30th Skukuza Continued
I was suspicious of a car which had stopped on the S128 just off the H10, so slowed and relayed the message.
“That car has stopped and pulled off the road, there’s something up”
“You are always plotting, it’s probably nothing”
“I’m going to check!”
It was 2 very sleepy lionesses parking off and we didn’t have lion yet, so my teeth were hanging out again.
The lion weren’t exactly energetic and the one didn’t even blink in 15 minutes, so we got bored and moved on up the H10, but stopped again for some buffalo and then just past Nkumbe viewpoint for some klippies hanging out on a rock.
The “new Tshokwane” didn’t get me excited as there’s way less on the menu and the shop should cater more for those who want to cook breakfast/buy breakfast and less about pants, shirts, etc, as camp shops already cater for this, so picnic sites should be about picnics, food, etc, however others may disagree.
All we wanted was some hot chips to eat on the road which has become our “safe” Tshokwane ritual food, but they don’t sell them anymore, so that put me off the place. The good thing is that it seems proactively managed and the staff are certainly more jacked up because of it.
There’s a new little loop just off the H1-3 around 3km north of Tshokwane which allows a view of some water, hippos, etc, so we decided to check that out first before heading down the H1-2 back to Skukuza for breakfast.
Just before the loop we spotted some people photographing something next to the road, so I slowed and seconds later the Cow shrieked “Porcupine!” which set me off as I couldn’t see it.
“Do you see the dead tree?”
“There are hundreds of dead trees, it’s a drought, just take a pic first and then explain”
The Cow eventually got a pic of its butt, but then the porcupine took off on a mission and I spotted it, so also took off up the road, but then lost it again, however the Cow could still see it.
“Where’s it gone now?”
“It’s there, do you see that dead tree……”
I was now getting faulty with frustration, but eventually spotted its butt, however expected it to turn, but it suddenly disappeared down a hole so we only ended up with 2 butt shots and minutes later the Cow got her legavaan pic at the view spot.
It was now close to 10am and stomachs were growling so we ducked back down a very quiet H1-2 towards Skukuza and only stopped again for pics when we found some lion that were hanging around near alpha loop just outside camp.
To be continued