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Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 4:33 pm
by Richprins

Nearer Satara some buffs were breathing their last...wandering to their deaths on the melting tar... :no:


They were HUGE! Check the horn boss on this one! :shock:


Record stuff, have shown 100p! :-0


At Witpens Suiping we stopped to look at a reedbuck running away, and this "dead" vulture caught our sat like this for a long time:




Weird goings on in the heat!

(Eventually it lifted its head.. lol )

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 5:22 pm
by Flutterby
That boss is huge!! :yes: \O

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 6:27 pm
by Lisbeth
The daggaboy's horn goes right down to the eyes :shock: at least it looks that way ;-)

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 8:59 pm
by Richprins
And things got worse. First a remarkable pic of how dry it was, with lovely green grass by the side of the road! \O


There were quite a lot of sightings, but it was too hot to take photos. We were a tad late, hot, and Momprins needed the loo. I must admit we had to speed up a bit, but as you can see, the road is virtually a raised highway. :yes:

Eventually I noticed hooting sounds from behind every so often. I assumed it was Prinswilliam, but once I noticed a car flashing its lights at us. It turned out someone was scolding me for driving too fast. I think the problem is that the Beemer has a "Resume" button that takes you quickly back to 50km/h or whatever you selected on the speed control once you take off again from a sighting...quite dramatic but it saves a lot of effort! ^Q^

The Virtual Honorary Traffic Official tailing us was having none of it, and hung on like grim death... O-/

It didn't help when a stupid mongoose ran into the road and I had to brake like crazy. The VHTO also had to brake, and gave me an angry windscreen wiper activation... 0- :-? (Not very intimidating, to be honest.)

Anyway, we sorted Momprins and ended up at the Olifants Bridge, where we got out to stretch our legs. LOVELY!!!


Eventually I saw the VHTO approaching at speed, and knew a mouthful was coming. O-/

We got a drive-by scolding, which is not very effective either, as the sound comes from one side and carries on behind you to the other with a stereo effect... lol

VHTO: "EXCUuuu....uuusseeEE MEEE?"

RP: "Yes?"

VHTO: "Do you know that you are alighting from your vehicle? 0- @#$ "

RP: "Err, yes?"

It was a bit strange, as the bridge there is actually one of those where you are allowed to alight, but the lady had obviously been psyching herself up for many kilometres to get payback, so I left it? And she was absolutely gorgeous! :yes: 0/0

She left quickly...never to be seen again... :-(



Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 9:20 am
by Flutterby
That first pic is very unusual!! :yes: \O

It's horrible when you need the loo and and are far from any amenities....that's why sometimes you just have to get out your vehicle! --00--

That stretch of road can be very boring, and you can see for miles so doing 50 is fine in my opinion. ;-)

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 10:32 am
by Lisbeth
Sometimes it is tough to stick to the rules O**

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 4:08 pm
by Pumbaa
Love your buffalo shots, Richprins,

and the ones from the high water bridge across the Olifants ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 6:47 am
by Mel
The vulture had probably eaten something off and felt sick lol

Nice landscape shots O:V

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 7:24 am
by Richprins
lol Mello!

No, its head hung down like that absolutely dead still! :-?

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 7:32 am
by leachy
Mel wrote: Mon May 14, 2018 6:47 am The vulture had probably eaten something off and felt sick lol

Nice landscape shots O:V
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol