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Re: Heartstring Moments - Springtime in the Kalahari 2018

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:10 pm
by ExFmem
Sis, Alf, Mel (hope you saw my response about Charlie not being tame at all), and yes, some insect predators have cringe worthy killing methods (ex. Robber Flies), but have to work with the tools Mother Nature gave them, Flutts, RP, Dindingwe (YES, you must go back to the Kgalagadi again! O\/ ), and Pumbaa, as always, thanks for the kind words. :ty: :ty: :ty:

Re: Heartstring Moments - Springtime in the Kalahari 2018

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:18 pm
by ExFmem
This mole snake was very intent on digging/clearing out this burrow - -O-



Don't know if the still pics show it very well, but the snake would go down the hole, wrap its "neck" around a pile of sand and then back out of the hole cradling the loose sand.




A Slender Mongoose with a mouse/rat meal



Next up - Corinne, cubs, and a glimpse into the first step in the evolution of cubs becoming independent and surviving on their own:




Finally, mom stepped in and showed the cubs what they should do to complete the kill. :-(



Scimitarbill looking for a morsel



Violet-eared Waxbill couple scavenging for food



Re: Heartstring Moments - Springtime in the Kalahari 2018

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:55 pm
by Richprins
What astounding sequences, Ex! :shock: :shock: :shock:

You should work for National Geographic! ..0..

I'm sure the snake is sorting a burrow for a home...we can send it on?

Yup, teaching in Africa is a tough business! ;-)

Lovely bird colours too! ^Q^

0() 0() 0()

Re: Heartstring Moments - Springtime in the Kalahari 2018

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:19 pm
by Pumbaa
WoW to your birdie shots, ExFmem, :-0

all are brilliant O/\ plus slender mongoose, mole snake and cheetahs - A more than wonderful day X#X

Re: Heartstring Moments - Springtime in the Kalahari 2018

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:36 pm
by Lisbeth
The cheetah sequence is brilliant ^Q^ ^Q^ Poor little lamb :-( but the cubs must learn it, if they want to survive :yes:

Whatever the snake is doing, it looks rather interesting. I do not know much about snake behaviour :o0ps:

Great photos of the mongoose and the birds O/\ O/\

Re: Heartstring Moments - Springtime in the Kalahari 2018

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:12 am
by Flutterby
Amazing pics as usual!! ^Q^ ^Q^ It must have been hard to watch that little lamb knowing what the outcome would be. :-(

Re: Heartstring Moments - Springtime in the Kalahari 2018

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:05 pm
by Lisbeth
There is a photo upside down O** lol

Re: Heartstring Moments - Springtime in the Kalahari 2018

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:48 pm
by Mel
Aw, ja, thanks, I saw that post about Charlie - and it also gave me some hope lol

Unique upside down pic of the scimitar ^Q^

And, ag, those cheetah cubs 0*\ Love them but they ARE a bit clumsy looking when making their first hunting steps :O^

I'm pretty surprised about the mole snake keeping up with its business. ^Q^
We often find snakes rather skittish - vanishing into hiding when a car is approaching.
Cool sighting \O

Re: Heartstring Moments - Springtime in the Kalahari 2018

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:57 pm
by ExFmem
RP - "I'm sure the snake is sorting a burrow for a home...we can send it on?" Certainly 0/0

Thanks so much, Pumbaa, Sis, Flutts, and Mel - I was also quite surprised the snake was so intent on clearing out that burrow that it seemed relatively oblivious to our presence, tho' we were very close, as it was IN the road off to the side.

Re: Heartstring Moments - Springtime in the Kalahari 2018

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:00 pm
by ExFmem
Lisbeth wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:05 pm There is a photo upside down O** lol


There, fixed it… ;-)