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Re: Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:14 pm
by pedro maia
Mel wrote:Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi... I can so relate to that :-0

Now, please... the cheetahs there are a real favourite (together with leopards that is, if you saw those as well 0() ) around here
and we try to monitor their movements. So, please, could you post the most exact place that you can remember and the date of
your sightings too? :-0 :-0 :-0
I´ll try to answer that, although I have no notes.

We had 3 cheetahs sightings, when we arrived at Nossob in the afternoon of the 19th of August we were told that 5 cheetahs had been in the area of Cobitje Quap feeding on a kill but that they left, so we didn´t go there to check it.

Next morning we exited Nossob´s north gate a little after 7:20 and after a couple of km we spotted one tail and it turned to be a group of 4 cheetahs (one of them is the one pictured in the branch), the first picture we have was taken at 7:30, I don´t know if they were the same seen by other people the day before because then there was one missing, they seemed to be young, so I thought maybe they just left their mom or she was somewhere around but we didn´t see her.

Second sighting, the one in the picture below the meerkat, was on August 22 close to Mata Mata, maybe 5km after leaving the camp, I have a picture of my daughter opening the gate at 11:32, soon after exiting a very nice couple told us that there was that cheetah walking in the river bed and the first picture we have of the cheetah is from 11:46. Since it was alone I assumed it should be a female, but maybe you can tell me if I´m right (or wrong).

Third and last sighting was on August 23rd in the Nossob road, 2 cheetahs, they weren´t as close as those in the previous sightings, I assume they were 2 males, one of them was marking a tree, the first picture we have is from 7:55, I think we had passed the gate of Twee Rivieren maybe 20m before and it was our first sighting of the day, it was a few km after Samevloiing.

Leopards we dind´t see any, unfortunately, on the 22nd maybe some 20km from Twee Rivieren on the Auob road we missed one unsuccessfull hunt of a leopard for a few minutes, the guy that saw it said it was an incredible sighitng, it´s a pity we missed it but that´s how it is.

I hope I that info can be of any use to you :-) .

Re: Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:15 pm
by pedro maia
harrys wrote:Great photos ^Q^ ^Q^
Thanks harrys :-) .

Re: Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:18 pm
by Lisbeth
And now Mel is going to ask you for ALL the cheetah pics that you have =O: =O:

Re: Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:21 pm
by okie
Pedro \O we were in KTP from 17th August until 23 August , and it seems that you were there at the same time ?

Re: Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:15 pm
by Richprins
Bom dia, Pedro! Great shots and info! you are certainly exploring our beautiful country, well done! X#X X#X X#X

Re: Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:18 pm
by Mel
Lisbeth wrote:And now Mel is going to ask you for ALL the cheetah pics that you have =O: =O:
^0^ ^0^ ^0^

She will indeed... well almost lol

First, thanks so much for the more detailed information, Pedro \O

I positively IDed your second cheetah who indeed is a female. Her name is Corinne and she used to have two largish cubs with her.
But she got into a fight (I assume it was mating stuff) with a coalition of four males up in the area you saw her. It was reported to
have been pretty vicious and up to now, we didn't have an idea if she survived or not. So, I'm VERY grateful for you sharing this
sighting. As for the cubs... she might have weaned them, she might have lost them. Only time (and a report of their sighting) will

The third cheetah photo is also Corinne. You'll probably see that when you look at your photo properties. Must be taken on the same
date. \O

As for the group of five in the Cubitjie area: The Nossob side has had two mums with four cubs each. One of them was seen on the
same day around Jan se Draai (if the reports were correct... they sometimes are not) which makes me believe that it must have
been the other mum those other visitors saw. That would be more great news since it is hard to raise four cubs generally, but considering
that they were brought up in Lion Country (aka around Nossob), even more so. But obviously, we won't know without photos to ID.
Will go and try to find something on Facebook about this.

The four cheetahs you saw might indeed be the same group, and just because you didn't see a fifth one doesn't mean it wasn't around
somewhere or that it was killed during the night. At that age, they do take strolls on their own.

The last sighting... I have no idea so far. And that's where Lis' comment comes into the game: Would you please have some more photos
of sighting one (need to see if I can ID the mum, which is not the cheetah on the branch) and for sighting three. Sides and legs are always
good, even if the photos are a bit blurred.

If you have, post them on your own thread here, or in cheetah discussion here:

Re: Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:17 pm
by nan
wow wow wow O/\ O/\ O/\
a new TT with a lot of Cheetahs... and super to have pictures of Corinne O\/ O\/ O\/
thank you for good news 0/0

love too the birds, especially the PCG whith a kill and of course Suricate and stars O/\

^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:29 pm
by pedro maia
okie wrote:Pedro \O we were in KTP from 17th August until 23 August , and it seems that you were there at the same time ?
We were definitely there at the same time, I slep only one night insiide the park but I visited it from 119th August until 23rd August.

Re: Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:31 pm
by pedro maia
Richprins wrote:Bom dia, Pedro! Great shots and info! you are certainly exploring our beautiful country, well done! X#X X#X X#X
You´re country is wonderful, and dangerously addictiv \O \O .

Re: Overwhelmed with Kgalagadi

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:40 pm
by pedro maia
Mel wrote: I positively IDed your second cheetah who indeed is a female. Her name is Corinne and she used to have two largish cubs with her.
But she got into a fight (I assume it was mating stuff) with a coalition of four males up in the area you saw her. It was reported to
have been pretty vicious and up to now, we didn't have an idea if she survived or not. So, I'm VERY grateful for you sharing this
sighting. As for the cubs... she might have weaned them, she might have lost them. Only time (and a report of their sighting) will

The third cheetah photo is also Corinne. You'll probably see that when you look at your photo properties. Must be taken on the same
date. \O

As for the group of five in the Cubitjie area: The Nossob side has had two mums with four cubs each. One of them was seen on the
same day around Jan se Draai (if the reports were correct... they sometimes are not) which makes me believe that it must have
been the other mum those other visitors saw. That would be more great news since it is hard to raise four cubs generally, but considering
that they were brought up in Lion Country (aka around Nossob), even more so. But obviously, we won't know without photos to ID.
Will go and try to find something on Facebook about this.

The four cheetahs you saw might indeed be the same group, and just because you didn't see a fifth one doesn't mean it wasn't around
somewhere or that it was killed during the night. At that age, they do take strolls on their own.

The last sighting... I have no idea so far. And that's where Lis' comment comes into the game: Would you please have some more photos
of sighting one (need to see if I can ID the mum, which is not the cheetah on the branch) and for sighting three. Sides and legs are always
good, even if the photos are a bit blurred.

If you have, post them on your own thread here, or in cheetah discussion here:
I had seen Corinne a few times at sanparks forum trip reports, I´m really able to have confirm to you that she´s alive, and she looked to be in perfecto shape, and she´s also the cheetah on the third photo, don´t need to chceck the photo´s properties.

I will post as many pictures of the cheetahs as can and if you want I can send you any particular one in a bigger size but right now I´m on the second part of my vacation and I´m strggling with the speed of the internet to upload and edit pictures for my report.