Day 13 29thApril 2014 (I am not normally superstitious - but the 13th day was a trial for man and machine)
We left the camp at 5.30am. Quite excited that we were actually going to Vic Falls. To prevent another 2 one night
stops in a row we decided to push straight through to the Falls and spend 2 nights there. It would be a long day but
we did not for one moment think it would be an 18 hour trip. Graham was looking forward to some genuine 4x4ing but
even he got fed up with the road after a few hours.
The instructions were to follow the power lines initially then a little bit further on turn and turn again. Subconsciously
one thinks of a 'short cut' as being not too far. We didn't take the mileage unfortunately but the 'short cut' took us
5 hours

I had worked out that the over all mileage would be about 750Ks, about 500k on gravel.
We started off with a lovely sunrise through the power lines.
The road under the lines was open and fairly good, then as we left the cleared area the bush got thick and the grass very long. We also had to look out for animals. One elephant ran across the road in front of us.
The road climbed up big hills and down to river crossings

There had been rain around and this river had collected some of that water.
Some views of the Lake from the hill tops.
We went through a couple of tsetse fly check points. This is to monitor the spread, if any, of the fly.
5 hours later we hit the 'big' road and this is what we were faced with - a bit wider but not too much better. Certainly not
a 60k an hour road with a heavy trailer in tow
One of the many rivers we crossed. There were no road signs at all, and we only saw about 5 cars until we hit the
tarred road.
A pod mahogany tree
Pumpkins for sale on the road side
and cattle being herded back to their kraals for the night. The shadows were lengthening.
The country was changing, and there were a few more locals around, so now we had to watch out for domestic animals as well.
Before the sun set we syphoned diesel into the Discovery. There were no fuel stations or shops on this 500k section
of road. Certainly a harsh area for the locals to live in.
(iNdlovu would relate to some of these areas, because I am sure this is not too far from where he spent time with the elephants)
It got dark as we hit the tar road, but no chance to speed up as there were cattle, goats and donkeys all over the road
The number of locals walking in the dark was amazing. We saw a python, about 3M long, next to the road. A big
fright for someone
We had phoned our friends in Harare to book us sites in the campsite at Vic Falls. She said we had to be there by 9pm.

When on the tar we phoned the campsite to tell them we were going to be late. They agreed that the
security guards could let us in - that was at 11.30pm

But at least we were here and could enjoy tomorrow
sight seeing.
I must say Cameron was very good in the car - as long as he had his DVD player he was happy

We only stopped to
refuel and a couple of loo stops in the bush