Azygophleps inclusa for the white one
The green one lokks like Geometrid but there is nothing to find, any ideas whether it could be another family?
Insect or Invertebrates Identification - DONE
Moderator: Klipspringer
Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification
Oh my goodness, there are Sooooo many of them! The nearest I could see was this one - Geometrid Moth (Pelagodes antiquadraria, Geometrinae) but that's AsianToko wrote:Azygophleps inclusa for the white one
The green one lokks like Geometrid but there is nothing to find, any ideas whether it could be another family?
Hunting cannot be considered a sport as all contestants in a sport should know they are playing the game!
Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification
I can not find one with the pale dorsal stripe, that's why I am asking if it is a Geometrid Where else are green ones
Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification
Thalassodes is the closest genus in the Geometridae I found
Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification
Yes, looks similar to this - Thalassodes sp. (possibly T.dissepta or T.immissaria) or Pelagodes sp. (possibly antiquadrarius)
I wish they'd indicate where the pictures were taken
I wish they'd indicate where the pictures were taken
Hunting cannot be considered a sport as all contestants in a sport should know they are playing the game!
Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification
So they do. Your guess is probably much better than mine
Hunting cannot be considered a sport as all contestants in a sport should know they are playing the game!
Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification
Pelagodes not reported from SABluTuna wrote:Oh my goodness, there are Sooooo many of them! The nearest I could see was this one - Geometrid Moth (Pelagodes antiquadraria, Geometrinae) but that's AsianToko wrote:Azygophleps inclusa for the white one
The green one lokks like Geometrid but there is nothing to find, any ideas whether it could be another family? ... eometrinae
we make it a "Geometrine Emerald Moth"
nothing with photos has the correct lines on the wing + creamy fringe + dorsal stripe
Re: Insect or Invertebrates Identification
Okay, Toko, I edited the Larrines, but did not include much info. about identification of the genus, as there were just way too many "ifs, ands, or buts" in the descriptions (this feature is present EXCEPT in the ....), etc. Please add as you see fit to both new entries. Thanks for solving this one! EXCELLENT sleuthing on your part