Re: Trophy Hunting
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:07 pm
Aha, good questions, Kuku!JKuku wrote: ↑Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:23 pm Richpins: do you have evidence to back up those claims? It would be interesting to compare how each side coordinates attacks. So far I have only found this level of deceit on the pro-trophy hunting side.
I will say it is unnerving to see Safari Club International and Dallas Safari Club align themselves with climate change denial groups and the oil and gas industry in the United States. A lot of the covert operations they are doing are straight from the climate change denial book which does not seem to be a coincidence.
"Evidence" is a subjective thing and I'll expand a bit later. What has become evident is that lobbying on the anti-hunting side is a multi-million dollar industry regarding grants from USA and European foundations. To explain, it may be unnerving that some international conservation NGO's heavily funded by foundations, and of course public donations, lash out at things like hunting while their initial mandate came from other conservation issues that may now not be "hot-button" anymore.
Sorry to say, but anything that has happened in America since 2016 has become a political battlefield, you guys are really polarised down to the smallest detail!
More later!