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Re: Browns in Kruger - August 2012 (JHB Clan)

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:33 pm
by Supernova
Thursday 23rd August (continued)

We booked in at Talamati and took our evening drive at 15h00, the idea was to go a few kilometres up the S140 towards Orpen to find some Wild Dogs, then back to Ximangwaneni Dam, we never got to Ximangwaneni Dam.

After crossing the low level bridge at the beginning of the S140 there is a great open patch of with short grass. As we were driving past this I was rattling on about this being the ideal spot for Wild Dogs, when Mel stopped the car, on asking what she was doing, she pointed out the dogs. O\/ O\/


There were 4 on one side of the road and about 7 on the other. Being the only car there we decided to sit and watch for a while.

Bushcraft had told me about the evening greeting that happens when they wake up, so we would stay until they woke. This took 2 hours before they moved, this also gave me some time for a few close up photos.






Every now and then one would wake and try to get them moving.




Location of the Wild Dogs O/\


Then something special happened 0()

to be continued…

Re: Browns in Kruger - August 2012 (JHB Clan)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:54 am
by Supernova
Thursday 23rd August (continued)

At about 17h00 the wakeup routine started.



There was plenty of stretching and yawning followed by yelping and jumping. We have a great show on video.



Then something we did not expect HAPPENED !!! \O

Pups came running out the long grass, there were at least 10. They had been hidden in the long grass behind the adults. One of the adults must have given the go ahead for them to rise and they went wild O\/


They had their regurgitated meal from one of the adults.


Then did a bit of exploring




to be continued…

Re: Browns in Kruger - August 2012 (JHB Clan)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:29 pm
by Supernova
Thursday 23rd August (continued)

The adults were getting restless and started moving off in the direction of the low level bridge.

All of this had been watched by a giraffe standing close by, when the dogs run to the road, they took no notice for the giraffe and just ran past and between it’s legs.


Once on the road the adults corralled the pups into the middle of the road and made a circle around them.


with guards running in the bush on either side they moved off towards the bridge.


Every now and again they would stop while the pups played




One got a little out of hand and was soon put back in order.


One found a stick to play with.


another was chasing a grasshopper


Then they moved off to water for a drink and disappeared over the hill for the night.



This had been an awesome wild dog sighting that had lasted nearly 3 hours, we were the only car there for the first one and a half hours before one other arrived and two game vehicle’s from the Imbali private camp. I must commend the Imbali drivers; they never once pushed their way in and let the two cars drive in front with the dogs.

That night we went to the hide and watched Elephants drinking and jackal. We had met some French tourists who had the place next to ours. They borrowed our torch and went to the hide after us, On returning our torch they told us about a leopard that they had seen drinking. I am sceptical about the leopard; think it may have been a civet.

Lions roared all through the night, very close to the camp.

To be continued…

Re: Browns in Kruger - August 2012 (JHB Clan)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:33 pm
by Supernova
Friday 24th August

I was up early the next morning to see if the lions from last night were at the waterhole, no such luck, they must have moved off over night.

The rest of the family woke and followed, only to find on the way back from the hide.


We left camp at our usual 06h30 and found where the lions roaring had ben coming from. These two males were lying just outside of camp.


We took the S140 up to the H7, the on to Orpen and back down the S36 back to Talamati.

The Bateleurs were the only living thing we saw on the S140, no dogs this time


Along the H7 we found these hyena on the side of the road.



Back at Ximangwaneni Dam all was quiet, just the two vultures having a bath.



Back at camp, Teagan went exploring for squirrels.


What she found was a troop of vervet monkeys, Teagan does not like monkeys and came flying back home.. =O:


This tank came to visit us at camp over lunch.


to be continued…

Re: Browns in Kruger - August 2012 (JHB Clan)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:11 pm
by Supernova
Friday 24th August (continued)

That afternoon the drive was to look for the dogs on the S140, then go to Ximangwaneni Dam. Being as dry as it was , one just moves from waterhole to waterhole.

Ximangwaneni Dam had this herd of Ellies swimming


the resident hippo did not take too kindly to being disturbed




This Ellie had a thorn stuck in the side of her face


After swimming they moved off into the bush..


but stopped for a quick butt scratch




After getting back to camp, those in the hide told us that two Caracal had been on the road outside camp before sunset, we had missed them by 5 minutes. These Ellies were having a drink, took these photos in the dark, so quality not too good. A large Civet walked along the fence, right under the hide, it did not seem at all concerned for the lights or people.



Later that evening Mel and Cailin went to the hide, where Ellies were chasing a Rhino about, we did not get any photos but it was fun to watch.

to be continued.. (last day)

Re: Browns in Kruger - August 2012 (JHB Clan)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:47 pm
by Supernova
Saturday 25th August

This was our last morning and we headed out on the S104 up to Orpen, to leave the park. At the little water hole just before the bend in the road (don’t know its name) we can across this herd of Ellies.


It took a minute or two for us to realise that a Sable male was also there…


The Sable continued his posing routine the Sable seem to love so much..


Then he put his head down, shook it a few times and headed towards the Ellies, I thought there may be a standoff….


but no the Ellies took flight….



the water is low in the concrete, so the Sable had to drop to its knees to get a drink.


Or last sighting on leaving the park, was of this car. It had rolled in the almost same spot where we had seen the dogs two days ago. On asking at Orpen, we were told that this was caused by two German tourists on their way to one of the private camps late the night before. They had to sit in the car for a few hours before they were found. Both had to be taken to hospital.



Thanks to all the followed and commented on our August TR. ^Q^

Until next year 0/* – Garth and Family.
