all thoughts of meeting up at the river mouth disappeared as we noticed there were three of them. Was this part of the pride of eleven that we had been told had killed?
We looked around and under the tree was another lioness feeding. We could not see what she was feeding on but we think it was an impala.

The animals not feeding were extremely hot and the panting could have been heard from a long distance. Needless to say - watching lion was far more interesting than meeting the gang for sun downers - instead we had our own sun downers with the lion.
Although there are not gates or fences there are still time restrictions on getting back to camp. We were running out of time and reluctantly left the panting lion to the night and headed home.
This did not stop us stopping on the way to watch some ellies - almost hidden by plant growth!

We arrived back at camp - making the deadline by the skin of our teeth!
We joined up with the others and told them about finding lion. Then all hell broke loose. I will not go into detail except one member of the groups behavior had been unacceptable. A lot of discussion took place on how to handle the situation. Unfortunately the majority wanted the person gone - sent packing - out!. I did not want to get involved but unfortunately I was asked to get the car keys from the person. What happened next - well - lets just say the roof of the ablution block was lifting off its nails and bouncing around as I totally lost my temper and let rip. I don't often go ballistic but when I do _ I do.
I must be honest - My heart went out to the person - the heat was horrific and they were totally out of their element - but at the same time - if you are in a bad situation try and adapt and make the best of it. Alcohol does not help either!
With steam coming out of my ears - I apologized to the rest of the group for my outburst - but thankfully they all agreed someone had to throw their toys to try and alleviate the tension that was being caused! I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
As the sun closed her eyes the haunting "horn" of the ground hornbill could be heard. I made my way to my inferno of an igloo and lay pondering the days events. Fortunately I am not one to carry a grudge and was able to but the ugliness of the night out of sight and out of mind.
The heat did not make falling asleep easy but the sounds of being where my heart belongs soon had me in dreamland.