Rhino Poaching: Arrests, Prosecutions & Sentencing

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Re: Rhino Poaching: Arrests, Prosecutions & Sentencing

Post by Lisbeth »

Trial of alleged rhino poaching kingpin Hugo Ras delayed again

Ilse de Lange -8.12.2018 06:15 am

Alleged multimillion-rand rhino poaching syndicate kingpin Hugo Ras. Picture: Refilwe Modise

The trial of alleged multimillion-rand rhino poaching syndicate leader Hugo Ras and and his co-accused has been postponed for another year pending the outcome of a constitutional challenge to the regulations underpinning some of the charges.

A warrant was also authorised for the arrest of one of his co-accused, the syndicate’s alleged main hunter Mandla Magagula, but held over until the end of January next year, when he will have to appear in court or forfeit his bail.

Judge Pierre Rabie on Friday postponed the trial of Ras, a professional hunter of Potchefstroom, his wife Trudie, brother Anton, brother-in-law Arno Smith, former Hawks officer Willie Oosthuizen, former Pretoria attorney Joseph Wilkinson, game capture pilot Bonnie Steyn, Willie van Jaarsveld and Matthys Scheepers to the end of November next year.

This was pending the outcome of Wilkinson and Steyn’s constitutional challenge to the environmental regulations underpinning charges relating to the illegal possession, sale and transport of rhino horn.

The application, which was previously delayed after the Environmental Affairs department gave notice that it wanted to intervene in the application, will be heard in the High Court in Pretoria in February next year.

The group were arrested by the Hawks in 2014. They face a range of criminal charges centering around rhino poaching and the alleged theft and illegal possession, transport and sale of rhino horn. They also face charges of racketeering and money laundering.

The Judge granted an order relaxing the bail conditions of four of the accused and allowing Scheepers to fly within the borders of South Africa.

Wilkinson’s bail was on a previously occasion reduced from R100,000 to R25,000 and the court granted an order allowing him to apply for the renewal of his helicopter pilot’s license and to fly while applying for his license.

Prosecutor Joanie Spies told the court that Wilkinson had made representations about the charges to the NPA in March, which had been forwarded to the National Director of Public Prosecutions but to which no reply was ever received, with the office of the NDPP repeatedly claiming they had never received the application.

Judge Rabie said this was “absolute nonsense” and suggested that Spies or another member of the prosecuting team must get into their cars, drive to the NDPP’s office and personally hand over the application.

Spies, who said she found the situation “embarrassing”, assured the judge that this would be done.

The bail of all of the accused except Magagula was extended, including that of Ras, who was repeatedly refused bail but finally release on R25,000 bail in February following a successful bail appeal to the Appeal Court in Bloemfontein.

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Re: Rhino Poaching: Arrests, Prosecutions & Sentencing

Post by Lisbeth »

Hunter in alleged Groenewald rhino poaching syndicate gets bail… again

Ilse de Lange - 7.12.2018 04:09 pm

FILE PICTURE: The alleged rhino poaching gang leader Dawie Groenewald and his wife Sariette appear in court on September 30, 2011 in Musina. Picture: Gallo Images

The trial of Nardus Rossouw, accused with Polokwane game farmer Dawie Groenewald of being involved in a poaching syndicate, was postponed to 2021.

One of the alleged central players in the so-called Groenewald rhino poaching syndicate, professional hunter Nardus Rossouw, has been released on bail for a second time after paying a R100 000 fine for the illegal possession of rhino horn in a separate case.

Judge Pierre Rabie on Friday granted R30 000 bail to Rossouw, linked to very strict bail conditions.

Rossouw will live with his sister in Pretoria and will notify the investigating officer if he manages to find a job. He may also not leave Gauteng without informing the investigating officer.

He was out on bail in the Groenewald case when he was re-arrested in October last year after being caught in the illegal possession of 11 rhino horn.

He pleaded guilty and was fined R100 000 in the Makopane regional court last month after claiming he did not commit the offences out of greed but because of a misplaced desire “to help a very ill person to get funds”.

The High Court in Pretoria in February this year dismissed an application by Rossouw and one of his co-accused in the Groenewald syndicate matter, Karen Toet, to strike the criminal case against them and six co-accused off the court roll because of the unreasonable delay in the trial.

Their trial was postponed until February 2021 pending a constitutional challenge to the legitimacy of the charges by fellow accused, Polokwane game farmer Dawie Groenewald, and some of the other accused.

He said in an affidavit in support of his new bail application there was no reasonable idea when the constitutional application would be concluded or if their trial would actually commence in February 2021.

Even if their trial did commence in 2021, it could take years to conclude in light of the over 1600 charges (of which he only faced 15), during which time he would have to remain in custody while the other accused were out on bail, he added.

Rossouw said the Polokwane Makopane charges did not relate to rhino poaching, but to unlawfully receiving and being in possession of rhino horn and he had already paid the fine imposed.

He insisted he was not guilty of any other offence, had no cause to abscond and would stand his trial to clear his name of any suspicions leveled against him. He was also prepared to assist authorities in further investigating the pending matter.

US interest in Groenewald

- Dawie Groenewald is alleged to have lured wealthy Americans to hunt rhinos at his farm in Musina and to have sourced rhino horns from other farmers for the illegal international black market. He and his co-accused were arrested in 2010 after over 20 rhino carcasses were excavated at Groenewald’s property.
- The United States Department of Justice appealed to South Africa in 2014 to extradited Groenewald and his brother Janneman to face criminal charges, including money laundering and violating environmental laws, but the process was stalled last year after a Limpopo court overturned their arrest by Interpol.

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One of the Groenewald syndicate dies of heart attack

Post by PennyinSA »

This will no doubt appear in English at a later stage today! https://www.netwerk24.com/Nuus/Algemeen ... h15vXzdi-o

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Re: One of the Groenewald syndicate dies of heart attack

Post by Richprins »

It is only for subscribers, Penny. But ja, the illness was part of the court case and bail if I recall? -O-

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Re: Rhino Poaching: Arrests, Prosecutions & Sentencing

Post by Richprins »

Chinese nationals in Zimbabwe court over rhino horn stash

Friday 4 January 2019 - 8:06am

HARARE - Seven Chinese nationals appeared in a Zimbabwe court on Thursday after they were arrested last month with rhino horn pieces worth nearly a million dollars.

They are facing charges of breaching the country's wildlife laws.

Zeng Dengui, Peicon Jang, Chen Zhiangfu, Qui Jinchang, Yu Xian, Yong Zhu and Liu Cheng were arrested two days before Christmas after police raided their home following a tip-off.

Police detectives found pieces of rhino horn stashed in a mattress, plastic bags and in boxes at a house in one of the town's suburbs.

The seven who are all unemployed, appeared in the dock wearing khaki prison garb at the court in the resort town of Victoria Falls.

Their trial which had been scheduled to start Thursday was delayed to January 9 after prosecutors said they were not yet ready.

Prosecutor Bheki Tshabalala said police indicated they want further charges of money laundering from the case and also mentioned of a charge of theft of a motor vehicle.

Under Zimbabwe's parks and wildlife laws it is illegal to keep, possess, sell or dispose of any protected animal's products or trophies.

The rhino horn pieces weighed 20.98 kilogrammes and were valued at $938,700, according to the prosecution.

Rhino horns are highly coveted in some Asian countries such as China and Vietnam, where they have fetched up to $60,000 per kilogramme, for their supposed medicinal qualities.

The demand has fuelled a boom in poaching and trafficking in Africa, especially in Zimbabwe's neighbour, South Africa.

South Africa, which is home to about 80 percent of the world rhino population, has lost more than 7,100 animals over the past decade.

In 2016, wildlife authorities in Zimbabwe said that they had begun dehorning the country’s 700 adult rhinos to curb rampant poaching.
https://www.enca.com/news/chinese-natio ... horn-stash

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Re: Rhino Poaching: Arrests, Prosecutions & Sentencing

Post by Lisbeth »

That was a lot of rhino horns :shock: :evil: At least they have been arrested \O

Why are 7 Chinese living in Zimbabwe? I suppose that you find a lot all over the continent by now -O-

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Re: Rhino Poaching: Arrests, Prosecutions & Sentencing

Post by Flutterby »

There are probably hundreds of thousands of Chinese living in southern Africa now! O**

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Re: Rhino Poaching: Arrests, Prosecutions & Sentencing

Post by Lisbeth »

Most likely :yes: There are lots also in Italy and as far as I know also in France, but they keep to themselves and will never be integrated.

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Re: Rhino Poaching: Arrests, Prosecutions & Sentencing

Post by RogerFraser »

Lisbeth wrote: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:59 am That was a lot of rhino horns :shock: :evil: At least they have been arrested \O

Why are 7 Chinese living in Zimbabwe? I suppose that you find a lot all over the continent by now -O-
:yes: The Chinese have taken over Africa from the inside out .Travelling the various back roads to Kruger we noticed that every small town has now many Chinese tradings stores we even saw Chinese liquor stores .Komatiport has a number of Chinese and also quite a few Indian stores and in town on the average day there is definitely more Mozambique vehicles than local vehicles .

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Re: Rhino Poaching: Arrests, Prosecutions & Sentencing

Post by Lisbeth »

It is well-known that they are economically involved in Africa (and elsewhere), but I was not aware that were so many physically in the country.

Better start learning Chinese :twisted:

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