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Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:58 am
by Heksie
Lisbeth wrote:More lions ;-)
Unfortunately I did see a lot of lions this trip but not to worry some special sightings come with my second leg of the trip ;-)
nan wrote:
Heksie wrote:....... Nan just sad seeing it, how painful is it to walk on that leg? ......
I can't understand... :-? they put down Elephants... and not a Giraffe who suffer the martyr :shock: O-/

Honey Badger, Grysbok, big family of Ostriches and African Hawk Eagle ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^
adn agai Lions... but that is normal... for you --00--

How you can drink before the drive... you have never the urge to go to the loo 0*\
I think they don't know about the giraffe, if they put ellies down then they would do the same for other animals I think :-?
Bushcraft wrote:Great ostrich family sighting ^Q^ ^Q^

Another fantastic lion sighting O** ^Q^ ^Q^

Badly behaved shark supporters O/ O/

HB on the move O/\ O/\
I'm sorry I don't think badly about shark normally but eish BC you would've thrown them with black label or something O**
Mel wrote:Even in rainy weather - never a dull moment when Heksie's on the go. O/\

But that poor giraffe... The leg doesn't look all too lekker. :-(
Ag nee Mel, I'm just very lucky in Dec but I do have some boring moments O** I just don't share it with you guys ^0^
Twigga wrote:Wow,wow, wow!!!

And the predators follow - ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Love the little grysbok \O Thought they were only restricted to faaaaar North :-?

I saw another one but more central, it will follow with my next episode, it was on the S39 so it seems that they can be found in the central area as well -O-

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:07 am
by Heksie
Day 11… where is the Orpen pack?

21 December

My plan for this morning was to take the H7 and not stop for anything as I wanted to find the dogs of Orpen… there have been sightings of them the past few days and normally in the morning early so the sooner I get to that area the better. So as per usual I woke up early and was at the gate even before Sparrow and Wendy was awake, the people in front of me forgot something and went back to camp so I was first at the gate. About 20 minutes before the gate opened all we could hear were lions roaring around the camp. I just wished that it was light as nobody saw anything. The gate opened and we were off in all directions searching for the lions but also I wanted to get to Orpen, I wasn’t even 200m out of the gate when the first few cars rushed past me, these Satara visitors are very rude that way, in the South we respect the fact that someone was before us at the gate and we follow them until they stop and we can pass them. I turned unto the H7 and still saw no lion so on I went. I was driving and see elephant dung in the middle of the road but as I drew closer this dung looked a bit hairy and I stopped. In the road was this baby genet all curled up, still alive but very scared. I could fit his body in my hand.


There wasn’t much to see maybe because I drove a bit faster than normally or because I wanted to see something so much that I couldn't see anything else. A slender mongoose




Senegal lapwing


I missed a leopard crossing the road with seconds, eish, and then just past nsemani I got Wendy and twee menere…


They were marking and posing for kiekies






Wendy and I decided to then drive to Timbavati picnic spot via Giriviana dam and then take the S39 back to camp. There were a lot of sightings this time around.








I got back to camp and chilled a bit, then read a bit of my book, I was going through my book slower than I wanted to. Then when the time came to get on the road again I didn’t’ hesitate. I took the H6->S41->S90 this afternoon. The first thing I saw was a small traffic jam but the people didn’t want to move, hogging the sighting for themselves the whole time. I only got this one pic… if you look in the middle you can see his snout…


Some other sightings that afternoon:





I got to camp just in time for the gate to close and that night we had a lekker braai with Sparrow and co. We were supposed to leave that afternoon but decided to stay an extra night on Sweet Sparrow’s reservation as we were enjoying Satara a lot and the company of our friends.

To be continued…

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:18 pm
by Lisbeth
Poor littler genet! Hopefully it did not finish under a car O-/

Squirrel O/\ O/\ O/\ O:V

What kind of snout is it? :-? Lion?

Lovely sightings \O

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:13 pm
by Toko
0/* Hello Heksie

Enjoyed catching up again ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Very pretty Candy-striped crinum O\/ O\/ O\/ and the bushes without animal are awesome O/\ O/\ O/\

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:48 pm
by Mel
Note to Heksie: If you have dull moments in Kruger with sightings I have seen so far on this tale,
don't go to KTP as you might end up dying of empty landscapes. O** =O:

What's in that bush? -O-

Cute little genet! Hope it made it. 0/0

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:39 pm
by nan
cute little Genet O/\
what is in the bush :o0ps: ... it seems a Buffalo... bu buffaloes don't make a congestion 0*\
^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:10 pm
by harrys
Awesome little Genet ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:12 pm
by Heksie
Lis, mel and nan it is a male lion, you can clearly see his nose and mouth if you squint a bit =O:

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:19 pm
by Twigga
^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ Fantastic sightings again! H7 surely delivered O\/

Poor baby G - :-( :-( :-(


Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:51 pm
by Bush Brat
Wow Heksie! ^Q^ What great sightings you had...a baby genet and badger! ^Q^
I really like your pics...especially the one of the zebra with the morning light shining on it, and the baby genet! \O

Hope you found the Orpen pack! 0() 0()