, steenbok and duiker.

While the H4-1 remains productive all the way through to Lower Sabie, I often prefer to turn left off the H4-1 and onto the H12, crossing a picturesque, fast flowing stretch of the Sabie River. Immediately over the river bridge the S30 Salitje road branches off to the right. The first five kilometres of this route are exceptional, as game is prolific, with a high frequency of lion sightings. Numerous roads radiate from the S30, all of them with pretty river views. The S30 continues for some 18 kilometres, but once the road leaves the Sabie River, game usually becomes less plentiful.

I prefer to take the H1-2 back to Skukuza, rather than repeating a journey along the H4-1. The low-level bridge where the H1-2 crosses the Sand River is a hot spot for lion and leopard sightings.

Visitors who wish to avoid the hoards of cars normally associated with Skukuza would do well to try the areas to the west of the camp. Head towards the Paul Kruger Gate and turn left onto the S3 gravel road. This normally quiet road that runs alongside the Sabie River is a prime route, and is consistently productive for elephant, lion and leopard.

I usually follow the S1 Doispane road to return to Skukuza. Although game is not prolific along this road, it often offers the opportunity to view wild dog, and I have also had luck with leopard sightings here.

It is sometimes worthwhile to leave the S1 briefly to investigate the S65. The road rarely carries much traffic, although in recent years it has become known as a prime area for leopard. Also on the S65 is the N'waswitshaka water hole...which is ideally situated for afternoon photography.


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Re: Skukuza Rest Camp

Post by Richprins »

Although the constant flow of traffic can be annoying, the H4-1 is also a prime route for photographers. The animals in this area are so used to the presence of vehicles that very close views are possible, and this is one of the easiest places to photograph normally shy, skittish species, such as bushbuck, steenbok and duiker.

Good point! :shock:

Also saw my only African Finfoot there, unless the name has changed? O-/

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Re: Skukuza Rest Camp

Post by Flutterby »

Lucky you...I've never seen one. \O

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Re: Skukuza Rest Camp

Post by Flutterby »

BE3 Unit, No. 26
(Rondawel with 3 single beds, WC and shower, fridge, sink, utensils, communal kitchen)




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Re: Skukuza Rest Camp

Post by Flutterby »

The deck over the river:



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Re: Skukuza Rest Camp

Post by Richprins »

I see the railings are now almost bulletproof! \O

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Re: Skukuza Rest Camp

Post by Flutterby »

-O -O

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Re: Skukuza Rest Camp

Post by Twigga »

On a recent visit to Skukuza camp saw this sign in the ladies ablution facility near the furnished tents

Picture 001 by twigga2011, on Flick

Was the weirdest thing ever O/

Somewhere in Kruger
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Re: Skukuza Rest Camp

Post by Richprins »

=O: =O: =O: =O: =O: =O:

Notice the repeated irritation is that guests complain, not the bigger picture which is that it is unprofessional in the extreme! :evil:

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Re: Skukuza Rest Camp

Post by Amoli »

I would like to read more of the S83 (Maroela loop) -

Are there many ellies on this road normally ?

20-30 Dec 2014
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