Richprins wrote: ↑Fri May 28, 2021 6:27 pm
Phinda is very small and well-secured,Peter. No problem with posting rhino sightings there. The other locations are vast!
So whats wrong with posting Pics of Rhino on WE locations like Djuma or Ngala or Pridelands or Tswalu as any self respecting Rhino Poaching Syndicate will know from the Internet what Mammmals are on their Animal List on Websites of the particular property , Trip Reports and just plain common knowledge that Rhinos occur in say Kruger Park and their are no fences between Timbavati and Sabi Sands etc and Rhinos will move around etc . All a unsophisticated , Non Educated Mozambican Poacher has to do is find a waterhole and track their huge spoor and check the conditions of the territorial dung Middens and Local community Small talk ,, So why do they Not show Rhinos on WE >> Like saying RSA hasnt got crime and corruption .. its just a fairy Tale rumour