Africa Wild Challenge - BIRD Checklist of Kgalagadi

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274. Little Stint - 100 Points

Post by nan »

274. Little Stint Calidris minuta

13 cm; 23 g. Sexes alike. Most common small wader in region. Very small with a short bill, and wings that project beyond tail.
Non-breeding adult: Back mottled greyish brown. In flight, centre of tail and rump black, sides of rump white; narrow white wingbar. Bill and legs black.
Beeding adult: On arrival, and just before departure, some birds can be seen in partial breeding dress: upperparts washed rufous (including upper breast) but throat whitish.
Juvenile: Centre of crown buffy contrasting with whitish supercilium; feathers of upperparts fringed rufous.

Image by nan
Lijersdraai 22.9.2012

Image by Michele Nel
With Sanderling (bird on left), Nossob - Oct 2013

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Booted Eagle - 60 Points

Post by Mel »

136. Booted Eagle Aquila pennata

Size medium; tarsus heavily feathered (booted appearance); tail square or slightly rounded, often flexed from side to side when soaring; white patches (´landing lights´) on leading edge of wing near body diagnostic in all plumages; white band at base of tail; pale wedge at bend of wing.
Two forms, pale and dark (80% and 20% of population respectively). Pale form: Above brown; below white; streaked on breast; throat dark, often divided by pale line; broad buff band on upperwing. Dark form: Uniform dark brown, except for buff band on upperwing, white patches on front of wing and white at base of tail.
Immature: Pale form washed below with rufous; dark form same as adult; wing pattern as in adults. .

Pale form:
Kannaguass, 29.03/2015

Image© Michelle Nel
Craig Lockhart - 2011

Dark form:
Image by nan
2.2.2017 near Grootkolk

by ExFmem - dark form
136 booted eagle 60.jpg
136 booted eagle 60.jpg (251.1 KiB) Viewed 2134 times
by ExFmem - dark form
136 pale form.jpg
136 pale form.jpg (283.57 KiB) Viewed 2134 times

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Pririt Batis - 60 Points

Post by Mel »

703. Pririt Batis Batis pririt

The adult male's crown is dark grey as is its back; it has a white throat and a black eye mask. Its tail and rump are black, its wings are black with white edging to the flight feathers, and it has a white shoulder patch. Its underparts are white with a black breastband. The female and juveniles have no black breast band and the throat and breast are buff.

Female in a tree in front of the communal kitchen at Grootkolk, 03/11/2014

Imageby Michele Nel
Nossob Jan 2016
703.JPG (58.08 KiB) Viewed 898 times
by Dindingwe

God put me on earth to accomplish a certain amount of things. Right now I'm so far behind that I'll never die.
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Hadeda Ibis - 100 points

Post by nan »

94. Hadeda Ibis Bostrychia Hagadash

Waterbird with typical decurved ibis bill. Appears dull brown. 76 cm long, stocky, dark brown ibis with a white "moustache", wings glossy in either greenish or purple, large black bill with a red stripe on upper mandible, and blackish legs.
Juvenile: Duller than ad, lacking metallic sheen.

Nossob river 28.10.2014

Imageby Michele Nel
Near Twee Rivieren - Jan 2008

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Southern Pied Babbler - 100 points

Post by Tina »

563. Southern Pied Babbler Turdoides bicolor

26 cm; sexes alike. All-white body with brownish-black wings and black tail. Black bill and feet. Reddish-orange to orange-yellow eyes.
Juvenile: Pale brown underparts and dark brown upperparts. White plumage develops on underparts first, ad plumage attained at 4-6 months.

Nossob 23.09.2014

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Pallid Harrier - 60 Points

Post by nan »

167. Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus

40-50 cm.
Male: Very pale blue-grey above. Greyish-white head and upper breast. White underparts. Off-white, indistinct rump. Small, black wedge at primaries.
Female: Brown above, small white V-shaped rump. Underparts streaked with brown. Most often a noticeable pale collar separating the streaked neck (dark boa) from the unstreaked head.

by nan
not a good one... but still an Harrier... in Kgalagadi O/\

by Michele Nel
December 2019

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Rosy-Faced Lovebird - 60 Points

Post by Tina »

367. Rosy-Faced Lovebird Agapornis roseicollis

Small green parrot with pink face and horn coloured bill.

Mata Mata 30.09.2014

rosy-faced lovebirds.jpg
© Michele Nel
KTC 07/01/2023

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Bokmakierie - 60 Points

Post by Tina »

746. Bokmakierie Telophorus zeylonus

Medium-size, mainly yellow bushshrike. 23 cm. Crown and nape grey, back and upper wing coverts olive green. Eyebrow, chin and throat yellow; throat bordered by a broad black gorget; belly yellow.

South of Houmoed 06.10.2014

Image by Nan
Kieliekrankie, 17.1.2016
Bokmakierie (2).JPG
by Lisbeth - Kielie Krankie, Nov. 2017

10.03. - 24.03.2015 From Berg to bush
19.11. - 01.12.2015 KTP
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Brubru - 40 Points

Post by Tina »

741. Brubru Nilaus afer

Small: 14 cm, pied bushshrike with chestnut flanks. Sexes similar. Female with sooty brown (not black) upperparts and paler rufous flanks. Typical shrike appearance with broad white eyebrow and conspicuous rufous flank stripe. Dark eye separates it from smaller but similar batises.
Juvenile:Upperparts mottled brown and buff, wing stripes buff, underparts cream, barred brown.

South of Houmoed 06.10.2014

Image by Michele Nel
Mata Mata Camp - Dec 2014
741.JPG (62.56 KiB) Viewed 896 times
by Dindingwe

10.03. - 24.03.2015 From Berg to bush
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Knob-billed Duck - 100 Points

Post by Mel »

115. Knob-billed Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos

67 cm; In flight lacks white on forewing and has more white on underparts than Spur-winged Goose.
Breeding male: Large laterally compressed knob (comb) on forehead. Orange-buff on head, neck and undertail variable.
Non-breeding male: Comb much reduced and loses orange-buff coloration.
Female: Duller than male, bill grey and lacks comb.
Juvenile: Dark brown upperparts, light brown underparts, head becoming mottled brown with white eye-stripe.
Juveniles at Kamfersboom, 10/04/2015

God put me on earth to accomplish a certain amount of things. Right now I'm so far behind that I'll never die.
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