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Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 10:26 am
by Flutterby
Some interesting pics! O**

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 10:30 am
by Mel
You must make sure to leave the bridge railing out of a river scenery photo :O^

Richprins wrote: Young RP doing what he does best...staring at.....
=O: =O: =O:

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:41 am
by Bushcraft
The boon butt =O: =O: =O: ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

You left out a piece O**

Slumming in the camping section :shock: --00--

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:27 pm
by Richprins
Dunno what part I missed, BC...if it's the beggar civet, already under that thread! :-0

Anyway, staff advised us to put chairs against the fridge to keep out the camping people! \O


And we went on to find BC at his huts....meat was put onto the fire...honey glazed Eskort riblets, a leachy idea from the April/May meet....very nice, and chicken... 0*\


The children were constantly playing with their phones.... :O^

In the first pic one can however see Mrs BC hovering and bending in the background in anxious anticipation of our forbidden rendezvous! ;-)




This is an impossibly rare shot, me taking a pic of BC taking a flash pic of me! I planned this carefully, and dare any of you pro photographers to replicate it.... [O]


After supper, which was superb, the two hamsters BC and GB developed quite the bromance, I must say, and the girls were also enamoured by the young teacher's tales. Tales got taller as the night wore on...

And feet pics! lol



Meanwhile I was stalking the missus for a butt-grab in the hut....actually more trying to get water and go to the loo and get out of the cold... O-/


Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:49 pm
by Lisbeth
A new law is needed! All smart phones prohibited (0!) People are banging into each other in the street :O^

Looks like a nice braai, but the drumsticks need a long time to cook O/

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:59 pm
by nan
what a nice braai O/\

not only small people are in search of Pokemon 0'

strange pic of the feet :-?

^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 7:05 pm
by Dewi
I think you may need to learn about your camera a bit more. There is a really handy little button on it that you should learn to use.

It's called the "delete" button. lol

Interesting partial fridge door shot. How did you expose for the details in that pic? -O-

Good to see the BC Clan having fun. ^Q^ \O

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 8:13 pm
by Richprins
The fridge door is just a detail pic....1235 iso at 3451 rpm, Deli! \O

Gridhost did the last foot pic for me! lol

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:56 am
by Bushcraft
No pic of the steaks :twisted:

Who's feet are those =O: Not mine O** O**

I hate pics, which is why I took a pic of you each time as I knew it would destroy the evidence --00--

When are you upgrading your phone O**

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:11 am
by Richprins
Can't you recognise your own children's feet/ :no: :X: